The One and Only

The second thousand ninety-five chapters

The Qian Yu Dasheng and the Tiansi are confronting the email, and the two are in silence, but the momentum of the outbreaks can be more powerful.

This is the last battle of Tianxuanzi's weighing, before five wars he won, even many of the venisins.

There is an emperor in the Six Shengdi in the east waste, and there is only one, and the strength of Tiandongzong has two emperors.

But these two emperors, but the two swords of Tiandongzong, no one has seen them for three thousand years.

It looks the strongest, but if you have not already shot, it seems to be the weakest.

The other holy land is strong, and the number of shots is also a few, and it is very pitiful, and it can last after all.

Tian Xuanzi said that the east thing is to fight, and it will break through itself with a war.

Since it is called the east, it is also weighing yourself, see where your strength is.

Also ask name, seek an invincible in the world!

Take this reputation and shocked the east!

No one can live longer, the emperor will be old, or it is old.

Drop the old, no name.

The sky is not the same. He is only five hundred years old. He is like a sunrise, once the emperor will be in the day.

In the face of this, it will feel pressure.

Think of the existence behind him, the east's Sixth Holy Land faces the rise of Tiansi, all have a piggyback pressure.

Today is the last battle.

Many surfaces look at the holy land that is not shallow in Tianguo, in fact, is a little careful, and hope that Qian Yu Dacheng can suppress the Tiansi.

As long as the Tiansi is defeated this, his invincible trend is interrupted, and the day of the emperor is at least one hundred years.

The gas transport is so mysterious, the stronger you, the stronger the air transport, you can win all the way, the front is not.

Once you have lost, the saying is coming.

One is passionate on the saints of Qian Yu, this is also a person!

In the era of night, the protagonist of the east waste is Tiansi.

It can be pushed forward again, and Qian Yu Dasheng is the protagonist of the east waste.

Who never played a good fortune, who didn't be young!

This is the battle of Tianshi's closer, and it is also the two generations of the protagonist, the alternation of the new and old kings.

Once Qian Yu is defeated, it belongs to his era, and it is completely ended.

In fact, with others think, Qian Yu Dasheng is expecting this war for a long time.

He stopped in this step for hundreds of years. He also wanted to feel the feelings through this battle.

Then broke through the realm of people.


In a flash, two people disappeared in the original place, and their body rose, and hopped.

They have no retaining, and the pounds are constantly released.

As they rose, everyone saw extremely surprised scenes.

According to their height thirty-six days, he should be broken, but the sky is always on the top.

Everyone discovered that Xuan Olympics, the sky is like the dome is generally topped by them.

As they have risen, the 36th floor is constantly supported by the two people.

They will be high!

When the people on the local looked up, they found that they became abnormal.

This scene has caused great impact on everyone, like seeing mythology.

"The sky is high!"

"Is it so horrible? The 36th floor is topped up ... I drop, this is too exaggerated."

"Myths Legend, but just right."

Four people exclaimed, everyone saw it.

Lin Yun is the same, his head is numb, and it has been greatly shocked.

"Be sure to win!"

Lin Yun is very nervous, and even never been so nervous.

Tian Xuanzi's battle and Master have a great relationship. If Tian Xuanzi is lost, when the teacher is robbed, Tian Xuanzi can't stop it.

It is even possible to fall directly!

"Be sure to win, you have the strongest enchanting in the east."

On the same time, the Tiandin Palace Lord Great Sacred is also praying.

He has a gloomy, staring at the two people who have handed hands, only looking forward to Tian Xuanzi to win thousands of feathers early.

Once the night is winning, even if there is no crime, there is no one.

With his strength, it is enough to integrate the heaven.

They will be destroyed once hundreds of years.

This battle is eye-catching. I don't know how many people are nervous outside. They have different expectations.


The top of the head is completely unable to see the figure of the two, can only see the blurred holy phase.

Their holy scene is bright, directly through thirty-six days, thus reflecting the Star River.

At this moment, thirty-six days did not exist, everyone can see the bright star river.

"Moon Rover!"

" !"

"Golden Wheel!"

"Wooden Rover!"


Lin Yun is extremely long, you can see seven gold wheels, like Star, usually appear around Tiansi.

This is the realm of Xuan Tianbao to practice to the extremely profound.

Xuan Tian Baojian has a total of nineteen, which is too large, but he is a lot of time.

The first nine is only entitled, and the tenth round is the real dragon spiritual martial arts, which can condensed out of the month.

Eleven can condensed the day and whee ... Day, month, Jinmu water is just a seven stars, and then the top is too Xuantian and not moving.

The legendary 19th is complete, and it can condense the Xuan Tian universe in the body, and the power can be comparable to the god level.

Waiting to the Xuantian universe, the body is like the congenital god of chaos, there is a Tianhe vertical and horizon positioning.

Due to thousands of stars in the body, there is no superior sea.

Lin Yun was observing, he was observing Tian Xuanzi to the realm.

In the priest and cultivation, Qian Yu Dasheng completely occupied the wind, and pressed the sky.

