The One and Only

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-two chapters I am, I am also!

Next day.

When the sun is dissipated, the Tibetan Villa has released the moment of Fengshan Big Array, and he sounded the sound of the blank voice in an instant.

There are no numbers, like a locust, whisper, flush towards the sword lake crazy, and there is a shadow of the shadow, and you can't see the top.

Today's quotation is much more lively than three days before the famous conference.

After three days of fermentation, the night of the night and the wind is a battle, which has already passed through the whole **, and many half of the Saint-level enchanting of the Sword of the Swordsman came.

In the center of Tibetan Lake, everyone's eyes are not seen in the past.

Under the hollow sword of the hollow, the eight vital or beast statue is towering, and a shadow is quietly sitting on the statue of Yugong.

He Peng's double wing wings, he sat on the back, like a wind and nine days.

"Feng Shayu ..."

The sound of the four parties in the battle will come, and the swordsman is not the first time.

It can be seen today, I feel that he is very different from three days ago, but this difference cannot be truly clear.

"Feng Shaoyu is very polite to the swords, very few people see him really shot, but people who have seen him know that the position of his less Zhuangzhuang, is never walked."

"The night is really too crazy, the seven yuan Nirvana, dare to challenge the peak of the Qingyuan in the peak."

"Today's battle, the probability is not three days ago, the strength is too big."

"It's hard to say, then the night is not a fool, don't you be so mad?"

"Night is awkward!"

Just as the Quartet discussion, there were two broken sounds, and then on the square of this Qingshi shop, it was Zi Lei Peak and night flour.

Lin Yun has just landed, and the eyes look at the Feng Shaimi in the distance, and later, the eyes are dark, the heart is dark, this guy is really early.


Feng Shaoyu should be opened by this flashlight, and the four-party heaven and earth aura suddenly blown away, and the wind is on the face, the corner of the mouth bricks the arc.


On the same time, in his eyes, he ignited a slap in the eyes, and the sharp front is like a sword out of the sheath, and the people who are angry.

"Night, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Feng Shaoyu stared in the distance.

Lin Yunxiang fell on the wind, and the opponent was filled with pounds, and it seems to be awkward than the sun.

"This holy ... I am afraid it is quite terrible." Lin Yunxin sighed.

Nirvana and half-Holy finals have been in a big realm, and he has already taken many times.

The existence of the holy, let him naturally fall into the wind, and have always been aware of the fight against hanging.

The opposite side has no such concerns, even as long as it really hits Lin Yun once, the probability can be divided into the victory.

It can be in order to oven, this war is not a victory.

A hot qi is stirring in the chest, funeral flowers swim in hand, it feels the desire of victory in Linyun, and the pressure of strong enemy.

The burial flowers don't talk, but Lin Yun understands what he meant, he wants to say, I am.

"I am also." Lin Yun laughed and whispered in his heart.

The more powerful funeral fusion, his mood is good, and the war is constantly accumulating.

"Everything is careful, remember what I said to you." Zi Lei Feng was coming.

"Reassured, I will go up." Lin Yun laughed.


Lin Yun's arms are exhibited, and the posture is light, steadily falling on the lake.

"This guy, I really dare to send it!"

On the sky, the wind is shot, and the road that is unfolded.

Lin Yun is difficult to get wrapped, will force the Tibetan Villa to think about the unfavorable location. If the battle is defeated today, the consequences will not be imagined.

"Reassured, he didn't have any opportunity. No matter what the day is on the night, there is no doubt today, and when he will regret it, there is no chance to regret it." Zhao did not speak.

The people on the sky are all coming, and even the rigor is unable to come, but he is cold and booming, it seems that it is not concerned about the ending of this war.


The windpound is sitting on the statue of the statue of the statue of the statue of the statue, falling in the top 100 meters of Lin Yun, and the pounds in his body have not been truly released, and it has made people feel tremendous pressure.

Lin Yun is deep enough, and it is a bit stunning.

"Night, you still have an opportunity to give up, or you will really play, it is the battle of life and death, I am afraid that I can't accept your life." Feng Shaoyu coldly.

A gunpowder is full, so that the atmosphere is extremely nervous.

"A nonsense or less, this battle I will win. But don't worry, in order to take the oven sword, no matter how much I will keep you a life." Lin Yun Road.


At this point, the Quartet is surprised, and it is not strong.

"Ha ha ha, it is worth you, there is a madness, you have to be mad than three days ago!" Hey rakes smiled, and after his right hand buckled on the left hand wrist.


His finger punctured the flesh and blood, pulling it from the arm, and smoked a spine.

The spine is smooth, like the beautiful jade, and the 18th section is six feet.

This is a bone sword!

Excissible Longwei and Shenghui, far away, there is a bloodline in the middle of the bones to spread the cold chill.


