The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 987

"No, I will do it alone." Qin Shou waved his hand, spoiled, and went straight to the mountain.

It is a matter of cleaning up, in addition, Qin Shou is also interested in the Tianzhu Pillars in the fairy world, can support the sky, this is not much higher than Wushan? How much spectacles? In addition, Qin Shou is also really enough to look at the moon, and take the opportunity to stroll to stroll. The last one, also avoiding too much Old Jun, he is not at home, others can't do the Lord, too old, unless the face is not, otherwise it will definitely can't account for the Wanshan Mountain.

Qin Shou is flying, it is easy and comfortable, and it's bored, and it is fun, it is fun.

"Sad Rabbit! You don't let me leave it ?!" He stared at Qin Shou, grinding the tiger teeth, as if he bite Qin Shou.

Qin Shou is lying in the long tui, explaining the big TUI, turns a body, continue to sleep ...

I saw this, took out a bracelet, tall and lifted, I took it directly!


Qin Shou is fine, the bracelet has collapsed ...

Qin Shou turned over again and continued to sleep ...

I saw this, and I suddenly helpless.

Just then, flying a group of people, these people were not small, and the mounts were a different beast, and the people sitting on the tiger were also ambassador, and they came to the head!

Most importantly, on the car behind the Tianma, sitting on the car, sitting on a woman, a woman with a veil on his face, tired of the chair, hold one hand The side face seems to be thinking about.

I saw this, I immediately called: "Help! Shangxian, save! I am the Dragon King of the Dragon, is kidnapped by this evil person ..."

This scorpion directly woke up Qin Shou, Qin Shou's beads were angry: "Pillow, what is it called? Calling, who will come to save you."

"Help! Shangxian! Help!" No matter whether Qin Shou, no matter how Qin Shou, still screams.

Sure enough, the flying team slowly stopped, a strong man rushed to the hoist, and stopped in front of Qin Shou's Xiangyun, and drinked: "Why is it to disturb my owner? frame?"

Qin Shou waved his hand: "The launched? It is a group of people to protect, my pillow shouted two scorpions, then I was scared. I said, this is too empty, there are so many roads. , Why do you have to be close to us? What's more, this sky is the world's sky, is not your home, my family is shouting two thoughts? "

"You are a strong word! It is a mess called, there is a loss!" Zhuanghan repelled the road


Qin Shouzhen, the strong man is also awkward, just that this girl is shouting? How is it turned into a blink of an eye, but helped the kidnap?

Strong Han followed the gods and sneered: "Since it is a dragon person, there is natural gift, I will say more. This will leave!"

After that, let's go.

I remembered this, just asked to face, I almost forgot, she is saved. However, at this time, I opened it, I didn't empty the face, and I didn't know what it was.

Qin Shou saw this haha, smiled: "Pillow, you don't think about running, I am old and true, I am going to sleep enough, I will leave you. Your Laozi is packaged to me, you think about running all day, do you think it is interesting? ".

Chapter 400 Nothing Virgin


I watched Qin Shouyi: "I am me, the old bastard is not counted!"

Just then, a light laughed: "The girl, for you, but you will kill you. You don't know if you turn this way, it is too cold?"

Qin Shou listened, suddenly, looked up, the people who speaking were the white-haired woman sitting on the carriage.

I watched the white hair. "I didn't let him help, what is the matter of his own love, what is it? Is it, someone else will help you kill your enemies, you have to marry him?"

White hair woman smiled: "If someone helped me kill my enemies, I marry him why."

When I was talking, I said that I said that I said that I said: "Who will say that things are not falling on you, saying is relaxed!"

What happiness women just need to say, the result is squeezed in a thing, turn the head, the white hair woman frowned, I saw that Qin Shou didn't know when to run a carriage, but also sitting. Next to him! And the strong man on the side is trying to pull him down the car, and the strength of the milk is used, but the Qin Shou will not be.

The white hair woman shook his head helplessly, and the strong man can be handed over. Strong man

It is only like it to be lifted, and then returned.

The white hair woman looked down at Qin Shou. Qin Shou was completely ignored the existence of the strong man. He looked at the white hair woman: "Beauty, such a carriage, a person is more empty. You see, so big I don't have me more than one? "

The white hair woman smiled and said: "The thoughts are really like the rumors."

"The rumors say? Forget it, don't say, what is confident, you can listen too much." Qin Shou leaned against the back of the chair, a relaxed face, plus not the face.

The white hair woman smiled: "The rumor said that the most powerful in the nephew is this face, thick comparable to Weekly Stars, no one can break."

Qin Shou did not think about the archway: "Everyone lifted, and contracted ..."

White hair woman: "2 # ¥ # @ ¥ 3425 # ..."

At this time, I also made it over and called: "What is lifted, it is, it is no one to pass by you! You are in the face of the face, the world is invincible!"

Qin Shou hurriedly waved: "Okay, don't say, then I will be proud. It is called modest to make progress, pride makes people backward. You are so boast, I am proud, in case, I am surpassing it. Still, you deliberately want me to retreat, then you have a lot of money, when you first? "

"Roll! Who will grab your first, you are the first good!" Wrinkled with nose, whispered.

Qin Shoudao: "Thank you for blessing, I also bless you can't marry forever, when the pillow."

"!" is suffering from Qin Shouqi, she is black Qinshou, Qin Shou is blessed, Qin Shou is biting, let her depressed half a day ...

The white hair woman laughed: "Okay, sister, don't be angry. Sit this side."

is also welcome, sitting on the side of the white-haired woman, just a pair of big eyes, always focus on Qin Shou.

Qin Shou hangs the pat: "Pillow, you still sit here, I don't have anything to do this ..."

The pretty face is turned black ...

White-haired woman said: "In the mouth, I haven't introduced themselves, in the Lower Lishan Monk, no."

"Nothing Virgin?" suddenly screamed.

Qin Shou is also a heartbeat, the future, Tongtian's leader sits down the four disciples, Duo Tao people, no Dao Virgin, the golden spirit of the Virgin, the turtle, the god of the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the turtle After leaving, Duobao said that he was killed.

However, this is not the focus, the focus is, the disciples of Lishan mother can be celebrity! The most famous is ...

Thinking of this, Qin Shou's mind is more and more active. The master is beautiful, the apprentice is beautiful, and a family is beautiful, and Lushan is a good place ...

"Sad Rabbit, what are you thinking about? It is so bad!"

Qin Shou is white, looking up: "Who is a little laugh? I am laughing with Li Mountain! I heard that there is Lushan in Lushan, known as the beautiful land of the world. Only the mountain does not let The outsiders have entered. I was still worried. I didn't have a chance to go in a list. Now it is good, I have encountered the Master of the Virgin, the owner of Lishan ... Haha, there is this relationship, I will go see it later. "

Non Dan Virgin did not expect Qin Shouhui to be happy, laughing: "If you are interested in the nephew, you can go to Lushan. When I gave you a guide."

Qin Shouci quickly slammed his hand, called: "It is best! Yes, no more sister, where are you going?"

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