Although the ID beard can fish uncle has been offline, the discussion of her in the live broadcast room has not subsided.

[Therefore, ‘screen name’ is still very important, don’t mess with it.] You look at ‘Bai’s son and daughter’, you look at this… All uncles. 】

“Hey, poor girl. 】

[Wait, can that be considered a girl?] 】

[It should be her mother’s responsibility for this.] 】

[Blame her mother for everything, why don’t you blame her father for not looking at it well?] 】

[It’s just as if everything is a woman’s fault!] 】

[That, Master Su, can you ask what chemicals she ate when she was three months old?] I’m good to prevent it! I’m also a mom, it’s been two months. I also know that the division between men and women began around this time. I was worried that my child would be like that girl. 】

Su Zhe shook his head.

“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you this, she took too much medicine! Perhaps it is the result of mixed chemical reactions, and the poor road does not learn this. ”

[Then master, how should we avoid this tragedy?] 】

“It can only be said that scientific health care during pregnancy is very important.”

“Before the 12th week of pregnancy, you should try to avoid the effects of drugs, overwork, radioactive substances, colds, diarrhea, irritation, and some harmful gases such as newly renovated houses, gasoline, formaldehyde, etc.”

“In this way, it is conducive to the growth of the baby in the mother’s body, and there will be no irreversible consequences.”

Su Zhe said.

[Dao chief, now the decoration is made of inferior materials, a bunch of formaldehyde, and the outside is also a variety of pollution in the air environment, plus a variety of genetically modified foods, there is no way to avoid it. ] 】

[Yes, where have I heard of this disease before!] 】

[Why are there so many ‘pseudohermaphroditic patients’ now?] The pollution of the environment around us cannot escape. 】

[My eldest nephew was born within two months of rhinitis, do you believe it?] 】

“God, I’m afraid to get pregnant. 】

In the live broadcast room, expectant fathers and expectant mothers expressed their worries.

“The peace talisman is not only to ward off danger and avoid disaster, this situation can also be protected.”

[Master Su, you are a hundred thousand. 】

[It’s too expensive, I can’t afford it.] 】

[Yes, don’t say 100,000, since pregnancy, 100 yuan has to save money. ] 】

Su Zhe frowned slightly.

“The body strengthening talisman can also be avoided, it can strengthen the physical fitness, tolerance, and resistance to pollution of pregnant women, and reduce the occurrence of conditions such as miscarriage, bleeding, and fetal instability to a certain extent.”

“It can also reduce the incidence of pseudohermaphroditism to a certain extent.”

“So be it!”

“From this moment on, Poor Dao specially produced a weak version of “Strong Body Talisman” as a benefit for pregnant mothers who are pregnant with 960 treasures. Only by giving birth to a stronger fetus can the country become rich and the people strong. ”

“Although the weak version is not as powerful as the full version, long-term wear can also strengthen the body and prevent it.”

Novel Group(1)00(1)(6)(7)(1)0(5)(5)

“It costs 5,000 yuan.”

“Pregnant mothers, or expectant fathers and expectant mothers who are trying to get pregnant, can ask for one!”

[The Taoist is too merciful! ] 】

[Oh, thank you Master Su, five thousand yuan is still out. ] 】

[Thank you, Master Su. 】

[Su Dao Chang Renyi! ] 】

In the live broadcast room, water friends praised one after another.

[Renyi P, why don’t you get free? Renyi, what other weak version do you have, why is it not a complete version? Fake benevolence and false righteousness, deliberately collecting money and money. 】

Kuroko, pink eye and the like, are present at all times.

But it was quickly annihilated by the spit of fans.


Just when the discussion in the live broadcast room was boiling, Feng Chengyin and Yu Qiancheng had already arrived outside the door of their adoptive parents.

But at this moment, he did not dare to enter the door.

Bow your head with a face full of remorse!

“Qiancheng, am I wrong, my brain was also confused at that time, I…”

“Wrong is wrong, irreparable, look forward.”

Yu Qiancheng sighed softly and rang the doorbell.

They had the key, but at this moment they did not dare to open the door with the key.

Living room.

A sixty-year-old man with a commercial imperial aura, sipping tea with an expressionless face.

The glass stubble next to it shattered.

The atmosphere is slaughtering!

“Lao Feng, don’t be angry with the child.”

About the same age, a graceful and luxurious woman gently patted the man’s hand.

“This prison, I’ll do it for you!”


Feng Huaqing was furious.

“Am I the kind of person who withdraws? Use you to top it for me? ”

Du Xiaoqin smiled: “But at that time, it was indeed I who proposed it first.” ”

The two are Feng Chengyin’s adoptive parents.

“You…, you mentioned, I didn’t find someone to buy it!”

“You can’t say that when JC asks, the family business can’t leave you, otherwise it will become a scattered sand and be snatched away by the enemy.”


“Besides, for the sake of the child, you have to do the same!”

“P, is that still my child? That’s white eyes…”

Ding dong!

Feng Huaqing’s brows suddenly wrinkled.

