The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 985.

Xuan Gang Demon King shook his head: "It's not two lions. I heard the word of the saints. The saints are in the Wanmushan things, since ancient times, the first, I estimate that there is a big action inside, so ..."

Qin Shou glanced at Xuan Gang Demon King: "So, do you go up on the mountain with a teacher?"

Xuan Gang demon king scratched his head: "It's true, just didn't expect, you are really willing to give me this antique ..."

Qin Shou looked at: "I am not those who are licking. I will don't look at the strength. I only look at the character. Xuan Gang, although I don't know much about the cultivation method of you Tianmubao, but I am here. The Unit is absolutely no less than the world. If you don't want to go to the world, you can stay in the moon. "

Xuan Gang demon king shook his head: "Forget it, I just said that I just said, if I don't go, I am afraid that I will cause others to doubt. I will go, I heard that the three respects of the ironing iron is arrogant, I estimate I have no chance. Let's talk about it again ... "

Qin Shou smiled: "Your guy is really smart, okay, everything follows you. If there is no place, come to me, I am very big."

"Thank you, rabbit." Xuan Gang demon king listened to it, Qin Shou made him stay in Wang Yue Mountain is not a apprentice or hand, the younger brother, but live here, as the master. This is respect for friends!

However, what is he? What is the identity of the rabbit? Under the huge identity, under the way, who can do if Qin Shou is?

Think of this, my heart is moving, and I am Dao Xie.

Qin Shoudao: "This is not interesting, since I will treat you as a friend, otherwise, I have not paid."

Xuan Gang demon king laughed twice, no more thanks, but thanks in your heart remembered ...

Qin Shou also didn't know, this kind of kindness, how much benefits were buried in the future ... The future he recalls, but also steals the music. .

Chapter 397 booklet?

Boy seal?

I sent it away from Xuan Gang Demon King, Qin Shou immediately sent Dongfeng to Wanyue Mountain, and investigated two lion's fine things.

Not long after, Dongfeng has come back on the servant.

"How?" Qin Shou asked.

Dongfeng Road: "The king, there is no two lions, but also in the dark contact, playing is the name of the saints! But they did not say which saints."

Qin Shou nodded: "Who they all contact?"

"It's all tentative links, but one is not successful. Now Wan Si Mountain, I have already used the iron plate we operate, they can successfully see the ghost. However, those demon kings don't invite the saints, so no one comes Report. I went to a circle, they didn't hide, and I said. "Dongfeng Road.

Qin Shou nodded: "Hey ... It seems that a mountain family is not enough to shock these guys. Since they have to play, then we will play a big!"

"The king, do you want to do with the saints?" Dongfeng shocked.

Qin Shoubai has a good look: "Are you stupid? If you really want to intervene the Wanyi Mountain, still use to sneak touch? Directly to find the emperor, the Emperor is too tutor! They still don't One Wan Mountain, and the saints tear the face. "

Dongfeng Road; "In accordance with the meaning of the king, don't someone fake sacred trends?"

Qin Shoudao: "There is this possibility."

Just then, a female voice came outside: "Is it a false pass, I think you are going to Tiantian with me."

Qin Shou heard, suddenly laughed and said: "Hey, the lady is coming back? I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you want to rush?"

"Hey! Snongburan, I haven't seen you for so long, I haven't seen you more. I've been soaked in a few women!" Qin Yuan, a colorful feathers, squatted, and drums.

Dongfeng saw this, hurry to refuse.

Qin Shou smiled: "Who said I don't want to think? I think I think too much, I think too much! This is not because I think, I can't help but come to chat with me. Chat...??? "

"Walk away, I don't have to do with you, which is a vinegar. Rabbit, this is afraid you really stall." Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shoudao: "Stalling things? Hey ... I am the most unfarer of the rabbit, come, the lady told me that it is a matter. It is you want to marry me, still ready to be born with me. ? "

"Okay, don't make trouble. I talked to you! Too many old monarchs have found two demon emperors!" Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shou was shocked and said: "Dao Zu's old man is not in the palace emperor to play fire, what is the two demon sides?"

Qinyuan Road: "Lao Jun said that he wants to refine the Dan, the material of alchemy is under this Mountain! So, he wants to borrow the thousand years of Monshan!"

"Borrowing the millennium? Isn't it as simple? He is going to drive me out of the Wanshi Mountain! I have a base industry, isn't it true?" Qin Shou face.

Qinyuan Road; "Monmun brother let me tell you, he said that there is a secret in this Wan Mountain, it is said to have a possible possibility! So there will be so many people want it! Dao Zu borrows thousands of years, afraid For the following secrets! "

Qin Shou nodded: "He is a saint, then figured out this secret. I estimate that he is not used by himself, it can't be cheaper. Or, he already has a successor. The candidate. Yes, can he say who will take over the Wan Mountain? "

"Hongyun old ancestors and pick people!" Qinyuan Road.

From the test of Qin Shou, he guess what he was arrested. The legend of the Hongyun's ancestors let the people pick people, but why? Is it really because the red cloud old ancestors are a good person, take the initiative to let the sages? How can this be? Everything in Tiandi, the purpose of cultivation is to be bound by the sky, and achieved a lot! The red cloud old ancestors are bigger, and it is impossible to let the seat of the saints out! If you must let, it must be reasonable!

Legend has it, it is a legend. Qin Shou is believed to have a legend. He is already dead!

It is like the legendary story of the legendary, what about the fact?

Better look, the legend is just a sentence, there is no detailed content! Let St.,

China has a majority, this inside is that there is no catterablety!

Since the legendary story is not detailed, Qin Shou must be cautious, all the places where the red cloud old ancestors and the people who are giving people must pay attention! Too Shang Laojun is looking for two big demon emperors to Wan Mountain, then this Valentine's Mountain will also have a secret! It is likely that the red cloud is a seabate that is here!

I think this, Qin Shou took a breath and calmed down. In any case, Wan Meshan must master in his hand! No one can take away!

Qinyuan was shocked by Qin Shou's move, and asked carefully; "rabbit, what happened?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Nothing, just think of something. Qin Yuan, what do you think?"

"It is not good to have a good morning, there is definitely a big chanting, otherwise they will not sell soil." Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shounou: "Yes, I know this is a big cake, but now the situation is somewhat bad. Too old monarch is going to go, how do you say two demon emperors?"

Qinyuan said: "This is also the purpose of my comment, just before the two prizes, the two issued this, and the two issued this!"

Qin Shou took a look at it, his face was dark! This is an appointment book. These two guys directly seal Qin Shou as the four-party king, and the land of the mountain! In other words, from this moment, the Wan Mountain is no longer a heaven, and it seems that Qin Shou is personal!

A one in this way ...

Qin Shouton is like a big fight, so, even God is not used, even if it is found to find two demon emperors, two people can pass on Qin Shou! Then, in the face of too old, it is Qin Shou rather than others!

Qin Shou scratched his head, dandruts, coming back, "The two bosses in your family are too embarrassing, directly throwing me the Wan Mountain, they really see me ..."

Zhen Yuan listened, scared a voice: "What? Wan Mountain gives you?".

Chapter 398, one step

One step

Qin Shou nodded: "Yes, give it to me! This is not a sacred, but the commitment, directly sealing me a four-party king, the land is the Wan Mountain! According to the Tianstro Regulations, the land is owned by the king, the Tianstring can not Interfering. So ... "

"Rabbit, this sacred desire, you can't pick it up, you are equal to the face of the saints!" Qin Yuan called.

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