The sword has not been truly protected. The sky is faint in the world, and it will find that the snowflakes have all be cold flames.

Feng Sharp touched the sword, said: "This sword is the thunder, stripping a sacred monster spine bone casting. The monster has the blood of the god, and the Dragon Soul is not destroyed. , Shenggui Long, this is a true holy sword! "

He said that the flower whistle, simply, is a two-hockey, and has two properties of ice and fire, and contains Longwei and Shenghui.

This is the upper sword in the sword in the southern sword, the power is extremely powerful, and it is called the four words.

Feng Shao Yu: "I use this sword to kill thirteen half-holy, if you didn't break the sky before three days ago, maybe I can fight against me, now you regret it."

Lin Yun looked at the burial flower, said: "I have him enough."

"The sword of the name." Feng Shaoyu smiled, look disdain, his keel swords also swallowed up the fierce coldness, like provocation.

"so what?"

Lin Yun faintly said.

At the moment of the voice, the burial flowers were fierce, and the lascaped and released a glamorous cold.

It seems to tell the world, I am not nameless sword.

There is also a sharp!

There is also proud!

"The light of the bloom!"

Feng Shaoyu Holds a sword, and the cold sword in the moment is rushed to the sky. The blood line in the sword is pushed to a bloody sword.

The blood clouds in dozens miles shrouded in the sky, the sword was stirred with horizontal, and turned into a bloom. In the blister, hidden a ghost king, a scorpion roar, straight to the forest.

This is the inheritance martial arts in Tibetan Villa, the Hai Jingli method.

It is a ghost superior martial arts, which is more than the common ghost swords. If there is a matching method, it can even go beyond ghosts.

I saw this sword, and everyone's face was giant on the battle station.

"It is no wonder that the wind is so featuring such a foot, the thunderous sword of Longwei and Sheng Hui, plus the bloody princes, and the sacuit with the sacredness, this sword is half-holy, there are few people to stop!"

"The strength of Shazhuang is really amazing. If you don't enter half, I am afraid that a sword can't stop." Valley.

"I don't know if I can block a few swords in the night?" Feng Sheng Lingdao.

"Oh, he can block the three swords, you can see the world." Zhao said helpless.

Standing on the sky, you can feel the horror of this sword.

The top of the battlefield below, the pressure felt is more amazing, and the look is extremely nervous.


Lin Yun instantly urged the Canglong Jianxin, and the silver bloomed, his eyes fell on the funeral flower of the funeral.


Lin Yun flexed a bomb, all around the Canglong's spirit and funeral flowers, and later became a light column, stabbed the ghost king in the sky.

The blister sword method is very powerful, but it is strong, and there is a weakness in the face of Canglongjian.


The funeral sword is piercing the ghost king, this is this sword to the flaw, screamed, and there is a horrible ghost king instantly appear a crack.


The burial flowers are invincible, and the ghosts who have co-coated the blood clouds continue to tear, so that the latter is turned into a snow.

Lin Yun broke this trick, reached out and pinched the holy print, and control the burial flowers to pounce towards the wind.


The shocking, the funeral flower of the electric light is like a Canglong, and Longwei is directly overdooted.

"Good guy, is this the sword heart Tongling?"

"This night is sky, a lot of sacred swords don't have to master the sword. It not only masters the sword, but also reached the spiritual situation, the ancient Qiqi is probablishing this."

"No wonder the night is in the air, three days before the power of the sword, I am afraid that only half of the show."


Jianxin Tongling is the realm of retreating the sword repair, many olders, even the swords, don't talk about swordsman.

"Ghost King slaughter!"

Feng Shaoyu urged the inquiry, holding the keel holy sword, hitting the burial flowers of the thorn.


At the moment of funeral flowers, he stepped out and came directly to Lin Yunte.

"This sword, I destroy you! Blood prison."

Feng Shaimi does not want to be entangled with Lin Yunxiao, directly funeral with violent shock, so that the other party cannot get the Poly Sword in a short time.

The body sword is sword, he does not believe in the night to block this sword.

too fast!

Everyone is shocked, this is to be over, and the half of the holy man is really too reluctant.


At this time, a strong sword that is unimaginable, broke out from Lin Yunzhi.

A sword star blooms in his head, and 18 thousands of star rivers are cleared, and the horrible swords are swept.

In several hundred miles, all the swords in the hands of the swordsmen are all flying toward Lin Yun's body.

"what happened?"

"My Sword!"


A handle of the sideline whistling, like the king of our king, everyone is stunned, they look at it.

This is a horror and incompected discovery, Lin Yuntou's star, surrounded by a dazzling flame star.

That is the sun sword!

An uncontrollable idea appeared in the heart of everyone, everyone is full of dumbfounded, this is a big intense star river.

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