“Wait… Wait a minute. ”

The invitation has been ‘beeped’ and is being linked.

Feng Chengyin’s pupils instantly trembled!

The picture flashed!

Put through!

And his ‘panic’ finally reached its limit, and the whole person disappeared in front of the computer desk.




The water friends were speechless.

However, they can also understand that suddenly the biological father who has not been seen for 30 years appears in front of them, and anyone will be panicked to the point of being at a loss.

It’s good that this didn’t exit the live broadcast room.

Liu Guangming’s old face was covered with tears!

He picked up after hesitating for a moment.

Su Zhe did not urge.

It seems that he is doing psychological construction for himself, and after a little more than a minute, Feng Chengyin quietly and slowly raised his head little by little.

When I saw the face that was somewhat similar to myself, and the background that seemed to be a detention cell, and the forehead that was trembling with bandages faintly oozing blood, the fragile part of my heart was touched, and tears broke again.


Tears and snot come out one by one.

“My Feng’er, daddy, I’m sorry for you, daddy I’m sorry for you!”

Willow Guangming hammered the ground.

“I’m sorry for you for letting you spread such a mother!”


“She can’t be called a mother, she’s just a bastard and a demon, why should God let you suffer this sin!”

“It’s daddy I’m sorry for you, I’m sorry for you!”

Under the emotion, Liu Guangming slapped himself fiercely.

Snap, that’s called a ring.

The wound on his forehead, which had been bandaged, once again oozed blood.

“Dad, don’t do this!”

“I don’t blame you, Dad, don’t be like this, I feel bad.”

So he was called ‘Xiaofeng’?

Tears blurred the vision.

Blood is thicker than water.

Even if this relationship is 30 years late, it is still connected to the heart.

Seeing this scene, the water friends silently cried!

Fortunately, with the help of Master Su, they recognized father and son.

He also has hope to live.

“Liu Guangming, you’re crazy again, aren’t you?”


“Your body is now more than just yourself, you have to think about your son.”


“Don’t be so impulsive in the future, we will be there in everything, you know?”

“Although there is still an hour and a half before the detention time, you should leave now.”

“Buy a ticket, 28 hurry to Kyoto.”

At this time, the police guarding the detention cell returned, took out the key and opened the lock.

Barrage unanimously praised.

Water friends are praising this humanized Uncle JC.

“Hey, thank you, thank you!”

Old Willow trembled and walked out of the detention cell, glancing back before leaving.

“Xiao Li, find a job to do well after you go out, stop being a thief, don’t let your parents worry.”

“Hey, got it, Uncle Liu, don’t worry.”

Xiao Li cried.

He is also miserable!

But compared with Uncle Liu, P is not counted.

People are so miserable and persistent, why should he beat himself up?

The water friends praised Lao Liu one after another, all like this, and they have not forgotten the ‘little friends’ who are in the detention room.

“Xiaofeng, you wait!”

“Dad, I’ll buy a ticket to Kyoto and donate bone marrow to you.”

“Donate as many dads as you want!”

“As long as you can live well, let your father wash away the mistakes made in this life.”

After speaking, he hung up the connection, exited the live broadcast room, and flew out.

I forgot to ask my son’s phone number and address when I was excited.

But that’s not tight.

He knew his son’s current name, and when he arrived at the Kyoto Second Courtyard, he went in directly and asked.

Behind, the police shouted and chased!

“You slow down.”

“Don’t fall on yourself.”


“Great, he can live.] 】

[Woo, thank you Master Su, and save a father, a husband, and a family. 】

[I’m not attacking you, don’t be too optimistic, even the matching between direct blood relatives has a high chance of failure. ] 】

[Huh, how so?] 】

“Thank you, Master Su!”

After calming his chaotic mood, Feng Chengyin stood up and took a few steps back, suddenly kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to Su Zhe.

Su Zhe: I’m not dead yet.

Zhao Rusi wiped her tears next to her, and at this moment, her eyes were already swollen.

“You’re rich, aren’t you?”


Feng Chengyin was stunned for a moment, then reacted and hurriedly brushed a Yin No. 1.

The gold still has to be given.

Su Zhe had a black line and gently rubbed his forehead.

“I mean, you’d better ask me for a Rejuvenation Talisman, 100,000. Because your match with your father is only 70%! ”

[Boom! 】

Feng Chengyin’s body shook again.

Thought there was hope, but didn’t think about it?

The water friends were puzzled, and the barrage flew up.

[What do you mean, which big guy can explain O_O?] 】

[The chance of success in matching parents’ bone marrow and children is only half.] 】

[HLA matching, all ten points are the same, that is, all are fully combined, which is the best choice, that is, complete matching. 】

Group 1001671055

[At present, it is believed that if more than eight points are combined, bone marrow transplantation can be performed.] 】

[Hemizygous transplantation is mainly used when there is no alternative to conjugation transplantation, or urgent situations.] A hemizygous transplant requires more than five points, and if he is only 70%, it is a hemisymmetry. 】

[So, the result?] 】

[As a result, there is a considerable chance of rejection and failure after transplantation, and even if it is in good condition, it will bear the pain that will occur at any time in the second half of his life, and he will have to take medicine for life. ] 】

【Yes! The money for this medicine is not cheap, and a well-off family may not be able to bear it. 】

“With the Rejuvenation Charm, plus your father’s transplant, plus medication treatment, you should heal faster.”

