The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-one chapter Yao Guangyi is never lowered

"The high is low, there is no endlessness?" Lin Yun thought, did not understand this sentence.

Xiao Bingfeng explained: "The meaning of this sentence is that even the micro-late trail, as long as you specialize in the unpredizy, you can also follow the differences."

Lin Yun probably understands that in simple words, the avenue is that the lower limit is not ended.

Although the lower limit is very low, the upper limit is not ended.

"There is a nine kinds of eternal sacred roads between heaven and earth, and 36 kinds of supreme sacred roads, and there are eight hundred of the three hundred roads, and there is no trail."

"The Qingyuan is condensed, and the Ziyuan is enlightening the rules of the Holy Taoist. It is the choice of the Holy Taoist integration into the holy fire. You can choose a holy rule mainly repair, other rules integrate into it, master the Holy Rules The more you have the stronger your holy fire. "

Xiao Bingfeng continued: "For example, if you have born behind you, there is no exception is a small road. Don't be integrated into the holy fire as the main rule. Although the realm is improved, it can be selected once it is fixed. The future of the future of the sacred road will be very difficult. "

Lin Yun's heart is in the heart, said: "How can I cultivate an eternal way and the Supreme Holy Tao?"

In Lin Yun's view, since the reincarnation is one of the nine kinds of eternal avenues, then he will definitely grasp it in the future.

Xiao Bingfeng is very calm at the moment. "" If you need patience and the opportunity, if you are a small road, you are easy to think about you, just as simple as drinking water. "

"Three thousand avenues and eight hundred left, any kind is very mysterious, even if it is extremely high enchanting, you want to master a road and left, it is also difficult as it is."

"As for thirty-six kinds of supreme sacrifices, it is more amazing, it is necessary to get amazing talent and understanding. For example, the sword is one of the thirty-six kinds of suprases, many people are in a hundred years, It is difficult to truly master it. "

Thirty-six kinds of Swordsmanship, one of the Supreme Holy Taoists, can integrate him into the holy fire, then you can step into the Shengjing.

However, any kind of avenue or supreme sacrifice requires the supplement of the small road rules, and complement each other.

Of course, if it is the university, you can also assist the sacred road.

Even a variety of supreme sorrows, this kind of person is even ancient gold prosperous, and there is a rare and less beautiful.

Lin Yun listened to half, and finally had a certain understanding of the Holy Taoist.

He Shen said: "I have listened to the purple boutique to say that the nine kinds of eternal Avenue, the way of fate is the strongest existence, even if the reincarnation is also competing with it."

Xiao Bingfeng nodded, and the look is dignified: "Destiny is too mysterious, even in the elderly, there are many legendary legends about fate."

"My memory has a lot of distressing, what is the destiny, this emperor is not very clear. In addition to causing the cause, the remaining nephew is difficult to compete."

Lin Yunxin, a little, whisper: "Is it so strong?"

"These are too far away, if you can practice all the swords in the moment, there is a big chance to master the round back Avenue. The mystery of the road is the way, enough to cross Kunlun, but this road is also very difficult. "

Lin Yun is alive, and he said: "People still have a bit pursuit, I will definitely go on this road."

Xiao Bingfeng gave a nodded, said: "There is another day to hand in hand, you have a good rest, this battle is crucial, you must take the spirit."

"it is good."

Lin Yun said, took out a brocade handed a small ice.

"what is this?"

Little Bing Fengqi Road.

"You open it." Lin Yun smiled.

"Life and death Round Dan!"

Xiao Bingfeng opened a little, and the eyes immediately blocked bright light, and then gratifying to Lin Yun.

It is the life and death of the purple sword, which is the robbery of Lin Yunnian, endless causing, and it can spend safely.

"Or you can keep it." Lin Yun's heart and peaceful.

Xiao Bingfeng received his life and death, and smiled: "Speak calculations, in the hands of this emperor, don't want to go back."

Lin Yun smiled and didn't speak.

In fact, since the funeral mountain range, Xiao Bingfeng will fight for a long time, and he has never paying attention to him.

Until the Tibetan Villa's Sword Conference began, Xiao Bingfeng said with him.

This gimmick is angry, and the Lin Yun really encounters trouble, but it will never stand by.

For example, the purple sword says, the little girl is not too small to make too many people.

Once she is put into my heart, even the soul is flying, and she will save people, she will not have a little bit.

Lin Yun looked at the emperor's face as a child-like smile, his look was soft and laughed.


Mountain river order.

The outside world has passed for two days, but in this core, it has passed a year.

This is the windy feathers of the peaks of the Qingyuan, and his strength is finally further, and it is extremely exaggerated.

This is the core of the mountain river order, the four squares are misty, the flowers bloom, the mountain peaks are tower, and they are like a beautiful in the fairyland.

In the front 100 meters long, the stone monument was sitting on the knee on the knee.

The old man is white and white, and it is blooming, and his body is equipped with a sun.

This person is the Holy Lord, the Tibetan Villa, and the Tianzhu sword is also what he cast.

Feng Yuan Sheng light, smiled: "Don't wait for it, don't think about it, it is not big."


