The One and Only

The second thousand ninety-four chapters of the gods

Chapter two thousand ninety-four chapters


The Zen Peak half-holy headless body is directly falling, and the blood is constantly moving from the neck, and it will soon fill the place.

"What monster is this?"

"Can the purple yuan can kill the Tianyuan holy holy that condenses the sacred soul?"

In the court, the stunner is surprised, as if it is the same as my mythology.

They see very clearly, the moment of the final fight, Zen peaks half a moment.

This is the time in thousands of seconds, let him lose this to the bureau, and throw away their own life.

If not, at least one is the same ending.

Night is not seen in the night, no matter what, it is the night to win.

And he seems to be, the Zen Peak is half-holy, and he will be the meaning of the world in the eyes of the sword, is really fear.

What amazing is very amazing, how is arrogant!

The eyes make people feel that even if they face the strong, his last sword will definitely wait out.

This is a creepy place!

There are countless roads fall in Lin Yun, watching him slowly wipe the stern's blood, all the skin is numb, incredible.

The peaks of the peaks were shaking, pointed to Lin Yun said: "Night is full, you are too embarrassing! Zen peaks are half-holy, there are many things, you shouldn't let him kill him! You are Tiandongzong Saints, You are the harmonious killing! You should die! "

He is completely angry, roaring usually roaring.

Lin Yun face revealed the color, the eyebrows, there is a lazy and relaxation after the war.

He wiped the sword, wait until the sword was returned, and looked up to each other to see this high-top holy.

His eyes are full of contempt, but they have not ignored the opponent's full anger and murderous, smiled: "You said that I am a funeral flower, I am Yao Guang pro, then I still have to kill me, I naturally Kill him."

Just a big summit, excited: "You admit it, you are burial, you are Lin Yun!"

Lin Yun smiled: "You said it is awkward, the burial flowers are not an invisible person's identity, as for Yao Guang pro, not."

"Since you admit it, don't blame me." The Sheng Zunyi saw Lin Yun's face does not matter, the gas bite cut teeth.

He is a holy, which is actually despising him.

He murdered and rushed away, and he was going to work immediately, and the appearance of the death of Lin Yun.

That is a very terrible momentum, especially this momentum is still a half-holy.

But Lin Yun is not only fearless, but the opposite of the opponent, I took a step forward, lifted his smile: "Old blame, what do you want to do? You really think that I am a burial flower, then my master Qing River swordsman in this. "

Still licking the night of the goddess, he was suddenly named, smiled, and the little brother was really annoyed.

The Sheng Zunzun is one of them, and the murder is obviously weak. This is, which is heard, but it is more and more and more surprising.

Not finished!

Lin Yun took ahead, laughed: "If you think that I am a burial flower, the Tianzhu sword, the dust is saints, my two teachers are also."

"I am cheap master Dragon San Sheng is also!"

A series of names said that the momentum of the Great Sacredness was completely pressed.

Not finished!

Lin Yun smile converges, suddenly drinking: "Just one, which one can't shoot you? Your old ghost, except for the year, what qualifications are in front of me!"

It's almost the embarrassment of the embarrassment, Lin Yun is half-holy, and the momentum of the Sheng Fengzun is completely pressed.

My old guy has, I can't spit a word.

"Night, go down."

Qian Yu is sighing, not in the ceremony that Lin Yun is trying to return Lin Yun.

He understands that there is a heavenly palace at this, he will never let Lin Yun try his crimes.

Forcibly let Lin Yun try, it is too unfair to this little guy.

"Didn't be big, give me over."

Dragon Sacred, reached out, a lot of power is released, and he caught him behind him.

It seems that it is actually to protect him behind himself.

"Just Feng Shengzun, you also sit down, half Holy Traffic can't receive it, it is normal, there is no need to be too concerned, let al night, but Tianlong Zun."

The Tiandong Palace is not traces, giving the Gang Feng Shengzun a step, let him lose his face, slightly, it is slightly lost.

It is also temporarily eased, and it is not a burial flower in the end.

For him, as long as this kid does not try to summon the emperor sword, die a night home, it is not worth it.

If you can try to try it, you can't afford to go to the end.

The four-party discussion has been, all parties guests are whispering.

Even if it is a fool, it can also be seen that the atmosphere in this is not opposite, and the Tiandongzong is moving, and it seems to be exposed to the way.

"Brother, is he funeral flowers."

Most of them were shocked by Lin Yun to retreat, but there were one person, but they kept staring at Lin Yun, and the look is complicated. A pair of beautiful eyes, seemingly endless grievances.

But this is not sad, doubts and more, and there are many joy and excitement in addition to this.

