The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 962

In the edge of Qin Shou, the hands supported the chin and said: "It should not be a fine. I haven't heard of the big mountain in the big mountain. But this mountain is really like rhinoceros. ..."

Qin Shudao: "For him, he is not fine, and you can see where you like, I will give you a place."

: "I originally, I thought you were not like this moon. Of course, I want to choose a good place. But now, the stars are all blessing, any one is the Tianfu Land, I will be free! Well, I will choose the top of the big rhinoceros! "

Qin Shou hit a response: "Okay, put it there to you, um, how is it to draw a golden land?

You can play quietly ... Oh, no, you just like the place where you live, you usually like some popular ... "

Hey, a smile: "You know me so much, then give it to you!"

Qin Shou followed: "That is simple, my bedroom is usually quiet, and I am going to go out."

"You go!" Hey, Qin Shou, a very bad expression.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed ...

Qin Shou's return is a big event for Wang Yue Mountain. All the demon runs out. Even the demon king of the Wan Di Mountain, I heard that this bull is back, and I also run a gift with my own gifts! Gifts, welcome, welcome, the whole Wan Mountain is lively.

Qin Shou is also welcome, what do you send, what I have to send, I am happy, I don't want to ask you. This makes some poor king, and the feeling of great impression on Qin Shou, with a thumbs up, even the thumbs up: "Look at people! This is a good style, nothing to send, what is it? Welcome, so the weather, the morning and evening! "

Of course, this is all bragging, slaughtering, sainting, even if there is this era of saints, it is also expensive!

The underground street is so big, and the Sheng Sheng is all used, but it is sanctified, but it is not!

Qin Shou introduced it to everyone, attracting countless people's admire, beautiful beauty, temperament, let everyone convinced!

And when there is an outsider, it turns into the universal peerless people, and there are elegant, beautiful, beautiful, and the fairy is not proud. When it is the first beautiful woman in the world.

Even if you want to eat vinegar with the business sheep, I have a small mouth when I see it, I am embarrassed. Of course, there are exceptions in all things, and the rainbow doesn't eat vinegar.

Kwai asked curious: "Rainbow Sister, why have you not respond?"

Rainbow is not asked to ask: "What should I have?"

"Hey, she is so beautiful, you are not afraid that he turned the bad rabbit?" Kwai is very distressed.

Rainbow laughed: "Why is I afraid? I have never thought about it. I just want to accompany him, and there is no other idea, I just feel that I will calmly, very happy, this is enough. what."

Kwai Zhang Xiaoju, Moon ... She didn't expect Rainbow to be so simple to Qin Shou! Simple let her say no words!

At this moment, winning the fruit plate, gently put down, curiosity: "What are you talking about?"

The sun is bitter, and Qin Shou took the scene of the entertainment: "Win the cloud, you don't think I should eat vinegar.

? Also, I know that you also like him, but how can you not jeal? "

Win Yun, I am laughing: "I am a servant, what qualifications can be jealous? Can you see him, look at this moon, enjoy the quiet and peaceful, I will be content, it is. Your strengths, so you can be brave enough. But some things, can't fight too much, fight, it is easy to hurt your own people. "

Sunflowers look at the sky, a little adult look: "But ... I just don't want to look good for others."

"However, he is not bad to you. He holds you every day, but never hug other people. Even the rainbow has never hug ..." Win Yun Road.

Kwai is thinking, it seems to be so reasonable. She has never seen Qin Shou Hug Merchants ...

Thinking of this, the mood of the sun is a lot. Although she also understands, she is because she is still a small reason, but for this, she doesn't matter. Anyway, I have grown up, let him hold, it depends on him! First, the sunflower turns.

Qin Shou naturally didn't know that his move has brought confused to the little girl. He is going to do as soon as possible, let the 's life. At the same time, we must also ensure the safety of !

Wan Mountain, is Qin Shou's chassis!