Su Zhe explained.

“If you recover positively, you can get back to normal in five months.”

“I buy!”

“Okay, Feng Shizhu… Oh, I don’t know whether to call you Feng Shizhu or Liu Shizhu, I have already added you WeChat, pass it. ”

Feng Chengyin was surprised, and sure enough, there was a big red 1 in the phone.

After passing, I was stunned for a moment.

“Master Su, are there any other talismans?”

“If you are not short of money, I suggest you ask for three kinds of talismans: “Body Strengthening Talisman”, “Peace Talisman”, and “Meditation Talisman”.”

“The “Body Strengthening Talisman” has a 50,000 yuan, which can strengthen the body. You doctors and nurses often stay up late and upside down, your physical condition is worrying, and the elderly also need it. As for your children, it can make them grow stronger. ”

“The “Peace Talisman” has a fate of 100,000, as the name suggests, to ensure safety and prevent disasters.”

“The 5,000 Meditation Talisman can make you more focused, easier to fall asleep, and easier for your child to engage in learning.”

“Rejuvenation Talisman, if your body has a dark disease, then it will mobilize your body’s potential and recover faster.”

Su Zhe introduced one by one.

So good?

“That… Give me seven of them! ”

Water friends are in an uproar: bold, atmospheric!


Sure enough, he didn’t have his birth mother’s part.

“Okay, Chenghui, the edge is 1.785 million, give a discount to the donor, and it’s 178.”

Su Zhe smiled.

The barrage is all kinds speechless, and also all kinds of Wan’er.

Only when they are ‘doing business’ will they feel the real existence of Su DaoChang.

Like a philistine person.

Usually it hangs in the sky.

Zhao Lusi’s eyes were round, Master Su made so much money.

The effort of this meeting will make 1.78 million?

Isn’t this much more nourishing than being a star?

Move your mouth and get in.

Where is like them, hard to memorize the lines, Wei Ya’s body is strangulated, filming has to be oiled, leisure and exhaustion.

Because he couldn’t transfer a large amount, Feng Chengyin asked for Su Zhe’s card again.

“I wish the donor a speedy recovery!”

“Thank you, thank you Master Su.”

Su Zhe smiled and then hung up.

With a wave of his hand, a few more paper figures appeared on the other table out of thin air, and began to quickly grind the cinnabar talismans.

Zhao Rusi was stunned when she saw this scene.

She finally knew what the paper man in the previous ‘Fangxin Arsonist’ barrage meant.

In the small courtyard, Yu Shuai was also trembling with excitement.

Paper Man!

This TM is the real paper man.

No wonder Master Su said that those paper-piercing people are half-hangers, and this mud horse is the orthodox ‘paper man’, right?

For Su Zhe, he also has more confidence.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go draw a spell first.”

Su Zhe stood up with a smile.

The rest can be handed over to the paper man, but the “Rejuvenation Talisman” given to Feng Chengyin still needs to be drawn by him personally, and the paper man may not be able to draw a good effect.

“Ruth, you talk to everyone.”


“Ahhh… Oh eh? ”

Zhao Lusi was stunned, what do I talk about, isn’t it good to be a mascot of Meimei?


【Squeak~! 】

The door opened, and Feng Chengyin jerked and turned his head to look.

“A thousand… A thousand cities? ”

Pushing the door in, it was his wife Yu Qiancheng, who rushed all the way back, with tears on her face.

“I didn’t expect it, I’m also a fan of the Taoist Chief.”

“I,…… Qiancheng, you listen to me…”

He was nervous, and in the next moment, he was hugged tightly by his wife, who rushed over.

The strength was so great that it was as if I wanted to rub him into my arms.

“You bastard, why don’t you tell me about this kind of thing?”

“I… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’re worried. ”

The soft parts of the heart are touched again.

The two hugged each other and cried softly, afraid that they would disturb their children who were asleep.

If you have a wife like this, how can a husband ask for it!

A moment later, the two separated their embraces.

Yu Qiancheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and suddenly slapped Feng Chengyin.

“I’m sorry, wife.”

“You’re not sorry for me, you’re sorry for mom and dad. Have you ever wondered what they are going to face at this moment? ”


Feng Chengyin was stunned, and then his brain ‘buzzed’ and stood up abruptly.

“Not good!”

His video has been exposed.

Bought and sold.

Since it is sold, there is a buyer.

The ‘buyer’ is his adoptive parents.

You guess…… Will JC come directly to the door?

According to Article 241 of the Law, the objective aspect is the purchase of abducted or kidnapped women or children, and shall be punished with criminal detention or surveillance for up to three years.


The brain buzzed.

“Go, come home with me.”

