The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 395: Giant Shadow in the Sky

The day after meeting with the kings, I entered the portal to the Monsters World along with everyone who wants to raise improve their strength. All of them want one thing. Which is the power to defeat those who are stronger than them.

Those who entered with me including; Kayla, Angela, Jewel, Candy, Wendy, Veronica, Celestine, Julia, Carmen, Fabio, Kron, and Lina's two monsters, Sunny and Elsie.

When I asked Kron if he wants to come with us, he happily agreed. But as he had never entered Monsters World as much as the others, I told him to go with a group in the first few days before splitting up.

And that's the case with Wendy as well. She took a break from teaching and decided to join the others in pursuit of strength.

The two will group up together with Candy.

As for Julia, Carmen, and Fabio, they will go together with Kayla. Those three have never entered Monsters World, so Kayla is the best person to guide them.

And since Carmen and Julia are both expert level mages, it should be easy for them. I don't know about Fabio though. But I think he's quite powerful for his level.

As for the rest, Veronica, Celestine, and Angela will go on their own right away. And Jewel will go along with Lina's two monsters, Sunny and Elsie.

I'm kind of worried that Elsie is not in our base, but I have tasked several werewolves to watch the base along with Sophie and Lina back home. They agree easily knowing that they will be eating Lina's cooking.

I guess that's everyone.

"Alright, we're off. Lina, if anyone needs anything, open a portal and let Sonia in into Monsters World. We can't wait several hours for her to arrive if it's urgent," I said.

"Okay. And you too, Master. Don't force yourself. If the archangels refuse to be your contracted monster, and fight is unavoidable, just retreat if you can't handle it," Lina said.

"Don't worry. If it's really impossible, I will give up and find other monsters to make contract with," I replied.

After everyone entered the portal, I entered lastly and closed the portal. Now, they can only depend on themselves to survive. Though I will open a portal to their location once a day and bring them some food. After all, some monsters here are too poisonous to eat.

Probably not once a day. Every three days might be good since I can bring them three days' worth of food every time for each of them.

As for the candidates for the tournament in other countries, there are other people training them than Celestine and Julia in Consenza and Varadis. The two expert level mages can concentrate in getting stronger. After all, just the artificial master level mage has proven to be too much for us.

Worse of all, we don't know if there are other artificial master level mage again, and they are even better than Jena. Which mean no matter how many times they used their magic, their body won't crumble. That will be our nightmare.

"Okay, everyone, we will split up from now. Like I explained before, since we can't communicate through Sonia, in case of danger, I gave you several small Blobbies. Make sure you keep one of them safe at all time, and when you are in danger, destroy one of them. That way, Victoria will notice and I will come to you as fast as possible," I explained.

"This sure is convenience," Julia said.

"Yeah. Though not as much as Sonia since we can just relay a message. If it's like this, Roy will not know what kind of danger we are facing. It will be too embarrassing if I called him just to say that I'm starving," Kron said jokingly.

"If it's just food, you won't have much trouble. Especially if you find beast-type monsters. Usually, they don't have poison. You can eat them," Shelia said as the original inhabitant of this world.

Shelia herself said that she wants to go alone. Though I will summon her if I'm in danger. And when I meet the archangel, she told me to summon her right away. If the archangel is as strong as Spot said, it will be a huge increase in our strength.

After telling them to be careful, we each travel to different locations. With me making another portal toward where we were last time we are in search of the Angel's Sanctuary.

"Roy, after the business with the archangel is over, I'm splitting up with you so I can get stronger on my own," Spot said.

"Okay. Are you going back to where you were born?" I asked.

"Most likely. If my parents are still alive, I might be able to ask them how to get stronger even more. Though I don't know if they will still accept me or not since I have been gone for a long time," Spot said.

"Alright. For now, let's continue our search. I will depend on you for this, Spot. I will just use Divine Vision once in a while to spot the Sanctuary instead of using it all the time," I said.

We flew with me on Spot's back in high speed. We're still looking for where the Sanctuary is.

It's a pain that there's a place that keeps moving all the time. Not just the cult headquarters, but this Sanctuary as well.

In the cult's case, only the people moving around. Not the whole place. But the Angels' Sanctuary, it keeps moving since it's above the cloud. The wind keeps blowing the cloud and it won't stop moving.

"Man, there are a lot of monsters here. Way more than before," I said.

"At least I won't get hungry. Just by opening my mouth and many of them entering it at once," Spot said.

"Yeah, right. Oh, what's that?"

While flying in the sky, I can see a shadow of a huge monster above me. It was so huge that it covers the sun.

"Hmm… that's a monster? Wait, a dragon!? Let's escape!" Spot shouted.

A dragon? Will that dragon be interested to be my contracted monster? And why is Spot afraid of the dragon?

As I look with my Divine Vision this time, I can see that… the dragon is much bigger than I thought. It was many times the size of Cassau!

"…Spot, is dragon dangerous monster?" I asked.

"Not just dangerous! They are famous to attack anyone that they don't like. They don't like if someone getting close to them, they don't like if there's something in their sight, and they don't like many things! If any of us are considered as something that dragon hate, we will be doomed!" Spot said.

I never thought that dragon would be such difficult creature. But can they be my contracted monster? I think they will be more powerful than archangel.

"I know what you're thinking. But don't ever make a contract with a dragon! Someone who tried it in the past failed and they got eaten instead. Rather, many summoners who entered this world in search for a powerful monster, tried to make a contract with dragons. And they are all die trying," Spot said.

"Seriously!? I guess that explain how the knowledge about summoners able to enter this world is forgotten. Let's descend and find somewhere to hide. If that thing finds us, I'll use portal to get us out of here," I said.

Can't be helped. Let's forget the idea of making a contract with the dragon…

Wait! I have a better idea!

"No, Spot! Let's face the dragon," I suggested.

"Are you crazy!?" Spot shouted angrily.

"No. I have an idea…"

I told Spot and Victoria about my idea. And they agreed to it easily.

"That… sounds good. Wait, I'll turn smaller first so it will be easy for me to enter the portal later," Spot said as Victoria is excitedly jumping on my shoulder.

While preparing to go and face the dragon, I asked Spot about what he knows of them.

There are various dragons, and from the characteristic of the dragon that I saw with my Divine Vision, Spot concludes that the dragon is called a Kaiser Dragon. The biggest dragon with gigantic body harder than metal.

They are actually quite smart and capable of communicate with, but they are easily infuriated by many things. Just like the effect of my infuriating gas.

Which is why, my strategy is to get close to his nose, and use calming gas in full power.

That time, it failed to shows any effect to Jena, but I'm still expecting something to happen to the dragon. Even if it won't make a contract with me, as long as we can establish good relationship, that will be good.

I hope it will work.

Although Spot is afraid, he still charged to the front of the dragon's face. It was huge. Even Spot's real size is nothing in front of this Kaiser Dragon.


A loud voice coming out of the dragon's mouth as it takes a deep breath.

"Roy! We're being sucked in!" Spot said.

"No, shit! Just how powerful is its lung alone!? Spot! Try to endure it!" I said.

Since the dragon is taking a deep breath, it's a chance for me to use the calming gas.

I created the calming gas in front of me as it keeps being sucked by the dragon. We are more than twenty metes in front of the dragon, but we still get sucked in.

I hope the calming gas will have an effect before we enter its mouth.

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