The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 350: Shirley's Match

"Then, Princess Shirley will fight against Zack! And none of them are allowed to hold back! We have just heard about the announcement from his majesty. This way, Zack will be fine if he injured Princess Shirley. Though that necessarily mean that Princess will be injured," Steven said.

Thanks to Albert's announcement, no one would think of holding back in the tournament whoever they are fighting. Though I don't think anyone who attended the training camp with me will hold back in the fight. If they do, Albert will be angry. No one wanted to feel the rage of the king.

"What do you mean by that, Steven? Do you think that Princess will win? Even though you just see how capable Zack is?" Dwight asked.

"The winner is still unknown before the match happened. But we, people of the Melk, especially the hunters and guards who protected the city from the Stampede few years back, have seen how capable princess is in fighting. And ever since, Princess Shirley must have grown a lot stronger than that time. As for Zack, we still don't know fully how good he is. But I expect some surprise to happen," Steven said.

"You expect the Princess to lose?" Dwight said.

"That's not what I said, you idiot! I said that Zack might still hiding some trump cards in the previous fight. He only used his ice magic then, right? Maybe he has a few more elements as strong as that," Steven said.

"You're probably right. And Princess Shirley herself is also an ice mage. We will witness two amazing ice mages fighting on the stage. And this won't be the last bout either! The capital team still has Angela, and the other also has another mage who haven't fight yet! We still won't know who will be the winner of this match!" Dwight said.

"And Kron has signaled the start of the battle! Let's see who will prevail!"

The battle hasn't started, but everyone is already excited since they will see Shirley fight again. Even outside, at the square, everyone is stopping what they're doing and have their eyes locked to the big screen.

Hey, you street vendor! That give that hotdog to the buyer already! If not, I will go there and take it from him! This is not a good time to stop their movement. And why is the buyer also stopped?

The match started with multiple ice magic attack. When Shirley attack, the opponent used ice shield. When the opponent attack with ice magic, Shirley defended with ice shield as well. So far, neither of them used their other element to fight.

"What an intense match we're seeing! Ice Spikes are flying all over the places. Some are deflected by the other's Ice Shield and went toward the audience seat, but thankfully, we have light mage prepared all around the stage to quickly cast Light Barrier just in case situation like that happen. Seems like not just the participants who are strong, even the officials are capable mages as well," Dwight said.

"Please refrain in commentating about the official at the moment. Can't you see that the Princess Shirley and Zack fighting on the stage? Comment about that instead!" Steven said to his twin brother.

"Then you do that! Their match is too amazing that I can't do my job to deliver properly. I don't even know who is attacking who!" Dwight shouted.

"Right now, it's… hmm… this is an amazing battle for all ice mage who watched it. They will learn a lot from this fight and can get stronger as well," Steven said.

"Now you're talking about other ice mages!" Dwight said angrily.

I have to say that this match is much better than other fight I've watched before even if those two didn't commentate. Though hearing them just make things better.

But there's one thing that they didn't see. It's that Shirley is still looking calm, while the opponent can't no longer have the composure to continue the battle this way. He will probably use his other element soon.

And just as I expected, that guys used earth magic to attack Shirley from below. But Shirley managed to predict that as well, as she leaped to the sky and fly. Did she know that the opponent has earth element?

Oh, wait! They both are in the training camp! And since Shirley is someone who responsible on teaching the ice mages, she must have known that guy's other element. I guess those who attended training camp can't hide their elements to each other.

The opponent seems to have given up on winning. But he's still planning on making Shirley to waste her magic so the last fighter can win. The last fighter for that team is the summoner who has fire element as well. Combined with the Orc Wizard who can use fire magic as well, Shirley will have to fight two mages at the same time after this match.

But I guess the summoner needed to reserve his mana for the match against Angela. That's why this guy is trying to waste Shirley's mana and stamina at the same time.

"This is the longest bout I've witnessed ever since I started commentating. But it seems that Princess Shirley will be victorious. The opponent has spent too much mana that his Earth Wall finally broken by the Princess' Ice Spikes. But it seems to be tiring for the Princess as well. Will she be able to go on with the last opponent?" Dwight said.