Feng Shaoyu opened his eyes, and the eyes were shocking.

"Shanhe Order as time and space secret treasure, you can't imagine it, remember, remember, this battle is only lost."

The wind of the wind: "The swords are not good, and they will not be able to ride to our head."

"This battle, Sun Chi did not live up to the hopes." Feng Shaoyuan archway.

Feng Shayu said to turn around, his eyes are strong, and the corner of his mouth with a smile.

Before the Mountain River Order, he didn't fear the night, and there was a great confidence to defeat each other.

One year later, Feng Shao Yu is completely unspeakable, and it is true that it is true if the valley mirror said.

He wants to knead each other and is also a matter of confusing.

He is not concerned about losing, anyway, is definitely he wins, he thinks how to let the other party despair!

"Come out."

After waiting for Shao Yu Yu, the wind is more cold in the cold face.

Feng Yu slowly came out behind a boulder, she looked at the wind and laughing, ridiculous: "For so long, Tibetan Villa is not as good as one year, actually with this near cheating, Blocking people from getting a sword. "

The wind of the wind: "You still have a face, you are my favorite daughter, you are the most opportunity to shock the blood of the emperor, and you hurt me the most !!"

His emotions are difficult to calm, and it seems to have anything, let him now feel flat.

Feng Yu bites his teeth: "You have a face, you are my own father, the result is not as good as the master, I can't like the person, you don't force me to marry, you know that I have more pains in the year!"

The wind is flashing in the wind, there is terrible killing, cold and cold: "Don't mention Yao light! When the old man is for your wedding, how much do you know? Yao Guang old Hardship is to take you away, harm my face, I can't stop him! "

"Are you coming to see him for him?"

One turned, Feng Yantang, said: "After the sword is borrowed, I guess that someone will give this old bay sword, I tell you that there is no."


Feng Yu saw him so arrogant, the heart is angry, hateful: "No one will tell you, your Tianzhu sword is broken?"

One of the winds of Fengyuan, said: "How is this possible?"

"Now, the whole of Nanjiang knows. If you have a heart, you have a question. If you break the sword, it is not, it is also a person who is now borrowed." Feng Yu continued.

"how can that be!"

The wind is surprising, the Tianzhu sword is his proud, specially selected as a champion reward.

It is intentionally let the Tibetan Zhuangzhuang cast swords have been more similar, so that the Sky sword rose the boat with his owner.

It can be broken, which is too incredible.

"The repair of Nirvana, how can it be broken?" Fengyuan's great holy brows, unable to accept this fact.

But you can't help you, although your temper is stinky, never lie in order to deliberate him.

"It is no wonder that he will not let Yuer come to the mountain river order." Fengyuan is in the heart, and the back is annoyed.

"It's confused, it is really confused."

The wind is dissatisfied, and she sighs: "I met this kind of talent, how to borrow him, and I can't think of it."

The oven is the best holy sword if it can be naturally stayed in the Tibetan Villa.

If you encounter the nirvana, you can break the Sky of the Scorpio Sword, lend the sword to why.

Golden Shengshi will come, this kind of swordsmanship, and will be held in the wind.

Borrowing the sword with this genius, it is the goodness of the sky, there is no need to distress.

The wind is annoyed in a time, regret it.

Feng Yue: "You don't have to be annoyed, I forgot to tell you something, his real identity is my little brother, and the smallest apprentice of the Master. You have to borrow the sword to him, know the truth, then Faster you live! "

She intended to tell the opponent's folded sword, and the old man cheristered, perhaps lending the oven sword.

I said that I have said some good words, my homer is going to head, and I will not borrow the sword.

It can be seen that he is like the teacher, and he can't see the Yao Guangyi.

The expression of Fengyuan Dasheng is a wonderful extreme, and the annoyed regrets, it is getting angry, and it is difficult to let go.

After a long time, he touted for a long time in his heart, which is actually a disciple of Yao Guang.

Make yourself like a clown!

The wind is unstormizes, and looks to the color of the wind, and the gas is not playing, this girl is deliberate!

Although he saw this gimmick, he had to say that many children were still her best.

Even if it is a wind, it is better than her.

For a long time, Fengyuan sighs: "You know that I am the most cherished, why talk to me, if you say some nice, even if he defeated, I will not know his identity, I am willing to borrow the sword to him. of."

The wind is rumored, and the body is straight as the sword. She has a touch of foggy, biting his teeth: "I originally really thinking, but I will change my mind, what will death, Master will definitely Robbery, the day, Jian Jianzong will also return to the holy place. "

"After tomorrow, you will know that you have to borrow it, don't borrow it. Yao Guangyi pulse, never low."

After I finished, she decided, there is no meaning of whit.


There are three feet of the wind of the wind, five fingers, all shivered.

Finally, he still can't control this anger, a punch, sitting down the stone tablet, looks angry, angry: "Yao Guang is old, deceived too much."

[Recently, I don't dare to see comments. I have been updated too pull, I have already sent vows that are not committed. But I really feel sorry, I tried it tomorrow, I wrote this story, gambling the blunt of career, fight!

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