The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 986

Qin Shou smiled: "Do you think I still have to choose? This is the time, I have sent it out. I have sent it out. I have no chance to refuse."

"What should I do? Do you want you to give up here?" Qin Yuan asked.

Qin Shou sighs; "I can't give up, here is my chassis, I have to come, I have to come from my head. This is absolutely not good! Better look, there is a sanctuary, who doesn't want it San? I also want to try! "

"You are not even Sheng, you still want to fight with a group of Sheng Sheng people?" Qinyuan is anxious.

Qin Shou squinted, and smiled. "What is your eager? Yadheng, Yadheng? Yadheng, I am not killed!"

This round of the turn came back to the original, and smiled: "I know you kill Ya

St., more than one. However, the problem is that you may not only one, but a group! In front of the sage, it is the blood sea, no family, friendship. The red cloud old ancestors are okay, then the leader and you are a dead enemy. Moreover, there are many people, when you come ... "

Qin Shou smiled: "You also said, there is no family and friendship, the more people who have pulled it, the more obstacles to him. I believe that he will not invite too many people. Here is the battlefield of our several people! I am worried about that there is no hairdressing opportunity below! I have seen more than once, and I have never found anything. "

"You ... you are really not afraid!" Qinyuan saw Qin Shou still planning the secret of Wan Meshan, and it was no longer.

Qin Shoudao: "Things have been looking for home, I am afraid that it is not used. What's more, this is not so simple, I don't want to withdraw it. They may not give me an opportunity!"

"What do you mean? Is it possible to force you not to come?" Qin Yuan asked.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't force them, if the situation between today is very subtle, it looks a lot of peace, actually killing the machine and four dollars. Once the balance is broken, it is a great war! When it comes, in addition to the saints, I am afraid that everyone is I can't protect, you and me are no exception! "

Qin Yuan was shocked: "You said this, is the saint tell you?"

Qin Shou sprinkled with a laughter; "This is also said to use the saints? I have been trying to create a balance, maintain the status quo, give me enough time to become more powerful. But now, time is really urgent ... "

Qinyuan Road: "So, must you participate in this competition?"

"There is no retreat, then you can only be brave enough! No

At this moment, in the sky!

"This words are really?" Too Shang Laojun sat on one side, and the scorpion was grounded.

Emperor Jun said: "Daozu, this is naturally true. It is the matter before and after, our will go, you are here. This thing we are lying, you can count."

Dao Zu shakes his head: "No, you tell me what you believe, the Wan Mountain has not been related to you, I want Wan Meshan, I have to go to the rabbit."

Emperor is too big together, and the trip: "Da Zulingren, not forced to force, and resolved it as a synergistic."

Daozu glanced at the Emperor, and smiled. "East, you don't have to

I, a late generation, I still don't threaten by force. But I also need him an attitude. "

After saying, Too many luck came to: "Okay, if so, I will leave. Two stay, don't send it."

After that, I'm going to leave.

After the Old Jun came, the Emperor Taiyi and Dijun were relieved, while at the same time, the screen came out of one person, it is the Tianyuan! Tianyuan Road: "The strength of this ancestors has improved, it is worthy of three clear, it is really terrible."

Emperor Zhang Dao; "You also become stronger. Since I have seen the rabbit, your heart is unsained, the strength is a thousand miles. You should be the strongest one now?"

The Tianyuan shook his head: "There is also a person can be with me, but she is not an opponent. Nowadays, the fairyland is getting more and more chaotic. Do you have any opinion?"

Emperor is too good: "What can I do, this is a game between saints. What we can do is to work hard to improve himself, live in the future!"

The Tianyuan is a point: "I found out, who is it to tell you? This person is powerful, you can calculate the whereabouts of the road, but also let him not know."

"No, this person is really powerful. We have already asked the girl, if not

It is her first, and we will not really seal the rabbit as an important position. "Emperor is too much.

"Cut! If he looks like it, you don't give it, I will take your Golden Temple." Tianyuan glared in the Emperor.

Emperor Haha smiled: "If you are married, the Wan Mountain is not a dowry."

"His pursuit is still not enough, there is no idea for the time being. However, if you said, if you have dowry, I want to be with Wan Mountain is equivalent!" After that, the Tianyuan is alive.

The emperor is stupid, seeing to the Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor is too low, standing up: "Double brother, Tianship is very poor. Since you say what you said, you will get it. I have something, I am gone first ..." Finished, Emperor Taiyi Sleeve, hurricane.

Emperor saw this, laughing: "You guy guy ..." Subsequently smiled: "This dowry is a bit big ..."

At this moment, the women's palace is.

"Do you make sure you see it?" Fang Ya faces asks. .

Chapter 399 Pillows


The girl is nodded at: "The word is definitely his, and it is really true! Unfortunately, the word will disappear after reading. Otherwise you can also see ... I didn't expect it ..."

Fang Ya said: "I didn't think ... Now, this seems to be a big action for my father! I always think that they are in a bureau, an incomparably huge bureau ..."

The girl said: "I also have this feeling, but unfortunately, I can't see it."

After the Lao Jun left his heavens, he did not come directly to Wan Mountain. The saints are the saints, take the initiative to see a rookie, and have not fallen. But now I'm old, the old monarch is also one of the light poles. If you want to send people, no one can use. In this way, Qin Shou arrived.

After waiting for three days, I have never seen it too much, and Qin Shou is loose.

"It seems that too much, the old man is also the face, no big bully, fighting me with the saints. This is good, I don't have to help the rabbit," Qin Shou squad, start counting Next thing.

As a result, Qin Shou did not do it yet, the West is bitter.

"Your face is forced to see if you are, what is the situation?" Qin Shou looked at the nose and swollen eyes of the west wind, and heched a grape, a light

Asked with a pleasant.

Western wind bites: "The king, you still laugh, I am not ordered to go. Don't go around. As a result, I caught an unsuccessful two ancestors, and I took a group of people to put me. "

"Don't explain the two ancestors? You are not to provoke a fierce character, people will be embarrassed?" Qin Shou smiled. The monsters in the land fairy are very normal, winning, and it is not uncomfortable, which is normal. As long as you don't kill people, in general, everyone only figure out.

"The king, I will not sprinkle you if I lie, I am really being brought to a unreasonable two ancestors. I have reported that your name is not used, and people say it directly. Yes, then The guy seems to be called after! "Western Wind Road.

"Oh ... Shouqing ... Houqing ?!" Qin Shou suddenly remembered, he seems to have promised to send the Fang Ya to help her education this mixed brother! Unfortunately, there are too many things recently, no time to take care of the guy, I almost forgot.

Western Wind Road: "Yes, it is Shen Qing. How, King, Do you know?"

Qin Shou smiled: "You don't say, the guy is really a boutique! After the brother's brother!"

"Amount ... Isn't it a self?" Western Shoudened, everyone knows that Qin Shou is also the brother of behind and soil.

Qin Shou shook his head: "It is still not a family, um ... Waiting for me to recognize the pro."

"The king, the guy is constant, with a scorpion, do you want to bring someone to bring someone?" Western is worried.

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