In any case, you can't tear the star phase of the sky, the blurred picture of the head.

Tian Xuanzi has always turned around, and his body gully, the star river flows, draws an inner space.

This is the 18th, too Xuantian!

There is an exhibition when you have been in the ridiculous battlefield, Tian Xuanzi and Master.

Lin Yunxin has a bad hunch, he is worried that Tian Xuanzi has mastered the nineteenth.

He is too calm!

It was obvious to be suppressed by the Qianyu Danchuan, and the 36th floor is under the impact of the two. It has long been a thousand holes, plowing the countless gully.

The seven big gold waves of the Tiansi are always there, they fly up and down, cross-crossing, like seven supreme holyers, extremely horrible.

The Duoyang Holy Holy Chiens, which has been cultivated to the extremely high-profile realm, such as the big righteous bears burning, and maps all day.

He waved the sword light, and several times will go out, and even the blood is sprinkled from the sky.

But Lin Yun is still very nervous, he prayers his premonition, don't come true.

"This day, I can't see it!"

The royal peaks around the Royal Great Holy frown, and he is more clear than Lin Yun to see.

From the head to the end, Tian Xuanzi is in a junior, and there is already a few terrible scars.

"What do you know!"

Royal Great Saint-Cold True: "Tian Xuanzi is more calm, those injuries are not hurt, and the old man is seemingly fierce. In fact, the end of the strong, so, don't wait for the morning and evening, you are waiting."

It feels so feeling, but the wind of the wind is actually very panic, but can only give himself confidence.

The distance, the bloody god, Zhao Tianzi and Gu Yu, is also paying attention to this battle.

The two are somewhat surprised, the strength of the thousand feathers is much better than expected.

"It is worth the protagonist of the last era, the bottom is indeed deep." Zhao Tian Yu Yu said.

"Tian Xuanzi will not lose?"

Ancient jewisman is nervous.

"Can't lose."

Zhao Tianzi is very calm, and the face is smiling.

He is very clear that this Tiansi is so strong, that is a person who is not out, and the light is to make the whole Xuan Tian Baojian. He is destined to be stronger than night.

How many people are waiting for him!

"It can be seen in the current situation, even if Tianzi will win, the night thousands of fem can also be retired, even the strength can be further." Gu Yu Xin frowned.

"Wait to see it."

Zhao Tian got the mouth of the mouth, and the look was calm.

This war lasted for a long time, and in addition to the Holy State, others have not seen any clues.

In addition to the variety of horrible vibration, you can't see specific battles.

Even some people's eyes began to have blood penetration, they see too long, they were hurt by some kind of ray.

"not good."

Suddenly, Lin Yun's Dragon Sacred, the dust dirt, and the swordsman, the face changed.

Even the night of the god of the dragon fruit has been licking, and the dragon fruit in the hands is released, and the look is extremely dignified.

"Master, what happened?"

Lin Yun looked at Long Yu Dasheng, asked nervous.

"That space is imprisoned, very terrible, there are many strange lock chains and horizontatics, cutting space into tens of thousands."

Dragon Big Sheng Sheng said: "Qian Yu is trapped in the gap of the fragment space, Tian Xuanzi masters the space avenue?"

Lin Yunnhen He Wei Wei, I am stunned, eternal Avenue?

"Don't be afraid, the reincarnation is strong in time and space." Xiao Bingfeng comforted in the secret of purple.


I am awakened, and a meteor falls from the sky, just in the altar of Tiandao Square.


The altar is broken, and it is turned to the terrorism.

The Tianzhu Sheng Sheng and the Dust Dust and the Dustan also have the wind of the wind, and these broken pieces will be crushed directly.

The dust rolling, the heaven altar has a huge crack.

Everyone agreed, and a person was lying on the top, and she did not know, and the few blood did not flow.


The Son of Daoyang only looked at the spot, which meteor fell, is a darling body.


A light falls, and the sky is suspended, and the seven gold waves are rotated.

He is shower with holy brilliance, a white, slightly curved golden curly hair, as well as completely open collar, so that this person is extremely uncoordinated.

Once you have the beautiful face, all the uncoordinated faces are all perfect.

He is too perfect!

Like a brush, a piece of painted, all beautiful colors in the world, all fall on his body.

He is like a picture, hanging in the top of everyone, the air is clear, people can't get in touch.

Tian Xuanzi back hand holds a sword, the sword is posted on the arm, the look is light, and the face has a faint smile.

The unclear people ran to the central, put the thousands of haunted, and the dust is filled with the Buddha, and a holiness is constantly injecting.

Can be useless, the Qian Yu Dacheng is intact, his fatal injury is eyebrow.

The eyebrow has a very small wound, almost negligible, but the blood is constantly overflow.

Lin Yun hurts the heart of the heart, this wound and the big brother have been too like.

Thousands of holy look at Tianxiao, staring at the sword of his sword on the arm, showing great unwilling color, reaching muttered: "Chi Yan Jian ..."

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