“It’s time for the child to come, you take it.”

Du Xiaoqin quickly got up, opened the door, and invited people in!


“You still know about shouting mom? On your knees! ”

[Bang! 】

The look of crying, Feng Huaqing became more and more angry the more he looked, and smashed the teacup in his hand with a ‘bang’.

“Kneel at the door for me!”


Feng Chengyin’s knees went limp, and he knelt on the ground.


Seeing his son so ‘cowardly’, Feng Huaqing’s heart suddenly blocked. Sure enough, it was really not his seed, and he didn’t even inherit half of his boldness.

What is backstabbing Lao Tzu?

I think back then, he also backstabbed his father, which grabbed the inheritance of the company, which expanded the family business to the top five in a province.


He had already let his big brother, who was not a weapon, be corrupted.

To be honest, he wasn’t so angry just now!

But now?

The stupid son dared to backstab him, but he did not bear the courage and courage after the backstab!

Waste one!

After all, it’s not your own genes.

Du Xiaoqin also shook her head and went back upstairs around the glass stubble, she knew why the old man was angry.

Hope became a dragon, but turned out to be a worm.

“Didn’t that Master Su say, don’t you beat Xiao Cong?”

“How can such a stupid thing happen?”

“Wouldn’t you just run to Xiaojun Mountain to find that Taoist priest yourself? If you keep a low profile, you can both find your biological parents and cure your disease! At that time, it doesn’t matter if you recognize me as an old man. ”

“When I die, my company will still be yours.”

“You have to run to the live broadcast room and make a lot of noise?”

“Well, now the people in the family already know that you are not my own child! When the time comes, who will my company give to? I’ve worked hard for half my life, do you want to watch your uncles take away? ”

Feng Huaqing said while tapping the desktop.

The naked eye can see that the phalanges are blue.

“Dad, why are you hurting yourself?”

Yu Qiancheng hurriedly stepped forward.

“Qiancheng, leave me alone, I’m fine!”

Feng Huaqing waved his hand.

“You, you, you let me say what good about you? Although you are not my own, why didn’t you learn anything about what I taught you? ”

“I originally arranged for the henchmen of the branch over there to take your photos to Xiaojun Mountain and find that Master Su to check the whereabouts of your biological father and mother.”


Feng Chengyin felt even more guilty, lowered his head, and tears dripped down.

“Don’t cry!”

“My Feng Huaqing’s child, don’t be so dense!”

The old man scolded.


Feng Chengyin stopped her tears.

“You know what? Because of your fault, your mother… She’s going to squat in prison. For the sake of the family, and for you and your children,…… She’s going in! ”

Saying that, speaking, Feng Huaqing’s eyes became teary.

But in the end, with strong willpower, he held back Sheng Sheng and did not drop a drop.

“Huh? No, ——, mother, how can she…”

At this moment, Du Xiaoqin packed his bags and walked down the stairs.

Go to the police station and be beautiful.

“Somebody has to go.”

“Your dad wanted to live in, but I stopped him.”

“It’s better for me to go than for him.”

“Go, send me to the JC Bureau, it’s better for me to confess my guilt personally than for them to come to the door.”

“Mom, mom, I…”

Feng Chengyin knelt on the ground and crawled all the way to her adoptive mother, crying silently when she hugged her waist.

“Mom, I was wrong, I don’t know.”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know why I entered that live broadcast room today, and I don’t know why I was drawn after giving 10 tips.”

“I don’t usually watch live broadcasts, and I’m not a fan of Nasu DaoChang, I…”

Du Xiaoqin gently touched his adopted son’s head, where there were two whirlwinds.

“This could be my retribution, right?”

I sighed in my heart.

She is not a good stubble, and there are many innocent people planted in her hands.

Today, it’s a report for a report (..).

“Send me over, it’s too late, they’ll be looking for you.”

If it is civil, and there is no informant, it may not come to the door so quickly.

But criminal?

Later, the criminal police will come to the door to invite for tea.

You go and turn yourself in, come with them, and the result is different!


At this moment, five paper figures flew in, and under the stunned eyes of the four people, they circled around Feng Chengyin.

The one at the head was even more eye-catching, scanning up and down.

Then the paper man who was protected in the middle strangely opened a pocket and took out four golden flannel pockets from it.

It was handed to Feng Chengyin.

Then he waved his hand and turned into a little golden light and dissipated in the air.



Come fast, go faster.

There was no time for the four to react at all.

“Paper… Paper man? ”

Yu Qiancheng felt that his brain was a little short of oxygen, his body shook lightly, and he sat on the sofa with his butt.

“It’s Master Su’s talisman!”

Feng Chengyin was also stunned.

Just 20 minutes before and after?


After entering the enlightenment period, the cultivation improved, and the paper man was more than ten times faster than before.

Ascending to the fetal rest realm is almost a matter of a minute or two.

Jin Dan, that kung fu almost in the blink of an eye!

Taking out a body strengthening talisman, peace talisman, rejuvenation talisman, and meditation talisman, and putting it in a pocket, Feng Chengyin handed it to his adoptive mother.