But Qin Shou, who has seen too many books is very clear, and everything has exceptions. Here the fish is mixed, and if you don't want to die, you are not afraid of death, your own babies, don't know, causing harm to her. And this is Qin Shou absolutely not allowed! Since he will pick up the , no one is hurt to the hurt of the ! In Qinshou's dictionary, this harm is irreversible! That is a sin!

This is the feelings of Qin Shou's , deep into the bone marrow, and the pole of love!

is not a woman who likes a lively, but she can feel that the man around me is not to show off himself to have a beautiful female friend, but just try to protect her! This, from his eyes, she can see clearly! .

Chapter 365 Women


That is a kind of non-false thinking, no reservation, naked protection! Anyone can see the firm and crazy!

Qin Shou is in this way, inform everyone, but also warns everyone, who dares to meet, who is his life and death!

has been in contact with many youth talents, but no one is like Qin Shou, there is no seeking for her, only endless love and guardians!

See it clearly, although the flower is spent on Qinshou mouth, but the bones are proud of them, and those who have lighter. He looks more important than anything ...

Looking at Qin Shou for her, the back of the walk around, he warm in the heart, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his heart: "Maybe, moving it is also very good ..."

One day's entertainment, Qin Shou is exhausted, after sending everyone, directly to the door, don't move.

"Rabbit, so tapped?" Kwai is curious to ask.

Qin Shoudao: "More than the tap, these grandson, if you kill them, you can't use it so tired. But with him

They are too tired, and there is no truth. It's good to achieve a destination ... OK, you play, I have to go back to sleep, too expensive. "

Qin Shou said, climbed up and returned to the room and fell to sleep.

In a confused, I didn't know how to sleep, and Qin Shou didn't know that it was still in front of him. He didn't even have time and space, and he said: "Hey, I miss you, leave After that, this day is really TM tired ... "

, look down on Qinshi Road: "Leave? You have driven me? What do you mean?"

Unfortunately, Qin Shou fell to hear, and suddenly slept. The brow on the face has been a frown, it seems to be really relieved.

I saw this, and my eyes were slightly warm, and they waved softly, and the windows were closed. The sunflowers and rainbows on the side, but also seem to have seen something, the sun did not make trouble, but quiet and rainbow won.

The door hangs, I will take the body, just sit in Qin Shou's bed, look down on Qin Shou sleeping the cheeks, whispered: "It is quite weird, so much than you are, it is better than you A lot of strong people, why, will you see you? "

I don't know if Qin Shou's temperament, the temperament of all the people of this time and space is different, even if the Western teaching of all beings, it is really facing the sentient beings, and it can't really depend on the colleagues. Especially men and women

On the status issue, although this world strength is respect, no men and women! But in the bones, the status of men is still higher than women. Gu is married, and it is necessary to see this. Moreover, women can't take the initiative to divorce, but men can be willing to help!

Once the woman leaves her husband, no one dares to do it. And men can find three or five six seven ...

So, the man of this world has a natural superior sense of women, and the eyes of each other will naturally fall.

However, Qin Shou is different, Qin Shou's era, does not say that men and women are completely equal, but at least, the relationship between men and women is close to equality. At least, in marriage, emotion, Qin Shou has no discrimination.

Therefore, Qin Shouzheng is a temperament, and the man of this era, it is like the flame in black charcoal is generally dazzling, and it is easy to cause a woman's attention, and it will also cause women's resonance, there is a close sense.

Unfortunately, these things, I don't understand. She is only the arrangement of fate, as if Qin Shou will encounter her in the dream, and her life is in so many years.

Time has passed one minute, and I don't know how long it has, and I will put it up, put Qin Shou in bed. She clearly saw that Qin Shou's head was in the moment, her brow wrinkled, the whole body's muscles were tight, obviously, he began to guard, began to vigid!

Seeing this, the heart is warm, you can give each other security, this may be a proud.

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