The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 982.

Xiang Liu as if he heard the joke of the big, laughed: "You think about me? Haha ... If you become a Sheng, you may be a bit possible! Unfortunately, you are just a respected waste! So many years I have seen the genius, the enchanting is too much. You are absolutely not the first, nor the last one! You know, how did you die before the genius enchanting? "

Qin Shoudao: "Are you dead? Stupid?"

Xiang Liu, then laughed: "Yes, it is stupid! One self-righteousness, always thinking that he is a heavenly protagonist can't die, provoke a born, challenge each road, the last death is a miserable! Home break, All people who have relationships are all falling! Rabbit, you are lucky, you will make you, I will let you look at it, everything is in front of your eyes, let you

If you die, you will live in a nightmare and pain! Haha ... "

Xiangliu is laughing, the three snakes have a big mouth, smile is incomparable. In addition, several snakes are also restored, estimated, more than a dozen breathing, and the Liu Liu is to be full of blood.

However, the Liu Liu did not notice that when he laughed, there was a lot of portals at the mouth of the throat, and then a medicinal medicine drilled into his throat in an instant!

Xiangliu's heart tremble, the thrilling skills!

At this moment, Qin Shou Dafu said: "Double mergers, shock!"

Qin Shou fell out of the second bell, it was the ice crystal bell before! The ice crystal bell is emptied to a sip of ice crystal bell, and the golden bell sounds together, the sound in the two is engaged in the air, there is no attack, but fused together! Instantly spread, swept to Pai Liu!

A snake head suddenly rushed, and smiled and said: "A broken clock, I also want to bother me? Dream!"


"Ah!" Xiangliu screamed, the snake head was directly hit the blood flow directly by the shock wave of the two clocks, and flew out, fell, and didn't move it directly! The snake head was actually lived alive!

Qin Shou cold smiled: "I really thought this is a plus one equal to two? Idiot, two clocks are enough to funeral, goodbye!"

The bells fall, and the soul of Liu Liu is suppressed by the bell, all the motion is stiff.

A bit! Just a breathing time! If it is a normal battle, a breathing time, although it will make the wicked price, but it will never die! With his vitality, you can restore, fight again!

Unfortunately, his opponent is Qin Shou! .

Chapter 393, the saints, the handcuffs are not [Next]

The saints don't do it. [Next]

The poisonous Dan has already drilled into the body in a breath. The next moment, Liu wow is screaming, rolling over the ground, rushing the whole body, twisted, full body blood vessels all have a meter!

Chaos and others have clearly seen that the blood of Phalish will will be in the position of the heart! It is also the place where Phalon Directan and the poisonous cyclist! The source of his strength!

Pai Liu mourning, constantly rolling, the power of the body is rolling out of the body, and the results are sucked back, let him struggle at all!

At this moment, the Liu Liu suddenly roared, and eight of the nine heads were exploded! Subsequently, the green sword was broken!

At that moment, Qin Shou felt the threat of death, I didn't want it, I took out the floor to the ground! The head is on the top of the golden clock, and the mountain is blocked in front of it.

Almost at the same time, the bombard, the flames of the flames have been flying out! Qin Shou founded the foundation could not control!

In the face of infinite green light, a horrible big sword appeared in the air, it


Goldens and ice crystal clocks are generous, bells, hit the wars, attacking the big sword! The big sword is open from the flames. It has consumed greatly. Nowadays, they have been shocked by two big bells and powerful!

However, the golden bell and ice crystal bell can still stop the big sword! Dangdang two sounds, two should be swept out!

However, the mountain print is on the top!


The mountain is printed, and the power of the big sword is once again weakened. Seeing the death of the , infinitely light! Own scorpion hits in the green sword, exploding, the power of the big sword is sharply weakened!

Qin Shou stood in the center of the fairy map, looking up at the big sword, his eyes are relied as water, there is no one in the horizon!

The gossip of the ground is angry: "I can't save you today, I have to kill you!"

Chaos smiled: "We just want to listen to the saint handcuffs to kill you, but don't say that you don't help the rabbit to block your attack."

Xiangliu Angered: "Chaos! Do you dare ?!"

"What dare not dare? You will take yourself too much! You are going to die.

The anti-fall is indeed strong, but unfortunately ... I am coming back, I am really not afraid of you! "Qin Shou slowly lifted, full body diamond, right arm instant light generous, mountain print, golden bell, ice crystal bell Play an ultimate! At the same time, the power of the right hand is also launched!

Death is doubled, and the strength of Qin Shou is doubled, and suddenly the combat power climbed!

A punch, talented to the sky!

In the sky, the green sword that weakened in the layer is also likes to feel the threat, and the radiance has once again, and the sword fell!

Everyone stared at Qin Shou at this moment. They wanted to know how Qin Shou blocked this hit!

Not far from the river, it is always ready to save people. After the back of the bow, the world has been in the arrow. The world has a printed , surrounded by the void, chaos is not anxious, and a face is easy to look at this scene.

He is dead, staring at Qin Shou, he does not believe, with his strength, killing, killing, killing a rabbit scorpion!

Just then, fists and swords met!

At that moment, Qin Shou's fist appeared, there was a crack! Obviously, blue

The power of the green sword is even better!

However, Qin Shou is not surprised, but it turns back to the fist in an instant, quickly playing the second box! At the same time, the strength of the body continues to run, the wound is cured, the second circle is still split on the huge sword, but Qin Shou did not retreat, a roaring, instant Boxing!

The fist in the sky is in the green sword, but unfortunately the boxing is broken, and the right arm of Qin Shou's right arm is constantly recovering, but it is also scarred.

Chaotic frown: "What is this guy? Self-abuse?"

After the eyebrows, he also can't see what Qin Shou is doing ...

Liu Liu is laughing: "The rabbit, you can't stop!" You are destined to give me a burial! "

However, the voice falls, and a horrible breath is from Qin Shou's body! Qin Shou felt that the right arm suddenly poured out of endless strength, Qin Shou's power rose hundred times!

"Is it finally here?" Qin Shou knew that this is a special effect of death right hand, one percentage of the probability of attacked the enemy!

A boxing, Qin Shou's power is no longer diamond color, but black! Like the black crystal, the texture is full, as if the solid crystal is general! This force has a strange change in the air, constantly fission, as if the crystal is growing ...

"What is this power?" Xiang Liu Wei ...

After the latter, rivers, chaos, and the world are all fascinating, they have never seen such power!


A loud noise, Qin Shou's fist is in the green sword, the big sword finally stopped his footsteps. Subsequently, the big sword directly broke in the air, turned into a green fragment of the sky!

At this time, Qin Shou will throw it out, seeing the light and death, the fairy chart, all the pieces are collected, this is flying back. This is a special ability to see light and absorb swords! The more absorption, the power will continue to rise slowly, which is also a road to the nine heavens and Xuanhuang. But this road is too difficult to go ...

In fact, this evolutionary way most of the eight-day-day Xuan Huang is owned, but it is really possible to advance from this way, and it is almost no ...

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