The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 961



A big slap in the face of Qinshou, jumping up with a pretty face, big saying: "Stinking!"

Qin Shou was wrote: "I am rogue? Your servant? I want to hool, that is you just hooligan!"

"You ... you have a bastard! Let me believe it ... I believe you!" I also knew that my strength is not as good as Qin Shou, threatening for a long time, saying a saying that she thinks the most threatening.

Qin Shou pointed to himself: "What happened to me? I didn't do anything! It is you who want to bite and swear, how can I be smell? I tell you that people are at least at least. Letter! Are you not biting me? Come, I am here! Give me a happy! "

"You ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "

The middle of the way: "This dead rabbit can indeed bully people, just want to bully me?"

"What? He dares to bully? It's really ... I really have this! No, I have to go to the soldiers, come back, I am not willing!" After that, I will run.

Qin Shou quickly chased it, and pulled it back.

: "Stinking"! "

"Little six, there is a little, you have to understand, you are now my prisoner, you said to go, where is the face of the rabbit, then say that this is from the head to the end, you are unreasonable, don't say Your Dragon people dare to manage, even if they really manage, they are also a rabbit master! "Qin Shou rushed.

"You are reasonable? You are bullied in the first, I am looking for the five brothers ... wrong, the bastard is angry, I can't help you! Today, the girl is ranking five!" , .

Qin Shou listened, I suddenly laughed: "I bully you first? Are you teasing me? I came all the way, the ants didn't step on it, when I bullied it? But you have a saying Yes, that's too much! Must do it overturned! Moreover, with your strength, you must rank the fifth! How can it be the sixth? Live the fifth girl, I will call you five girls. ! "

"You didn't bully me? Your hand is running all the way, I still hang a Taoist who didn't wear clothes, I found you theory, but you let you step on me in the mud, this is not called me. ? "" The waist is standing, and the big eyes are asked. Subsequently, the voice is a turn: "Five girls, this name is good, better than Xiaoxue! OK, I am now five girls!"

Qin Shou almost smiled on the spot, five girls, ...

Qin Shou saw this gimmick and so fun. In addition, it is also curious, asked: "The big pieces will step on the ground?"

"Nonsense! This girl just wants to be with your theory, who once thought they didn't care,

Step ... Tell you, if you use real strength, they can't step on me! "Said it hardally ..

Chapter 363


Qin Shou lined up and said it clearly. The strength of is just a three days, and the 18th Qinfang of the His Shou resonance mountain is all the strength of the five main days, and the fun is still famous, it is really going to step on it. How can I escape? But this is that Qin Shou didn't say, otherwise he didn't come to Taiwan.

I saw that Qin Shou did not dismantle himself, and it was also in the dark, stared at Qin Shou Road: "Rabbit, no matter how you bully me, I bulge it back?"

Qin Shou continued to nod: "Over, it is quite excessive!"

"Over you nodded?" Some of them are speechless ...

Qin Shoudao: "I am not nod, I am looking for the chest on you ..."

"Sad bunny, I will fight you!" He heard the words, pretty blush, was said to be a flat chest, absolutely could not bear it! I killed the long legs.

Qin Shou hurriedly opened his hands and shouted: "Come on!"


I don't know where to take a big stone, take it on Qin Shou's face, stone is smashing, shooting hands, turning to twist a small waist slow down, walking one side: "You think that this girl will only Catch, bite? Hey, next time no

Honest, take your ten eight big stones! "

Qin Shou wiped her face as a lime, for the stupid road: "Is it so violent?"


Another stone smashed in Qin Shou's face, but this time is the middle!

The middle of the way is also turned, walking to the bed, lying down: "Given your bad performance, you will sleep this evening."

On the side, I rolled over and clapped it. Then provocatively, the gesture for Qin Shou than a victory.

Qin Shou saw this, two eyes turned: "That is the rabbit, my bed! You two my bed, I still want me to go to bed? There is no door!"

After that, Qin Shou immediately rushed up, opened his hands, ready to come to the right!

As a result, two fiber-optic jade appeared at the same time, two women show: "Flying! Bunny!"

Qin Shoudao: "That is to say, you will shake again, I may vomit ... Hey, your clothes are not bad, you said that I spit you, or vomit you, do you feel?"

"You dare?" He is anxious, this is to vomit, how did she go to dress!

Qin Shou called: "Do you say that I dare not dare?" After finishing, it also provocatively picked the eyebrows.

I know that it is estimated that there is nothing this day, and it is not dare to do. It is immediately soft, and I can't shake my husband.

As for the middle, Qin Shou is honest, she is not moving, lying on the "Laozi is the jade rabbit", and the ,, only when she is holding her legs, Qin Shou is air .

It's like this, and I can only close my eyes, just don't have such a person.

Qin Shou is comfortable, directly across the two women's calves, and there is a posture of the two women. Unfortunately, the two are wearing the bed on the shoes, and there is no need to see, the most is to look at the size.

However, the woman in this era is not particularly large, and it is very beautiful from the appearance. Qin Shou has seen the feet of women and other women, they are very small, exquisite, beautiful, like one of the artworks. So boldly guess, these two pairs will not be bad ...

I think about thinking, Qin Shou fell asleep with two pairs.

However, before the dawn, Qin Shou or no matter whether it is opposed, he directly put him into the golden bell, and received it. The legendary and secret, the less the people you know in this world! Even if it is ! This time, there is no way to talk about it.

When the sun is about to rise, he has been stunned: "I haven't seen the sunrise for a long time ..."

Qin Shoudao: "When I am, I will take you."

Hoant huh, smile, didn't talk, closed your eyes, slept. Perhaps, she is not at all ...

Qin Shou saw this, flat flat mouth, heart: "Isn't it the sunrise? Who will let the big scorpions row, walk in half a night, let you see enough!"

The new day begins, the middle of the middle is slowly open, and the cold and seriousness in the scorpion, and the gentle is in a generous elf. .

Chapter 364 goes home

Go home

Qin Shou immediately prepared breakfast ...

The next few days of wind is calm, Qinshi is teasing, picking up, and chatting with his blood, and closer the feelings.

Soon, it went to the city of Wan Mountain. It can see a bright star to fall from the sky, falling on the moon! What is surprised by Qin Shou, it has long been time, this moon has also changed, the whole mountain, like a huge rhinoceros, visiting the bottom, very spectacular! And Qin Shou's palace is falling on the rhinoceros!

Qin Shouzhu said: "I am a jealous, this mountain will not be fine?"

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