Too complicated!

It is a sachet of Huguang, when the front of the San Zun said that, her heart jumped out, and the whole god was always staring at Lin Yun.

She is emotional, I hope he is really Lin Yun, but he hopes that he is not.

Taoyang Son smiled: "It should be not, how can someone look so arrogant, play is too true, but it looks down."


"Honest point, don't move." The dragon big holy will be cautious after pressing Lin Yun behind him.

Lin Yun nodded, he also felt that the atmosphere was not too right.

But this is wrong, more and he doesn't matter, mainly from the mysterious bucket.

Because the mysterious bucket, I don't know when I fell on my own hat.

When a team that picks up one, pay attention to this scene, there is more and more.

One of the eyes of this person, the feelings become quite nervous, even the Tiandin Palace owner and Qian Yu Dasheng have fallen the line of sight.

The scene is dead in the scene.

"The fear is not over."

In the end, Qian Yu Dacheng broke the silence and looked at that person.

"Oh, still count, this festival makes it like a farce. The so-called east's first holy place, it has a virtual name, this seat can't wait."

The fight is open, Lin Yun lips tap, and I guessed who this person is.

Tian Xuanzi!

Tian Xuanzi got up, throwing the head on the sky, and then a loud noise, the whole square shakes.

The altar is on the wind, and the golden gods that have not been dissolved are melted as the impact of the fight.

The sound of solemnous avenue, the ancient text, which is empty, seems to have a bright whisper, all all disappeared.

The solemn atmosphere is sweeping, like a certain illusory foam being directly pinned, so that everyone is in a heart.

Tian Xuanzi completely removed the disguise, he was suspended, a white, the right shoulder purple flower bloom.

"In fact, there is no god, there is no height of the two swords, and there is no so-called ridiculous ancient first holy place."

Tian Xuanzi shattered the gods, muttered.

Many people guessed his identity, but when he truly stood up, it was still shocked.

This person is too fantasy!

During this time, he called the east, and the rest of the five holy land did not have any gods in his opponent, and the extremely wolf.

Under the emperor, the world is invincible!

Many people are guessing that he has also arrived at the most important step, and it can be an emperor.

This neighboring genius in the past millennium has brought huge pressure to everyone.

He is too perfect, Ling Li is empty, like a picture like a beautifulness.

After the nine emperor, he is the new myth of Kunlun.

Tiandong's holy strong people all felt pressure, suddenly got up at a moment, gathered behind the sanctuary of Qianyu and the Tianyin.

Look at the eyes of Tiansi, also contains a strong anger.

This day, Xuanzi is too mad, and no one dares to be so arrogant for Tiandong.


The seven people who come in with Tianshaok have also taken down the hood, and it is a famous Montenegro.

The appearance of these seven people did not feel unexpected.

Tian Xuanzi is related to these seven people, and it is a matter of knowledge of the east thing.

"Qian Yu Dasheng, I am not wrong." Tian Xuanzi looked at night thousands of feathers and smiled.

His look is gentle, the tone is plain, and all the disciples of all Tiandong have brought more pressure, and even breathing is difficult.

I hidden in the Sabreak of Qianyu, I didn't answer each other, cold and cold: "You will fight, this should be said before the ceremony, this is good."

Tian Xuanzi helplessly smiled: "It is too bored with this festival. It is also looking forward to this little guy. Can you call people the crowd, the result is not seen, sure ... I don't wait, anyway, I have two hands. It should be better than the festival. "

The Sixth of the East Wilderness was finished by him?

Lin Yunxin was surprised that he has been closed, and it is very little about the outside world.

Just know, the master brother has a mouth.

It can really I don't think that Tian Xuanzi weigh the east waste to Tian Daozong.

Under the emperor, no one stops him?

Lin Yun looked up, and the right fantashed, this time he really felt a lot of pressure.

"Then, if you are willing, I am defeated you, this holy continues to host the ritual is that anyway does not spend too much time."

Dan Shi Dacheng is an indifferent look, the eyes are relatively, and the momentum is not allowed.

Be sure to win!

Shengzi, Taoyang, I knew this battle, he was nervous and looked at the silence of slowly suspended, and prayed in his heart.

"very good."

Tian Xuanzi laughed, two big holy blocked, the eyes were dead and staring at each other, and the momentum of them continued to accumulate.

This is the last battle of Tianshi, and there is no eligibility to sit in the VIE Qing Qingyun, which is also interested in attention.

Only this battle has won, under the emperor, the world is invincible, can be calculated to be named.

He did not worry about the strength of the master, but he was the first holy place in Tiandong, the nominal place.

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