The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 374: Sparring With Spot

Me against Spot.

An Aura user against a Giant Serpent.

A 19 years old young man against an over a thousand years old monster.

I wonder if this is the right decision. Just because I want to get stronger doesn't mean I have to risk my life doing it.

I hope he will hold back his power.

There's only me and Spot facing against each other on a lakeside, with me carrying Victoria and Reizpear in my hand, and Shelia is in a safe distance from us.

"Roy, are you ready?" Victoria asked.

"I don't think I am, but let's do it!" I shouted.

Looking at him again, he is so big and long. And I even told him that our fight can be anywhere. Land, sky, or even underwater. I shouldn't have said that.




"…Roy, when should we start?" Spot asked.

"Oh, right! Shelia, give us the signal!" I said to Shelia.

Shelia from far away, looking at the two of us. And seeing that we both are prepared, she raised her hand high.

"BEGIN!" Shelia shouted as she swung down her hand.

Spot is huge, stronger, and faster. And my clear advantage is I'm small. I need to make the first move!

But I was too late. As soon as Shelia gave the signal, Spot's tail already moved and he swung it at me like a whip from the side.

I quickly covered Aura on Reizpear on my right and Victokatana on my left as I blocked the tail. But it was still too strong that I got pushed far into the middle of the lake. But I landed safely on the surface of the lake.

Still, as soon as the battle begin, Spot instantly put me in a disadvantaged position. With the lake under me and only sky above, Spot can swim or fly as he wants. I should have told him that the battle is only on the ground…

Well, it can't be helped. I already said that the battle can be anywhere, so let's do it!

Spot flying toward me in high speed, but luckily, my eyes already used to his speed. I know when he will arrive, so I waited until the right time.

I transformed Vitoria into an armguard on my left, and hold Reizpear with two hands. It's time to test my special skill against Spot.

Well, I only have one skill. Which is… oh, shit! I forgot its name!

I guess I won't shout the name again until I have an easy to remember name.

It's the skill where I hold Reizpear with both hands. I hold the middle part of the spear tightly with my left hand, and with my right, I spin the end of the spear as much as possible while pouring magic on it so even if it breaks, it will recover instantly.

With Aura and my will infused to the spear, I release my left hand as I pushed the spear forward when Spot is about ten meters away from me.

The spear spun so fast it creates a small tornado toward Spot.

Spot noticed my attack can reach him, so he changed direction. But my attack scratched him on his left side and left a long wound.

The wound is not that deep, but it should still hurt him.

"Wow, that was amazing. But that's not enough, Roy!" Spot said as he coming toward me.

The attack didn't have effect on him?

Oh, wait. I need to dodge it.

From the sky, Spot is coming down in a fast rate. I dodged it to the side in time, but Spot's already predicted it as he swung his tail at me.

I should have dodged much further than this.

I blocked the tail, but I still got pushed deep underwater. This is to be expected from Spot, huh?

Well, the water is also where I can maneuver freely. But I can't attack him from distance underwater. I need to get out of here fast.

I quickly swim to the surface, but each time I got closer, Spot would block me. I tried to attack him many times as well, but he's much better swimmer than me and dodged all of my attacks.

But still, it's not like I have to swim, right?

I opened a portal connected to Shelia waiting next to the lake. Thanks to that, she got wet from the water coming out of the portal as well.

"Sorry, Shelia," I said.

"Should I help? I'm your summon after all," Shelia suggested.

"Hmm… no. I want to fight Spot on my own first."

"Okay then. Good luck."

Then I run to the lake to face Spot one more time.

As he's raising to the surface, I attacked him again with my spear.

The same thing happened again and this time I got blown away to the sky. At least it's better than being underwater.

We keep exchanging attack in the sky. Well, I mostly dodged him.

Whenever I can't dodge, I would use portal to move location after throwing Blobbies away. I can't just keep travelling to where Shelia is.

Fighting Spot, I realize something.

I'm suck at fighting monster.

I can fight human well. Maybe some humanoid monsters as well.

But for monster like Spot, it is extremely difficult.

And because of my summoning element, I have to defeat powerful monster to get stronger!

Maybe I need to have a strong and huge attack prepared in case like this. There might be other monsters that I can't come close with no matter what.

We're fighting mostly in the sky. Spot may be thinking that it's difficult to hit me when both of us are in the sky, so he keeps trying to make me fall to the lake again. But each time he tries that, I dodged. I won't fall again into the lake.

Seeing that we are unable to end the fight like this, Spot used his breathe attack. The attack that makes him breathe some a non-elemental magic. Will I be able to cut it?

I really want to dodge, but I have to see if my training against mage is useful in this situation. Although the attack is a non-elemental kind, it's still a magic attack.

I pour my magic, Aura, and my will into Reizpear trying to block the attack.

Spot fire his magic breath, and it's right in front of me.

I thrusted my spear forward with my technique that I used to make the spear spun as I attack, and the tip of my spear hit right in the middle of the breath.

I stopped it! I can now block magic attack!

"Where are you looking, Roy?"

Without me noticing, Spot is already above me as he swung his tail at me.

I guess this is my loss.

I lost my consciousness as I fall because I used everything on that last attack to block his magic.

When I come to, I was soaked. My body is hurting all over. I can see that I have several cracks on my bones.

"…shit. That was painful," I said when I come to,

"Roy, you okay?" Victoria asked me worriedly.

She is currently wrapping my body like a suit. I guess she thinks my bones are broken and she's right.

And next to me is the worried Shelia and the small version of Spot.

"Sorry. I didn't expect that you would let down your guard," Spot said.

"That was my mistake. Not yours. Anyway, congratulation on your victory. I guess it's still too soon for me to fight you. But I learned a lot in our fight, so thank you," I said.

I need a special finisher against monster. Just using my technique to spin the spear as I thrusted it is not enough.

Fighting the cult, there won't only be mages in their side. There will also be monsters they raised and controlled. I don't know if they have something even stronger than Spot or not, but it's best to be careful.

"Ugh… I'm hurt and tired. Let's go home for today. We'll go back training after resting," I said to the three monsters.

Thanks to Victoria covering my body tightly, there's no problem in moving. Every movement is done by Victoria.

I opened a portal back to Cassau, right in my own room. I asked Shelia to get Kayla to heal me.

Kayla comes in just a few seconds later along with the other girls. Oh, Candy is here as well? I guess everything in the capital has been taken care of.

"What happened?" Kayla asked.

"Just a spar with Spot. I'm still too weak to do that I guess," I said.

"Now what? Do you want me to heal you or improve your recovery rate?"

"Just improve it a little. Recovering injured body naturally can make them stronger. And it's a good time for me to rest for a while," I said.

"Next time you spar with Spot, ask me to come with you so I can heal you right away," Kayla said.

"Okay. I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to sleep. Good night."

I need to think of a special skill to defeat powerful monsters as well. But I guess I'll do that after I wake up.

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