The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 394: Digging Graveyards

One day has passed after the battle against Mohawk. I mean the mohawk girl, Jena.

I am now completely healed, and about to go to a certain village. Toward Jena's hometown where she massacred everyone after her the Professor successfully experimented on her.

It's her dying wish to have everyone buried. Though if she was not being brainwashed, I would never do this.

Many are wondering why I did this even though this is very not like me. Well, the answer is because of my regret in my past life.

I was a mediocre doctor, but I still had many patients visiting me. And some of them didn't make it. They left me with dying message that I could never fulfil.

But now, I have the power to fulfil someone's dying wish. She's not my patient, and in fact, she was my enemy. But I will try to fulfil her wish.

After her brainwashing got undone, she said her name and her wish in front of other people as well. That mean even if I don't go, someone else will go in my place because of their own kindness. That's also my other reason why I go. I'm surrounded by many kind people.

Well, another reason is because the Professor told Jena to aim at her village. It might just be a test from the Professor to Jena after being brainwashed, but there might be other reasons as well. that's why I'm going to investigate it before returning to Monsters World and search for an angel.

As for the others, Albert and the kings are discussing again about our next move after realizing the possibility that there might be other master level mage among the cult. Veronica and Celestine were there with them as well to tell them again what they know about the cult before they betrayed them.

The other girls are at the base preparing to go to Monsters World to explore by themselves. They said that they will move separately other than those who choose to stay like Sophie and Lina.

Well, Lina can just send her monsters to go. But Sophie, she's doesn't really like fighting. That's why she chooses to stay at home to protect it.

That's fine since she's an advanced level now. At least she's not as bad as the spoiled rich kids who only cultivate with a lot of resources, but don't have any experience in fighting. And she's focusing on becoming a doctor more than a mage anyway.

Right now, I'm on top of Spot's back near the border between Arturo and Varadis. I'm looking for the village that Jena said. She said that it was within Arturo's territory, but the country never knows about it. They survive on their own and with some merchants who are passing by from time to time.

When Harold heard that, he doesn't know what to say since it was way before he was being swapped.

And the kings probably discussing about villages within their territory which were abandoned as well. I don't care about that since it's not really related to the cult.

"Spot, I saw the village. It's over there," I said while pointed where the village is.

"Like I said, I can't see where you pointed your finger at when you're on top of my head!" Spot said.

"Oh, right. Sorry. A bit to the left, and you should be able to see it soon," I properly guided Spot this time.

We reached the village in just a few minutes of flying. Of course we went there after using portal to Varadis first.

The village is… abandoned.

It smells really bad as many corpses lying all over the place and not being taken care of.

I looked all over the village and didn't see anything worth mentioning. I guess that Professor only wanted to test Jena's strength by sending her here.

This was her hometown and she was forced to follow his order to kill everyone here. Including her own family.

Seems like the cult also knows about some villages that the country abandoned. That's why they targeted this place. Took Jena from this village, experimented on her, and get her to kill everyone in this village.

"…this is so cruel," Victoria said.

"Should I say as expected of the cult? Anyway, we now have the item needed for finding where that Professor is. Albert and the others will decide what to do next. Though I doubt we will do anything anytime soon. Probably we will only raid the lab right before the tournament. We will let them decide our next move," I said.

I Use air magic to filter the air so we don't have to smell the stench. This makes breathing easier.

Even after their death, no one has ever taken a step around here. That's why Harold is trying his best to fix everything so he can prepare what he should do after he returns to the throne. But we need to destroy the cult first before he can return. Or at least just those in Arturo.

I dug many graves and buried all the corpses that I found one by one. It's not that bad since I can move very fast.

I guess that's everyone. As for the smell, it will disappear one day.

"We're done here. Let's go back," I said.

"Where?" Victoria asked.

"Where the kings are holding the meeting. I need to return them back after all," I said.

When I opened a portal to the meeting room, I sensed the atmosphere turned serious.

"…let's leave and return again later," I said.

"Wait! Don't just leave after you come! Our discussion is not over yet!" Albert shouted.

"I'll be back once the discussion is over," I said calmly.

"Just stay here. It's not like our next discussion is something serious," old man Henry said.

"I don't trust you after seeing the atmosphere," I said.

When I was about to step back, the ground and the wind are pushing me into the portal. It's Celestine and Veronica's doing.

I guess I can't escape from this place.

"Fine, I'm here now. Now what?"

"I want to ask you what is in that village," Harold asked.

"Nothing. Just dead people. Some are burnt from the lightning magic Jena used. Only few corpses still have their whole body intact," I said.

"So no one knows the existence of that village. I'm a failure of a king," Harold said.

"At least you can become a good example of what a king shouldn't do for your successor," I said calmly.

After chatting for a while, they returned back to the discussion.

"So, everyone agrees to delay the tournament again?" Albert asked.

"But how?" Lynn asked

"The fake king is asking us about the technology for the TV. And we will install it in every country before the tournament. We will say that there's an error during the installment so we need to adjust it and it will take a while before that happen," Albert said.

"Hah! And the screens in Melk were installed in one night. Make a better excuse," I said.

"Hmm… bandits stole the TV during the delivery," Albert suggested.

"That's better, but after the tournament, do you think the fake king will believe it since he must have collected information about strong people in Tatrama?"

"…we'll think of a better way. There's still few months time before the tournament begin after all," Albert said.

"Just add a new rule saying each country will have two teams. That way, it's normal for them to think that the delay is for training purpose. To search for good candidates for the second team. That's easy, right?" I said.

"I see… that does sound like a good idea. We will adjust the rule again and see if the fake king will agree," Albert said.

Is this why it takes so long for their discussion? Thinking of a way to delay the tournament?

Just ask lazy person to do that. They are good in making excuse. Even more if they are lazy but smart at the same time.

"Then, next is about the lab," Albert said as he takes out the compass pointing toward the lab of the cult.

"What should we do? Raid that place?" Harold asked.

"Wait, it's been a while since I gather you all here, but you only talked about this now?" I asked.

"We have many questions to ask Celestine and Veronica," Albert said.

I guess that's fine then.

That mean I have to wait here more. I should have brought something so I won't get bored.

In the end, we decided to raid that place later before the tournament.

Even if there's a possibility that the Professor will escape long before then, we will still raid that place.

After all, we lack power. Even if we raid it now, there will only be casualties among us. It's best to do it later after everyone has gotten stronger.

And I took a nap most of the time during the discussion. I just heard the result after they woke me up.

"It's over now? Let's go back. Tomorrow, many of us in the clan will go to Monsters World. Including the four expert level mages we have. Try to not have any problem that needs our help during our time there," I said.

Finally, I will return to search for the angels again. I hope we can reach an agreement just through conversation and not battle.

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