Water friend, although your female ticket is beautiful, she is a man!


[Look, I know that there is a flip. 】

[This TM is a personal demon? 】

[Changed?] 】

[Hahaha, water friend, although your wife is beautiful, she is a man. ] 】

The mushroom house is also a bunch of people looking at each other at the moment, what the hell?

The flip is outrageous, right?

Looking at the barrage flashing across the screen, the man also instantly fell into self-doubt.

Man…… Man…… Man?

“You… Are you a shapeshifter? (⊙_⊙)”

He looked at his girlfriend in surprise, remembering the two of them in the past, and suddenly felt a little disgusted.

He, he actually slept with a man?

This mud horse, gag!

Seeing her boyfriend’s gagging look, the girl suddenly became angry and raised her foot to kick the boy to the ground.

“Are you stupid?”

“We have been playing together since childhood, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school and even college are all in the same school, where did I get the metamorphosis?!”

The girl is angry!

Not only 213 who is angry with her boyfriend, but also angry that Su DaoChang, who has been supporting the pump, slandered her out of thin air.

Looking at the handsome face in the live broadcast room, she no longer had any appreciation.

Eyes full of anger!

“Mr. Su, I hope you can have a satisfactory explanation of what you just said.”

“Otherwise I will sue you for slander.”

“Even if you get me that ‘Xuanwu Seal’ and make me unlucky to the end, I will sue all the way.”

The man was also confused.

After turning around in the brain, he also found that something was wrong.

Hurriedly got up and glared angrily at Su Zhe.

“Stinky Taoist, you lied to me, right? I like you so much, from now on I TM is out of powder. No, it’s not important, you give me a reasonable explanation! Otherwise I won’t let you go! ”

Water friends had fun.

Good guys, the last one who said so has already gagged.

The previous one is also gagging!

This guy is very brave.

However, why did Master Su say that she was a woman?

Zhao Rusi is also a little nervous, Master Su won’t just roll over like this, right?

Su Zhe smiled slightly.

“The Xuanwu seal will not work for your situation.”

“I only say that you are a ‘man’, which does not mean that you went to the Kingdom of Thailand, but that you are originally a man.”

The girl was even more confused: “Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? ”

“╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Little girl, you look so beautiful, but your chromosomes are 46XY, so you are a young man.”

“Dye… Chromosomes, what’s wrong again? ”

The girl was even more confused.

Ordinary people know the meaning of chromosomes, but they will not study them, so they are not clear about the difference between male and female chromosomes.

Feng Chengyin, who was rushing to his adoptive parents’ house, coughed directly.

Mud horses?

This beautiful girl is a man.

Yu Qiancheng, who is responsible for driving, is also buzzing in the brain, this, pseudohermaphroditism?

The female chromosome is XX and the male is XY.

Those who understand in the live broadcast room, or water friends who study medicine, all eyeballs are about to fly out of their eye sockets.

【XY…… What do you mean? 】

[Both men and women have 23 pairs of 46 chromosomes, of which 22 pairs of 44 chromosomes are autosomal, and there is no sex difference between the two. The only chromosome pair that is different, XY for men and XX for women. 】

Women have two identical chromosomes, while men have two different chromosomes. The genes that exhibit male characteristics are located on the Y chromosome, and men become men precisely because they have the Y chromosome. 】

Look at the explanation on the barrage.

The girl was suddenly confused, the chromosomes in her body are XY?

“How is this possible? I don’t have an Adam’s apple, I have a chest, or a C+, and I also have… Ahem, the characteristics of women are obvious. ”

The girl seemed to feel that her words were not corroborating enough, and pushed her boyfriend.

“Say quickly, am I a woman!”

“Yes, very moist!”

The man was confused again and nodded stupidly.

He knows male and female chromosomes!

The girl’s face turned red, and she slapped her away and moistened your sister.

The water friends in the live broadcast room laughed wildly, how to run?

And then a small question mark at the end.

In this case, is that okay?

Su Zhe smiled slightly, in fact, it was okay, ‘run’ because it came from a gland.

“If I’m not mistaken, do you not have a regular holiday?”

“You, how do you know?”

The girl blushed.

The man is a brain melon ‘buzz’, no ‘menstruation’ problem is big, her chromosome will not really be 46XY, right?

“If you really don’t believe what the poor way says, then tomorrow you can go to the urology, genetics or reproductive medicine department of the hospital for a check-up, and of course you can go to the ‘gynecology’.”

“Do a B-ultrasound, and you will find that you don’t actually have a uterus and an ovany.”

“That’s why you don’t come for your menstrual holiday.”

[Boom! 】

The girl’s brain ‘buzzed’, her body shook involuntarily, and her pupils trembled.

Tears began to flow down.

At first, she thought it was a good thing that she didn’t come to her menstrual holiday like her friends, at least she wouldn’t be irritable, and she wouldn’t hurt for a few days a month.

