The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 349: No Holding Back!

Right now, I'm watching the fierce battle in the second match of the second day. It's Angela's team, against a team with one of the summoners I taught in it. Though that summoner is still hasn't taken this turn yet. Since he already has an Orc Wizard and probably the strongest one in the team, I guess his turn would be the last one. And everyone in his team are those who participated in the training camp.

As for Angela's team, it was the man from nobility, Fred, who appears first. He fought well despite not having learned magic control yet. If he learned about it, he might be as strong as Shirley and the others. Though he might still far from Angela who is a freak.

The fact that he's not famous enough for me to remember his name means he hadn't reached his full potential in my previous life. Unless he's with the cult later. I hope that's not the case.

"What a fierce match we witness here today! It's just the first match, and the fight is already so intense!" Dwight said.

"Just a first match? Do you think that the next match will be at least this exciting? Are you sure?" Steven asked.

"If I'm the one who arrange the lineup of the fighters, I would arrange it so that the weakest one will come first. And the last one will be the strongest one. The arrangement of the fighters is also a strategy. Making the weakest one come first mean even if they lose, they will still reveal the opponent's hand. That will make the next fighter prepared for the next fight against that person." Dwight said.

"I suppose you're right. But what if the first one is the strongest so the team can defeat the enemies on his own, so the other teammates still won't reveal their secret. That will also be useful, right?" Steven asked.

"You're right in thinking that way. But If the strongest one lost, then the other teammates will have their spirits broken and unable to fight well in the next match. Of course what I said was just if I'm the strategist. We still don't know if the two fighters on the stage is the weakest or not. Though I hope the fight continue to be this good until it's over." Dwight said.

Dwight might be right that Shirley decided to put the strongest one later. In case her team is strong enough to not need all five players fight until the final, they can keep the strongest fighter's ability as secret. If I'm right, it should be Angela who will come last. But knowing her personality, I think she might want to fight as soon as possible. I also thought that she would fight first.

Hmm… maybe it's thanks to Shirley. She managed to properly takes care of Angela that Angela would listen to everything she says. Or it's just Angela who has grown up.

"Keeping your secret for the final is a good idea, but do you think it's possible? Everyone participating in this tournament are the five strongest of the college they are from. It will be difficult to not get a chance to fight. But if they use their strongest as their fourth fighter and the second strongest as their last, that second strongest can be the trump card who won't be used," Steven said.

"You're right. In the end, a strategy is also important for this tournament. Whether they want to send their strongest last, or first, or maybe, even the strongest is not their trump card, it's all a good strategy. Oh! It seems like Frederick from the capital is winning! The opponent is down on his knee, and unable to dodge the next attack. He gives up! The winner is Frederick!" Dwight announced the winner.

So, he won, huh? I guess he's pretty strong. But he's damaged quite badly to continue the next match.

Because of the rule of not allowing a third party to interfere the match, they can't send a healer to heal him. Each team has their own healer. Some of them are participants like Kayla, and some are not.

And because Fred is not a healer, he has no choice but to endure the pain. But he can give up going to the second match if he wants to.

"Oh! Seems like Participant Frederick refused to leave the stage! He's keen on fighting in the next bout! And his team allowed it! What do you think, Dwight?" Steven asked.

"If it was me, I think I would give up. But this is a team battle, and the prize? They will be dubbed as the strongest. Do you think anyone participating here would give up easily? Only weaklings want to do that. As for Frederick, I can't speak for him, but he must be entering this tournament because he's aiming to be the strongest," Dwight said.

"You're right! I don't know about Frederick, but I know that you will give up if you're in his place!" Steven said.

"That's what you're agreeing with?!"

"Do you think all of the fighters thought that way?" Steven asked again while ignoring his brother.

"Hopefully that's the case. There's no way that some kind of idiot would bribe his way to represent his college, right? If there is, and he's a weakling, he's not a fighter. He's just a laughingstock. Though that will be entertaining as well, right?"

The two now started explaining what they think about this tournament is. Damn! I never thought that they would be so smart!

They know how to make people entertained, and how to analyze and explain about not just the magic used by the fighters, but also the tournament as a whole as well despite no one explained it to them.

But they're right. A weakling who bribe his way to be a participant is inside the private room for Cassau University. He seems to be in panic. Did he only realize about the tournament now?

Other than him, there are also several other people who are panicked. That's what you get for bribing.

I look at Wendy who is sitting next to me and know that she's thinking of the same thing as well.

"Wendy, go and see the team. Seems like that guy is about to say or do something stupid," I said.

"Can you believe that I'm the only one who deny his recommendation while most professor agree? There are some who doesn't agree, but they won't speak. This morning, he even said it proudly that his father will be watching his fight, so he asked to be put as the first fighter tomorrow. Yesterday's fights were not as intense as today, so he must be thinking that everyone is about the same level. Though hearing he wanted to be the first one, Kayla and the others happily agreed. If he wants to change it now, that's impossible. Anyway, I'll take a look at them now. I'll be back later. Hopefully, for Angela's turn," Wendy said as she leaves her seat.

Well, that's only if Angela got her turn. But seeing that this is our hometown, I guess she wants to show everyone how strong she has become. Everyone who lives here in Melk, want to watch Angela, Shirley, and Kayla's fight as they are their heroes. That mean, Shirley and Angela will fight.

The match continues, and Fred is defeated while I watched Wendy scolding the annoying guy in the private room.

After Fred, it was the male agent's turn who won the match, and lose on his second. Then the female agent fought, winning against the one who defeated the male agent, but lose against the opponent's fourth fighter.

Now, both teams only have two fighters left. The first three fighters of both teams are almost equal. That's how they ended up with this.

The opponent still has the ice mage who defeated the female agents, and the summoner who will be the last one. Seems like the ice mage didn't go all out against the female agent. He's reserving his strength for the next match.

As for the team from the capital, it was Shirley and Angela who haven't got their turn yet. And the next match is Shirley's turn.

"What a turn of event! Both teams are almost equal, and now they are both down to their last two fighters! And from the capital, it's her highness, princess Shirley!" Steven announced.

"But will it be okay? The opponent is facing the princess of the kingdom. He might hesitate, you know?" Dwight asked.

"Not necessarily. Wait, his majesty he has an announcement to make," Steven said.

It's still in the middle of the match, but Albert is standing from his seat to make an announcement to not hold back. I guess it's good for him to arrive early so he can say this.

Even if he didn't say it, the agent from the other team would still go all-out. But people would still blame him for going all-out whatever the result might be. But if Albert is the one allowing it, the people can't get angry.

"What an exciting match that we have witnessed today! But it's not over yet. I'm sorry for stopping it, but it's something that I have to say. NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO HOLD BACK! Even if the opponent is a noble, or a princess, no one is allowed to hold back! Use all your strength against your opponent and show everyone how strong you are! Do not disrespect the tournament! Not just this match, but all matches have to be fought with the intention to win! That's all I have to say. Do not disappoint me! You can continue the match."

Thanks to Albert's announcement, it won't be a problem if the ice mage going all out and injure Shirley. And no one will blame him for hurting Shirley. Though I think Shirley would still win it. But I don't know if she could win against the summoner.

Well, I can only know once they fight.

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