The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 981.

"Are you in the rabbit, I am?" After Qin Suthan, the strength of the next half, the strength has risen again! " The second lotus finally has also begun to grow up to the tenth flower petals, followed by the spring bamboo shoots in the rain, instantly grow! Then, one piece, twelve, constantly opened! Finally, it will be over the fourteen petals!

Qin Shou's strength has risen again! In the half-air, Qin Shouyi fused, and Tongtian took three pieces of Xuanhuang to treasure, and she fell, as if she had to break through, and smash the land.!

Liu saw this, roar; "The antity of the odds also wants to kill me? I don't know how to live, give me death!" Xi Liu's tail pumped toward Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this, not shocked, a calm!

Waiting until the tail is close, the double is instantly red, roar, double feet, bombing!

Qin Shou's clothes were blown into a large white hair big rabbit. The face is no longer cute, but it is extremely fierce, violent, hands open, next moment, systemicization is diamond! Under the bright sky, the hands are holding!


Qin Shou hugged the tail of the Liu Liu in the eyes of Liu Shi, and he was not flying by Pai Liu! Instead, and Pai Liu stiffly!

Xiang Liu did not dare to confuse: "How is it? You are just a disturbance, but I am a strong!"

Qin Shou got a smile; "Yadheng? I didn't kill Yadheng, you called a fart!"

"You kill Yadheng?" Xiang Liu slightly, then flashing in his eyes: "You have the breath of Tie Yu!"

Qin Shou grin said: "Feel, yes, the iron feather is dead in my hand! And you are the second!" Qin Shou force!

However, there is no taking!

Xiangliu mad smiled: "I don't know how to live, IT is not a waste that I am in my eyes. Do you think you can kill him? Your strength is indeed

But I want to fly, I am idle! You can't hurt me in my tail! "

At this time, I originally attacked the chaos of Liu Liu, the world, and then stopped at the same time. Silently looked at the willow, as if it was stupid.

A wrinkled with Liu You: "Why, I am wrong? My flesh ... ah!"

Liu suddenly made a scream, suddenly turned his head, I saw the tail that was just holding it by Qin Shou. At this moment, I have been dropped halfway! Qin Shou grin said: "It seems that I am still in my dental, ..."

When Liu Liu suddenly had a feeling of dizziness, this guy actually bite his tail with his teeth, it is too incredible!

However, chaos can be seen clearly. Qin Shou is not biting with his teeth. The strength reaches this level. Many innate things can be manifested with God. Qin Shou is a mouth, there is a big mouth in the void, and then bite the tail of Liu Liu.

This is also the Qin Shou recently realized the magical pass, his strongest is the mouth and stomach, but a big one will open his mouth and bite, don't you like a crazy dog? Therefore, Qin Shou usually uses this trick. However, when he realized that the way this fairy was released in the way, he would be welcome! Uncomfortable? Bite you

A grandson!

If you don't wait, there is a mouth, Qin Shou big mouth, , broken!

"Sad Rabbit, I want to kill you!" One of the mouths of Liu Liu, a poisonous sprayed Qin Shou.

Qin Shou ha laughed smiled, there is a black hole in front of him, directly collecting this drain!

There is a feeling of vomiting blood, this rabbit is just his gratitude! He is empty, but he can't burn this dead rabbit!

Qin Shou called; "Several, lively, I have read it, speed up, lest the night dreams!"

After the bow, the bow is arrow, he is three arrows, and the feather is disappeared in an instant, and people can't determine the fall of the arrow!

After the reward, open a pile of huge black wings, and explore two , rush to Xiangliu!

Chaos becomes bigger, full of purple, the mouth is no longer a general carbon dioxide, but chaotic gas! Chaotic is born in chaos, the real magical pass is naturally on chaos! Congenital powerful, and stronger day!

After chaotic raises the right, it seems like a void.

Qin Shou's conscious looks look, no shock discovery, chaos seems to hold one level! Of course, this is impossible, just a feeling! It can be seen that this god is terrible! Qin Shou is only understood, in Jiu Xuanshan, this chaos has no efforts! This guy has a lot of a lot of pressure boxes without showing it!