Later, when I went to college, I found it easier.

She could have more energy to do what she loved, otherwise her illustration skills would not have improved by leaps and bounds.

However, in order to avoid being discovered by her roommates that something is wrong with her, she will also buy some tampons or something, and rub her stomach regularly every month to pretend to be slightly uncomfortable.

Only now did she realize that this was not a good thing!

The boy next to him has dull eyes, and he doesn’t know what he is thinking?

“When you were born, your mother didn’t realize that she had always raised you as a girl.”

“But before you went to junior high school, your parents divorced, and you followed your father! And you are ashamed to mention it to your father, so you miss it. ”

“Your father is also quite arrogant, and he didn’t realize that for so many years, there has never been a bloody Tibetan scripture pavilion in the garbage can at home!”

Hidden Scripture Pavilion?

The live broadcast room poofed.

Zhao Rusi was also slightly stunned, and the cerebellum turned around before she reacted to what it meant.

Suddenly his face turned red.

Chief Su Dao is also too unorthodox.

“Your mother was about three months into conception, and during the differentiation of fetuses between men and women, she was affected by a harmful chemical drug, which affected the normal differentiation in the process of male and female differentiation.”

“Normally, there is a sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome. But if this sex determining gene does not play a normal role, or if there is no sex determining gene, it will develop in the opposite direction towards the woman. ”

“This condition is called ‘pseudohermaphroditism’, and in general, there will be high pills hidden in the abdominal cavity, which must be surgically removed as soon as possible, otherwise it will worsen!”

“But you’re okay, you didn’t!”

The girl was completely confused!

She also reacted, Su DaoChang should not be untargeted.

It’s not fun to lie to her.

Is it okay to be idle and change her girlish characteristics?

Those her age had a regular holiday 10 years ago.

“You… How do you know? ”

Su Zhe smiled.

“Poor Dao has spied on your future life trajectory, and naturally knows the examination report of your hospital four years later.”

“You don’t have to run away either.”

“Moldy pear tip gives birth to about 2600 people with this condition every year.”

“On average, there are five such surgeries a day in order to put them in the category of either male or female in social acceptance.”

The girl cried.

I don’t know if it’s laughing and crying, or crying and laughing.

This matter is too big a blow to her!

“That, Master, I… What am I going to do? ”

Su Zhe sighed.

“In this case, you cannot be fertile, and generally there are clinical situations similar to yours, and doctors usually recommend continuing to be girls.”

“Because if you are a girl, the social pressure will be less.”

“For example, as a schoolgirl, you can marry a man who doesn’t want children. But if you are a boy, it is difficult for a girl to want to live with you for the rest of her life. ”

“And in your case, it is impossible to be a boy.”

“You are not fertile and you are not capable of impregnating a woman.”

“Think about it.”

“That’s not right!”

The boy suddenly roared, his expression was a little roped, and he was crazy.

“Master Su… Shouldn’t I be the one to consider? What should I do! I…… Our family has all met and we are going to get married at the end of the year. ”

How do you tell your family about this kind of thing?

Do you want to tell your parents that the future wife he slept with is a boy paper?

None of that matters.

The point is him.

His mentality is broken!

The person you love is a man!

Although ‘she’ is no different from a woman, there is no Adam’s apple, and the sweat hair is almost invisible, the slime is not small, and the figure is even better.

The voice is very sweet, loves sports, has a healthy physique, and is a sweet and hot girl.

Sheets can also be washed normally between two people.

If you don’t pick it out, this is definitely the perfect companion, but… Now everything is broken.

Barrage doesn’t even know how to complain.


[Big Bear, you really… It’s even more outrageous than ‘Bai’s son and daughter’. 】

[I don’t even have the words to complain about.] 】

[Look away, brother, you should be glad that you haven’t received your license yet!] 】

Hearing the word ‘marriage’, the girl also lay on the table and cried sadly.

“Then you guys will be ‘good brothers’!”

Su Zhe shrugged his shoulders.


Zhao Rusi smiled.

Immediately realized that it was impolite, and quickly covered his small mouth.

Yang Mi and the others lurking in the live broadcast room were also quite speechless.

“This scumbag Taoist, people are so sad, and they joke about people. But…… Poof, that man is actually a man! ”

Yang Mi laughed heartily.

Reba rubbed her little belly: “Do I want to do a B-ultrasound?” No, Xiaoyu, you go for a B-ultrasound, and chromosome checks. ”


Xiaoyu looked confused.

“Sister Reba, there’s no need, I… I have a holiday. ”

“Go for one!”

Reba has a fierce expression ( ̄_ ̄).

“Good, okay.”

Xiaoyu was aggrieved, I am a woman… Right?

Well, I’m not sure anymore.