Du Xiaoqin only felt that he was holding a heater in his hand, and a magnificent stream of heat rushed all the way along the palm of his hand.

In just 1 second, my whole body warmed up.

In particular, the bronchi and pancreas are as hot as the sun.

She didn’t tell the old man that she had pancreatic cancer.

Although it is the medium term.

Discovered by accident!

As far as her physical condition is concerned, she can choose to be released on medical parole.

Otherwise, she may go in and never get out again.

After all, it is under three years.

But now?

“Good, good, good!”

“This Master Su is a real master, and he must make good friends.”

Feng Chengyin nodded silently, and handed another copy of four talismans to his adoptive father, only then wiped his tears and left with his adoptive mother.

Feeling the talisman seal like a warm sun in his hand, the shock in Feng Huaqing’s heart was not much to lose.


Su Zhe naturally knew about this scene that was unfolding.

If Du Xiaoqin had not taken the initiative to turn herself in, this talisman would not have reached her hands, and she would have died in prison or in a hospital bed.

As for Feng Chengyin?

Su Zhe got him to the live broadcast room, and the exposure of the whole network was also intentional!


If he had followed his adoptive father’s way, he would not be grateful.

Feng Huaqing did not tell the truth.

He did go to find his biological father for his adopted son, but after finding his biological father, he ‘coerced and lured’ to prevent the recognition of his biological father and adopted son.

For the future of his son’s career, Liu Guangming agreed.

Just glanced at it from a distance and donated a tube of blood.

And Feng Chengyin had never even seen this ‘donor’, only thinking that it was really the lucky one met among millions of people as his adoptive father said.

But only 70% of the match made him take medicine all his life, and all sentient beings were suffering in pain.

He no longer had the revenge of studying medicine and being a good doctor.

I don’t have the mind to find my biological father.

Busy drilling camp every day, it seems to be a changed person.

Finally, he achieved the level of vice president.

It has also promoted cooperation with its own medical device manufacturing company to sell low-cost devices at high prices.

For example, brackets.

When he made a lot of soft sister coins, he also pit hundreds of innocent people.

In the end, he was imprisoned with a petition.

He was 57 years old.

After using “Tianyan Lu” to check the other possible life trajectories, Su Zhe chose the best one.

In this way, he recognized his biological father.

Got it, gratitude.

It will not be tormented by illness.

Because of his background, he was also subjected to a lot of gossip and malicious slander, resulting in serious damage to the wind evaluation.

Although it is very valued by the dean, it is also hindered by the face style evaluation, and he is not promoted.

Feng Chengyin is patient and does a good job as his attending doctor, and has not been promoted for ten years.

Be a good doctor.

Hundreds of families have been saved.

The merit is immeasurable.

Similarly, Su Zhe reversed the fate of Feng Chengyin’s cup and saved the hundreds of innocent people who were killed.

A lot of merit is sprinkled.


Watching him take his biological mother to enter the JC Bureau, Su Zhe smiled slightly.

Look at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

“Okay, let’s connect with the last person with fortune, Mr. Minotaur with ID!”

[Are you sure it’s someone with a fortune?] 】

[Chief Su, are you sure you are destined for? 】

[I see that you have more victims than people of fortune.] 】

[Daoist friend’s words are also, counting three today, this has already arrested two victims. ] 】.

[Please ask the next victim.] 】

【Please the next victim+10086】

Under the thousands of calls from water friends, the victim of ID Bullhead was successfully connected.

A man with dark eyes and a face full of decadence.

I was stunned.

Good guy, ‘screen name’ really can’t be messed up.


Su Zhe greeted.

“Hello, Master Su, my name is Niu Liqiang!”

“My son is missing!”

“I’ve been looking for three days, and I haven’t closed my eyes properly in three days. Listen to the Sumerians,…… Say you this…”

Niu Liqiang said, and his body shook and fell.

Water friends: (⊙_⊙)

After 10 seconds, he got up again, slapping his face hard and muttering in his mouth.

It seems to say… ‘sober point’ ‘sober point’.

This state inevitably made the water friends a little panicked.

Brother, you better sleep first, otherwise I’m afraid that people haven’t found it yet, and you’ll be gone first.

Su Zhe also regretted: “Do you want to take a break first?” ”

The Sumerians are the ‘Fangxin arsonists’ Su Mei.

“Can’t rest!”

“Otherwise my son will be gone!”

“Sumerian said that you are powerful, I still believe her words, master, can you help me find a child?”

Su Zhe shook his head and sighed: “No! I mean, you can go to rest, don’t look for it, because you don’t have a son at all! ”


Niu Liqiang was stunned, and then roared like a bison.

“You don’t have a son, I obviously have a son!”

Su Zhe was also not angry: “I mean, Shui You, your son is not your biological ah, so there is no need to look for it anymore!” ”

Let’s just say that the screen name should not be messed up!

Water friends instantly became happy and liked to watch unlucky eggs.

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