The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 373: Cutting Water

Aaah… this is nice. Fishing on a lake and enjoying the view.

Wait, I'm here to train! Not fishing!

I have learned to cut fire, and able to slash a target from distance as well. I might no longer need to use Air Shot again in the future, but the range of my slash is not far enough so I will still need Blobbyrifle.

Since I can cut fire now, I'm trying to cut other things. Which is water. And that's the reason we're on a lakeside. But because there weren't any monsters and it's too calm, we're all relaxing. Shelia and Victoria are playing in the water, and Spot is swimming happily since the lake is so big. In fact, it should be called sea instead of lake.

And there's a waterfall falling to the lake from up high. The spectacle was amazing. And the volume of water falling is crazy. Spot even swimming up the waterfall from below for fun. Maybe I should try it as well.

As for the monsters inside the lake, maybe they are afraid of Spot. That's why none of them are coming out.

And yup, there are no fish to be caught. I just put out a fishing rod just for the atmosphere. And I think I have relaxed enough.

Well, for my next training, just the lake and the waterfall should be enough for me to train with.

Since there are no enemy, using Blobbies should be enough rather than using Victoria.

"Victoria, Shelia, you two can relax more. I'm going to start training," I said.

"We will play a bit more, and then we will hunt monsters nearby together," Victoria said.

"Me! Me! What about me!?" Spot asked.

Spot is… I don't know what he wants. I suppose it will be best to let him lay as much as possible. Oh, that's right! I have a suggestion for him!

"Spot, for now, you can play around as much as possible or hunt monsters. You are free to do what you want. But, after I finished my training, I'm going to ask you for a spar. Will you fight me?" I asked.

"A fight? You're asking for a fight? I guess we haven't fought before. I think that's a good idea. Let's fight once you become stronger! I'll go swim a bit more and then I'll fight some monsters," Spot said.

Is it just me or he's actually looking forward for our fight? I hope he won't try to kill me.

"You sure you want to fight Spot?" Victoria asked.

"Well, the reason for this journey is to get stronger. And so far, there are no other monsters stronger than Spot, so it's best if I gained experience from fighting him. Though I hope neither of us will go too far and have to die. Or more like I hope I won't die," I said.

After that, I left the three of them to do what they want as I walked into the middle of the lake. The water is pretty calm around here despite the waterfall. And even using my Divine Vision, I still can't see the bottom of the lake.

First, let's try my long-distance attack.

I jumped to the sky, and swung my Blobbysword down. And there was a sound of something hitting the water and a splash was created. I guess it worked. But the power is too weak.

That's also another thing I need to improve.

I turned my Blobbysword into gloves and I grabbed Reizpear from my pocket. I poured some magic into it and the Reizpear returned to its original form. I'll practice with this instead of Blobbies.

I jumped again, and this time I used a thrust attack with Reizpear. The attack hit the water and it's deeper than the previous sword slash. As expected, I'm more proficient with spear rather than sword.

This time, I step on the lake water and with my Reizpear, I attacked the water. Inserting my will to my attack, and the water is split.

But because the volume of the water is too much, I can only see the path where my spear touched.

Well, that will also be my training. I need to be able to split the water deeper and further.

It's impossible for my attack to reach the bottom in just a few months of training, but at least I know how to do it. This way, the next time I'm training, I know what to focus my training at.

I know I can cut water now, but just that alone is not enough. So, I keep training and training.

Of course I still rest regularly and returning to Cassau to ask if there's anything going on.

When there's nothing important, I would return back to Monsters World and train.

With my strength, I can only cut water for three meters deep. But that's good enough after only training for a few days.

I'd like to challenge Spot after I can split the waterfall in two from the bottom.

Well, maybe not that much. That might take years for it to happen.

As of now, I couldn't even cut the strong waterfall. At least I need to do that first.

With Reizpear, I slashed the surface of the lake again and again.

I can see the improvement, but it was so little.

Probably less than half centimeter every day. Some days, it's even less.

I guess I also need to train my muscle as well.

So, I trained using Victoria's method. To stand still under the fierce waterfall and meditate. Without Aura protecting me.

That doesn't seem to be helpful, but when I tried it the first time, I couldn't even stand still. I got pushed by the waterfall.

I guess she's right that training under waterfall is useful. I can improve my will and endurance.

So, I spent eight hours trying to stand under the waterfall, and another eight hours improving my technique. The rest are for other training and rest.

The result, I notice my improvement more. Though I still couldn't stand still under the waterfall.

It took me three months until I can stand still under the waterfall.

I have become stronger now. My body is slightly more muscular. I can see it with my Divine Vision.

But for my outer appearance, it doesn't change much.

Well, the girls told me that I'm heavier now whenever I returned home and sleep with them. But that's muscle and not fat.

And today, while meditating under the waterfall with Reizpear in one hand, I closed my eyes. I didn't even use Divine Vision to see. Everything was dark.

Then I quickly opened my eyes, and swung Reizpear upwards to split the waterfall.

It doesn't split it all the way to the top. Just slightly over five meters. But that's a huge improvement in just three months.

"…wow. Am I actually a genius? I think I can beat anyone I fight," I said.

"Shelia, listen to what our master just said. He actually thinks that he's a genius. Very funny," Victoria said.

"Just because he became stronger, he thinks that other people won't get stronger as well. I'm embarrassed to hear that," Shelia said.

"Isn't it fine? Confidence is important after all," Spot said.

"But overconfidence is something that no one should have. Especially him," Shelia said.

…they are making fun of me. I'm training hard, but they are making fun of me.

But they are right. I shouldn't be overconfident.

The three monsters also trained hard and grow stronger.

Shelia's improvement is visible from the way her attacks is stronger than three months ago.

Victoria, although she can't get stronger, her technique improved a lot. Maybe because she witnessed the result of my training that she told me from fiction stories of her world bear positive result, she trained her technique from something she remembered.

Though she will still mostly be used as my weapon. But at least there will be more monsters that she can defeat alone.

As for Spot… I don't know. I know that he would sometimes fly over my head in high speed, and hunt monsters to eat. But he was strong from the start, so it's difficult to tell if he's growing or not.

I guess it's time for my promise.

"Spot, do you mind if we spar? I want to see my progress," I asked Spot for a spar.

"Are you sure you want to do it now? I thought your training is not over yet," Spot asked.

"It is not over yet. But I don't think I will get stronger just by doing the same thing every day. I also need to gain experience. After our spar, we will leave this place and go back to hunting powerful monsters. I have marked this place with a Blobby so I can return here anytime I want. I still haven't fulfilled my mission to split the waterfall into two," I said.

"Then let's do it. Where should we fight?" Spot asked.

"Here is fine."

"Where is here?"

"Anywhere. The land, the sky, the lake, we will fight in this place. As for the time… let's do it in two hours. I'm starving," I said.

We finally will fight today.

Spot is very strong, and even after training for three months, I still don't know if I can beat him. But that's fine. I just need to see the result of my training.

And so, our time for spar is approaching…

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