The battle is not over yet. Turns out, the opponent still hadn't given up. He pretended to be tired and made the Earth Wall weak on purpose. It's all to get Shirley let down her guard. And as expected, Shirley let her guard down.

He got Shirley with a surprise attack using every last bit of his mana to use his most powerful Earth Pillar that raise and can reach Shirley who is flying. Shirley reacted too slow as her legs got hit by the pillar. That must have hurt. Her leg is broken. She needs to get healed soon.

But Shirley also hasn't given up as she used a Tornado to finally blow the opponent outside of the stage while enduring the pain.

"Th-the victory goes to Princess Shirley!" Steven announced the winner of the match.


The audience gives standing ovation toward not just Shirley, but her opponent as well. in the end, that match was too amazing for them to watch.

"That was intense! Who would have thought that after all that, Zack got defeated by leaving the stage?" Steven asked.

"That's wrong. Just look at Zack right now. He's unconscious. Even if he got blown away and landed on the stage, he would still lose because he's unable to fight any longer. But really, this battle is too great. Even his majesty is standing as well," Dwight said.

"But still, Zack is amazing. He pretended to be weak so Princess Shirley let down her guard. Had she reacted any slower, he would have won. But in the end, he still lost. Not just that, he even made Princess Shirley casted powerful magic in the end. This way, even if she continues the next match, she won't have enough mana left to cast other powerful magic," Steven said.

"Yeah, but she must have injured her leg quite badly from that last attack. The Princess already have a hard time standing. I doubt she will continue fighting," Dwight said.

Kron then asked Shirley if she wants to continue, and Shirley insisted on keep going.

"Oh! Princess Shirley decided to continue! Is it okay? She's injured badly there. I can see her right leg is swollen. I think it's broken," Steven said.

"But look at his majesty! He nodded and agree to let Princess Shirley fight! His majesty must have faith in his sister," Dwight said.

Or maybe he has faith in me as a doctor. I don't see anyone whom I taught about medical knowledge around here. That mean I will be the one performing the surgery if anything happened.

But to break the Princess' leg… that guy got guts. If her injury got worse, the opponent's team will be hated by the audience. Though Albert will stop it before it goes too far.

"Wendy, I'll be leaving," I said to Wendy who sat next to me. She has returned after scolding the stupid guy in the middle of Shirley's match.

"You won't watch the next match?"

"I'll watch it from the infirmary. Her leg is broken and I will fix it."

I also see that Sophie is leaving her seat and come this way after seeing me standing up. She knows that I will perform a surgery on Shirley and will come to assist me.

As for our healer, Kayla, she didn't move at all despite watching Shirley got injured.

Well, they are enemies at the moment. That's why Kayla won't help Shirley at least during the duration of the tournament.

That's fine since we can ask another healer to heal Shirley later. Though the difference in the quality of the healing magic will be huge.

Seems like Fred asked Shirley to leave the stage, but she refused. Well, I'll watch her lose from the infirmary.

I told Sonia to tell Angela to get someone to bring Shirley to the infirmary to be healed.

As I entered the infirmary with Sophie, the match is over. And Shirley lost. But the injury she received from before didn't seem to get worse. I guess the summoner didn't aim at her leg.

He only used fire magic and didn't call his Orc Wizard. And he aimed accurately at Shirley who is flying. Shirley was falling to the ground, but Angela caught her and told the others to bring Shirley here.

Albert look worried a bit, but he looked at the direction of the infirmary. Despite not having a see-through vision, he can tell that I'm already here.

"The patient will arrive soon. And they brought a healer as well. Tell me if you know her from the training camp or not, okay?"

"If the one coming here is the healer from the capital, then yes. She's from the training camp." Sophie said.

"I guess Shirley won't have to worry about not participating the next match then. Here we go."

Shirley arrived quickly while being carried by the male agent in her team. And the healer from the capital is the same person that Sophie told me. We quickly began the operation as the noise made by the audience can be heard here.

Seems like they decided to take a break before the last fight. It was too intense and the stage needed to be repaired. And the earth mage responsible in repairing it takes his time doing it.

I guess Shirley should be healed by the time Angela's fight started.

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