The world once again shot again, took out a piece of breakdown to take the Liu Liu! The Liu Liu, but it seems that the enemy is generally turned around, and the fierce stares at the world. It is obvious that the will will feel the threat from the sky!

However, no matter how it is difficult to prevent, the enemy is too much, too strong!

The post- Seeing that the last head is about to be resolved, there is a big drink in the distance: "Saints Hands, etc. Speed ​​Help!"

Qin Shou heard, the heart was immersed, this time can pass the saints of the hand, it is definitely not standing in the saints here! Not Yuan Shi Tianzun is too old! No matter which one, it is harmful to him!

Qin Shou made a few more people, and several people had the meaning of the hand, the handcuffs of the saints were still very much in the fairy world. Not anyone dares to challenge ... If you are strong, as they are, they don't dare to irritate. .

Chapter 392, the saints are not []

The saints don't do it []

Qin Shou knows that now I can only rely on myself! Li Liu must die, otherwise it is not other Liangzi, as if this one is enough to fight with him! This is a fool!

So Qin Shou suddenly screamed: "Live!"

The two instruments are suddenly rising, and the outside world is isolated! At the same time, the fairy chart has emerged, and the carrot will be seen to be used as four kill swords, and suppress four squares!

Qin Shou spoiled, a punch is on the sword!


I saw the empty space, and I went straight to the last head!

Didn't wait for the willow defense, the other side Dangdang when a series of sounds came, four Zhu Xianjun was already knocked by Qin Shouchen, and a sword did not want money to shoot! The fairy sword is powerful, but the energy consumed is also extremely horrible. It is not a general person to be arranged, even if it is arranged, it is absolutely not so frequent, and the sword is dense!

But Qin Shou is different, his most is the heaven and earth!

While Qin Shou crazy released the sword, it also put the golden bell out, the sound of the ears, and the spirit of the shock is difficult to concentrate. The mountain is in the sky, and it is constantly chaotic!

The three magic treasures were in the same time, and the Liu Liu was also anxious. But there is no other than other days.

He also hosted, he also began to play its strength. Highlight a green flying sword, the flying sword turned into thousands of flying swords, confidently formed a sword shield in the air, when the mountain was bounced, and the swordsman attack of the fairy sword array.

Qin Shou continued to attack, and Xiang Liu did not send, and his face was blunt, and he looked at Qin Shou. At the same time, the snake head was broken, the snake tail was healed, regenerated! Just a few breathing idlers, I have regenerated two heads!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart is also very stunned, no wonder the will will will be jealous of people, such a terrible recovery, plus the use of poisonous magics, and the magic weapon to help out, when it is a terrible enemy! This time, Qin Shou and others will join hands to have just a situation, and they are all unhearted, and they will turn down. Two, it is also a piece of gathering! After that, the brain has not been awake, it is dragged out to a meal ...

Now, Xiangliu is restoring the injury, once he recovers, Qin Shou wants to kill him! Instead, he will prepare him on the night!

Qin Shou is in this tongue, but some people are jumping!

Come people are not someone else's Bao Leopard! Yuan Shi Tianzun calculated that he was robbed, immediately let him hold his hand to catch up and save people. As a result, the Shen Gala is run wild, or it is a late step! What makes him angry is that he is clearly shouted, but the dead rabbit is pretended to have not heard it, directly launch, isolated on the link!

Shen Gao stared at the big array of Baiyun, angered: "Sad Rabbit, I

I know that you have heard me! The speed is open, let it go out, otherwise you will violate the sage will, be careful! "

Unfortunately, Qin Shou is ignored by him, let him waste saliva outside, there is no movement.

In the big array, Xiang Liu saw that Qin Shou was so practical, it was also surprised, and he had not seen the people who would like to ignore the will! Today, this rabbit is, let him open your eyes. Phase will will will teach: "Rabbit, your courage is big enough! I'm going to attack me, even the hands of the saints, you don't listen, when you are really big!"

Qin Shou cold smiled: "The hand of the saints? Do you don't know? I don't know? You don't know, you think that the rabbit is, I can't help you?"

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