Watching her husband run out in a panic, Yu Qiancheng sighed: “You slow down, I’ll drive!” ”


“Okay, let’s contact the next destined person, ID beard can fish uncle.”

After drawing the “Rejuvenation Talisman”, Su Zhe sat back and operated, and the video connection between the two.

Opposite are two people.

The ‘female’ is very beautiful, with an oriental melon seed face, but she has very European and American facial features.

The eye sockets are deep and the facial features are extremely three-dimensional.

Beauty also appeared a lot in Su Zhe’s live broadcast room, most of them were fair-skinned, but this one was a healthy wheat complexion.

It seems to be very sporty.

[This girl paper is super beautiful.] 】

[I like this wheat-skinned one, and it looks very healthy.] 】

[My wife is coming home soon, and our baby is hungry.] 】

[Wife, add a contact information, I see that you lack me. ] 】

[Don’t make trouble, people have boyfriends.] 】

[What are you afraid of if you have a boyfriend?] (* ̄3 ̄)╭Even if you are married, as long as the hoe is well dug, it will still be dug down. 】

[I suddenly remembered ‘Bai’s son and daughter’. 】

Water friends all kinds of ridicule.

‘Shiro’s son and daughter’: Are you a tanuki?

Looking at the barrage crooked of his girlfriend, the man’s black line, MD.

You can envy it.

Your ‘wife’ has long been in my shape.

( ̄^ ̄) Humph!

Compared to the wheat-skinned sister paper, the male one is a little more ordinary.

It’s not that it’s not handsome.

Just side by side with the girl, he looks less conspicuous.

Compared to the girl’s wheat complexion, he is fairer.

The face is also a little round, and the facial features are still in the category of handsome guys, but it can also be seen that there should be a small beer belly.

The girl smiled and waved her hand at the barrage in the live broadcast room, winked and quipped: “Hello ‘husbands’!” ”

The hot girls are full of immediacy.

Caused the water friends to howl wolf!

Seeing the slightly stiff face of the man next to him, he reached out and hugged his arm.

Smile sweetly.

“Sorry, I already have a boyfriend~”

The man laughed.

[960 is okay, it’s okay, we’re husband, he’s a boyfriend. ] 】

“So, we have a higher status. 】

“Master Su, I want to ask, what is our future? How is life after marriage and career? ”

The girl asked.

[Foggy grass! 】

[I feel like a ‘white son and a daughter’.] 】

[The rhythm of Shiro’s son and daughter.] 】

[Girl, you won’t also look at a 20, actually 40 frozen age beauty, right? ] 】

“Beard can fish uncle, this ID is yours, beauty?”

Su Zhe’s eyes were quite playful.


The water friends were stunned, and thought it was the account of the man next to them, but they didn’t think that it was actually a woman?

A sporty hip-hop babe, how did you come up with such a name?

No shemales, right?

“Don’t get me wrong, this is a comic book character I draw! And I don’t want to be added to me often, even the gender is written ‘male’. ”

The girl smiled.


The water friends were stunned.

However, they did not notice that when they heard the gender man, Su Zhe’s eyes became more playful.

“Donor, are you sure you want to count?”

“You have to know that marriage is not a unilateral obligation, and the quality of life lies in the two-way rush of two people!”

“There is also a saying in the world of physiognomy, called ‘ten calculations and nine scatters’!”

“It’s that the major event of marriage cannot be counted, and it is quasi-dissolved as soon as it is calculated.”

The girl grinned, but was unimpressed.

‘It’s okay!’ Bai’s son and daughter’ are so outrageous, aren’t they not scattered? They don’t always monopolize the lucky one, and we account for 9, right? ”

Said, elbowed his boyfriend.

“Are you right?”


Water friends laugh hehe, this is a tracheitis.

“Okay, then I’ll show you.”

When the words fell, Su Zhe closed his eyes slightly.

The golden aperture behind his head appeared again, and his face blurred a little.

[Appeared, it appeared again!] 】

[Finally saw Su Dao’s long hair gong. ] 】

A moment later, the round light disappeared, and Su Zhe opened his eyes.

“Beauty, you are 24 years old this year, born the day before the Ghost Festival, and you come from an ordinary rich family.”

It’s quite rich, but not much money!

“Although I don’t have the spirit of champion, my academic performance is still passable, and I am about to graduate from Dongshan Art Institute.”

“Although I haven’t graduated, I am already a famous illustrator.”

“It’s a lot of money.”

‘Uncle with a beard who can fish’ suddenly laughed.

“Master is powerful!”

Then Su Zhe looked at the boy.

“25 this year, graduated from the same college, childhood sweetheart, two little guesses.”

“Careers complement each other after marriage, but life after marriage is not smooth.”

“Divorce in four years!”


Both were stunned.

The man was a little angry: “What do you mean? ”

“Because you found out she was a man!”


Next to it, Zhao Ruth just drank a cup of Trensu, and as a result, she squirted out.


“What do you say?”

“I said, Shui You, your female ticket is beautiful but she is a man!”.

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