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆

Cheng Xiao was stunned for a moment: “I have a regular holiday, it should be fine… Right?! ”

It is conceivable that after watching this live broadcast, there will definitely be many girls who begin to wonder if they are women?

There are also many boys who look at their wives with scrutinizing eyes and order them to go for a chromosome test.


There will definitely be many boys who have been killed by their girlfriends!

 ̄ω ̄

Hospital B super entry burst.

‘Be a good brother’?

The water friends burst into laughter.

[Hahaha, then you should be good brothers, Su Dao Chang is so cute o(≧o≦)o! ] 】

[Good brother? I treat you as a ‘brother’, you actually want to sleep with me!” 】

[This kind of safety, save umbrellas. 】

[Absolutely safe, but psychological! (>_> ] 】

[It’s okay, just two parts less, the rest is normal.] 】

[After all, it’s a man, and he can’t get his mouth down.] 】

[You don’t say who knows it’s a man, anyway, the ID card is a woman’s beggar]

[But it is estimated that she will soon explode on the Internet.] 】

[She is actually just a girl who can’t have children, her psychology is female, and she is male-oriented. ] 】

【Can I transplant two parts?】 】

[Can’t! 】

[What do you think, chromosomes are male! ] 】

Su Zhe was also very helpless, and this kind of thing was the first time he had encountered it.

“Dao Chief, can your talisman do it?”

The girl suddenly remembered something and raised her pitying little face.


“I’m sorry.”

There is no such charm, okay!

If you want to get bigger, you can give you a special one.

Urge specific areas to rejuvenate.

But this chromosome?

Directly turn her into a person!

“Did you get your license?”

The man replied godlessly, “No.” ”

“Then you should be glad that it is not a second marriage, and think clearly whether to be together.”

Su Zhe could only be so consolated.

If they don’t poke through, they can spend four wonderful years together sweetly.

But this beautiful ‘bubble’ will one day break, four years of relationship, life, career to accompany, a blow, there will be an accident.

Su Zhe did not say.

Four years later, the man suffered from severe depression because he could not accept this incident, and finally jumped off the building.

The key is that he died himself, smashed one to death, and seriously injured one.

The follow-up compensation alone hollowed out the man’s parents.

It would have been possible to enjoy old age in peace.

“Tomorrow, I… I’ll accompany you to the hospital. ”

The man was silent for a moment, and finally did not have the courage to shout the word ‘treasure’ again.

Girls are more sensitive.

The shoulders shook slightly!

She heard it.

The boyfriend didn’t want her anymore, with a wry smile on his face.

“No, I can go by myself. If the time comes,…… Then delete each other! ”

The man was silent for a moment, did not speak, nodded, turned and left silently.

“This benefactor, if you want, you can ask me for a clear heart talisman, I see that your mental state is not quite right.”

The water friends couldn’t laugh bitterly, people were so miserable, Su DaoChang was still doing business!


The man silently walked towards the door.

“If necessary, I will contact Master Su.”

Then, I walked out of the camera and only listened to the sound of the door closing ‘bang’.

The girl’s crying became stronger.

“Female benefactor, don’t be sad, your peach blossom is still on the way.”

The woman was stunned for a moment, her crying movements stopped, and her shoulders shook slightly.

Looked up blankly.

“Master, I… Will anyone not dislike me? ”

If she is really a man, what kind of person will someone who does not dislike his chromosomes and still likes her?


Hehe, she can’t imagine!

“Thank you, Master, don’t worry, it’s not so easy for me to think about it.”

Then he rewarded a Qianyin No. 1 and went offline.


Su Zhe sighed lightly and turned his head to look at Zhao Rusi on the side.

Give the latter a stunned look.

Then his eyes widened!

“I… I…… I’m a man,…… No, I’m a woman, I have a period. ”

“I know.”

Su Zhe smiled.

The mushroom house at this time.

Huang Lei sighed: “The world is impermanent!” ”

Peng Zai suddenly turned his head to look at his sister: “Sister, do you want to be a B-super?” ”

Everyone: ( ̄ ε (# ̄)☆

“What do you mean?”

Sister Zhang’s eyes shone with unkindness.

“It’s not interesting, sister, don’t you wonder if you’re a woman?”

“I, I have…”

“I’ll kick you to death!”

Sister Zhang’s face turned crimson, and she suddenly turned into a little tiger, and her chopstick legs were raised and stepped on Peng Yuchang.

Median foot surface.



Of course, it didn’t work hard.

Symbolically stepped on it, got up and went back to the bedroom.

“I, I mean well. Looking for a girlfriend this year, looking at the appearance can no longer determine the male and female, but also have to have B-ultrasound examination, as well as chromosome reports! Alas! ”

Peng Zai covered his feet ‘aggrieved’.

He Yu: “…”

Huang Lei: “Peng Zai, you are single for a reason!” ”


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