The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 984.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's brow is hosted, and he is not found in Qin Shou's information. Before, it is just a crisis, and the specific crisis comes from where he is not clear. He issued a hand, just afraid that he would like to provoke a saints, you want to take your own face, fight for the willow. Of course, Yuan Shi Zun also guess that people can't stand 80% is Qin Shou, so they will ran in the life of the Baizhang, he is to block Qin Shou.

As a result, it was not successful, and it was successfully added to himself, and people did not save it.

Even if it is, it is still unpredictable, it is very uncomfortable.

Qin Shou hurriedly said: "Tianzun, you have also seen it, I really didn't hear it. Otherwise, can you kill him, saints, who dares, is it right?"

Yuan Shengzun saw Qin Shou to his steps, and it also took a slight way: "For you to know, today's things, do it." After the end of the Tianzun disappeared, but Yuan Shi Zun is squatting: "Saints handle? You this The dead bunny must dare to be honored! "

Yuan Shi Tianzun left, Qin Shou smiled. Others are facing each other, no one wants, and a saint is so easy to be sent. It is not too strong in one of the eyes of Qin Shou, it is like a monster.

Qin Shou smiled and said to everyone: "See you? I have never seen such a handsome rabbit!"

"Haha ... dead rabbit, you! You can! Whether, today you please visit!" Chaos haha ​​laughed.

The river is holding hands, laughing: "It is indeed a celebration, the rabbit, you, you have to admire you."

After a smile: "Rabbit, you will do less, you can know, just we all give you a cold sweat. The saints of the saints are not able to bear it."

Qin Shou knows that everyone is good, not arguing, even nodded, smiled: "Know, try to do it in the future, Qin Shou is also preparing to leave the Shengao, called:" Shen Gao Leopard , Go to my moon to sit together

sit down? "

Shen Galars ride on the black leopard, touch the beard, and the way faces: "Different, don't think, leave!"

After that, the Shenfanta is now far away.

Qin Shou saw this, yelled: "Shen Gao Leopard, that shoes, are you eating?"


Someone rushed from the leopard, and his heart was screaming: "Wang Ba eggs, I will help you, you still remember this ..."

Qin Shou and others group returned to Wang Yue Mountain. When they arrived at the door, they saw the sunflower, rainbow, win clouds, Dongfeng, western wind, opposite groups, Xilong, and Huangyi and others were ready to go, as if they were going to do. When I saw Qin Shou, the sun was immediately like a bad thing. I quickly made everyone scattered, then hurt, shouting, I have to run.

Rainbow is also low, look at your own foot, she will not lie at all, she is very messy.

Winning the cloud is crying and lingering, can't move.

Qin Shou's face is black, suddenly understands what these people have to do, a sunflower collar, put it back, hit it, face-to-face: "Kwai, honest, you just want to do it go with?"

"Amount ... that ... I ... I just have to take everyone to Wanmao City to turn ..." Kwai said

After it, I still follow my nod, a pair of myself trustworthy.

Qin Shouton was amazed by her lovely little expression, pinch the little face; "Your girl is unexpected. Rabbit, I found so many people, you are afraid of a fart! Rabbit master! I do, I will always be the first, so I don't want you to be chaotic in the future. "

Sunflower chicken is nodded.

Qin Shou took a sunflower little butt and sent her to it. .

Chapter 396

Small person

After the sun, Qin Shou immediately greeted and others, and he was drunk in the moon.

The next day, the sky was bright, and then the others had warned, and then the earliest, Jiang Zhijun, Qin Shou, and the chaos was very babard. Qin Shou's shoulder said: "Rabbit, Come on, then there is this kind of good play for the saints, remember to call me, I am responsible, guaranteeing not to shoot. "

"Roll!" Qin Shou waved, smiled, and drove this old.

The world is serious about two fingers in Qin Shou Summer: "There are two things."

Qin Shou did not think about it: "Unless you become a Wanjian flag, I will say that two things will not be too early. In addition, don't you know that the rabbit will rise?"

After that, Qin Shou blinks to the world, a big mistake, I am a black business.

The world is not a way to say: "Then I will take some power, come back again. A time enough!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Welcome to!"

I sent the world, Iron Zun and Jin Zun, Qin Shou's Wang Yue Mountain was finally quiet.

However, Qin Shou can not be quiet, because there is always a guy in the door recently!

"Where to go?" Qin Shou made a lot of hands, and a movie was caught by email!

"Rabbit brother, forgive! It is me!" A slightly familiar voice came, Qin Shou took a closer look, and he suddenly became! This guy is actually the first time he went to Wanmi City, and when he grabbed the second truth, the Xuan Gang demon king!

This demon king saw him or a person, and now it is not enough. However, this guy is OK to Qin Shou, although the brain is not very spiritual, it is not a big and evil.

Qin Shou is curious: "Your guy is nothing wrong with your Xuanqi Mountain, running my ghost sneaky to do what to do? You are not afraid of being discovered by Dongfeng, put you as a darker?"

Xuan Gang demon king saw Qin Shou recognized him, smirking, a butt sat on the ground: "I don't want to, but I said to the door, I know you, people don't believe it. There is no way, I have Waiting for you at the door ... "

Qin Shoudao: "Are you waiting for me?"

Xuan Gang Demon King said: "Rabbit, I see the three souls in the open iron, your relationship seems very well."

Qin Shou nodded: "Is it good,?"

Xuan Gang demon king sword on the ground, calling: "Rabbit, you can help me! The three strange characters in our Tianwang Di Bao are the most famous people, I want to worship

Teacher, you see ... "

Qin Shou looked around: "You want to make a teacher, what are you doing? You are looking for them directly? Let's talk, you are too late, people are late, people go early."

Xuan Gang Demon King smiled: "I also want to find them, the question is, no one recommended, I am also white."

"Hey, you suddenly smart? I remember the last time ... ? Your strength? Good guys you have broken, the queen!" Qin Shou was surprised to look at the Xuan Gang Demon King.

Xuan Gang demon king nodded: "Yes, breakthrough, the brain is also a lot. You look ..."

Qin Shoudao: "Get, you and I will have a reason, since you ask for home, I will help you. I will write a recommendation letter. As for the world, they will not receive it, it is not my business. How. ? "

Xuan Gang demon king looked at the head and expressed gratitude.

Qin Shou is a repair book, handed over to Xuan Gang Demon King, Xuan Gang Demon King is like a treasure is generally close. Then I made a strange expression for Qin Shou. Qin Shouxin feels immediately to arrange the next sound absorption.

The Xuan Gang demon king called a lot of air: "Rabbit, I really have a truly purpose, it is to send you letter."

"Send letter?" Qin Shouzhen.

Xuan Gang Demon Road: "I know, I am a small demon king, with you on the sky.

. Where do I come here, ask you what to do ... This time it is really coming to you. Just three days ago, Wan Meshan demon passenger stack came two monsters, it was two lion. Two people drink alcohol next door, I heard them talk about the plan to plan the Wan Mountain ... "

"Make a Wan Mountain? On the two lions?" Qin Shou asked surprised.

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