Do you think you are Liu Chan?

Everyone's mouth twitched.

After a while, everyone arrived at the target table and sat down one after another.

Beigong Qianyin, the little loli, also sat down next to Muchen naturally.

And Aimenshen did the same.

After sitting down, everyone continued to discuss.

Muchen opened the guild panel.

When he just came back, the guild contribution had just reached the requirement, so he planned to upgrade the guild!

Without any hesitation, he spent 500 million contributions and clicked to upgrade.

[Your guild has been upgraded to lv8, and the next level requires 2 billion contribution points]

[Get 80% of the experience bonus of the eighth-level guild]

The eighth-level guild gives a higher experience bonus.

Muchen is very satisfied with this situation.

[Guild of All Beings (lv8, the next level requires 2 billion contribution points)]

[Entry: The Fourth Calamity (God)]

[President: Muchen]

[Vice President: Beigong Qianyin]

[Cadres: Xue Qianfeng, Gu Chuan, Li Ang, Yan Linglong, Xiao Cheng, Jiang Yanran, Qing Ling, Bai Yu, Wang Bin, Bing Linlin]

[Ordinary members: Philna, Black Wolf, Zhao Ming, Cao Yang, Hua Weiwei...]

[Number of people: 20,000]

[Location: Galaxy Continent - 15th Floor Dream Floor - Dream Forest - Starlight Lake]

[Warehouse: Digital Evolution Machine, Red and White Ball, Gender Reversal Potion...]

[Contribution Points: 3]

Close the panel and Muchen returns to normal.

"What are we going to eat today?"

Muchen asked curiously.

Don't even think about asking the chefs in the guild to help cook.

With so many players, even if the guild uses all the chefs, it can't finish cooking tonight!

"Dumplings and hot pot."

Xue Qianfeng answered.

Everyone made dumplings by themselves.

Hot pot is easier to prepare, so this is today's dinner.

The Qihuang Festival started just like that.

All the players sat down quickly.

Everyone was talking about tonight's program.

The chat was very lively.

In the entire guild, apart from the senior executives like Muchen, who has the highest popularity!

Then it must be Black Wolf!

Because most of us are from Blue Star.

As long as you are in Blue Star, even if you don't play three-wheeled vehicles at the beginning, you will be recommended by your friends in these few days!

Yaya is in our guild, can you not learn about it?

Definitely not!

It's not sociable to do this.

So everyone knows a little bit more or less.

With the busyness of the chef and the kitchen helper, one pot after another of hot pot was brought out.

Also brought out were the dumplings and side dishes that everyone had made.

"Hey? Where are Bai Yu and Wang Bin?"

At this time, Muchen suddenly found that two cadres did not come over, and could not help asking.

"They are still in the laboratory." Qing Ling replied.

After getting the answer, Muchen said: "I will go call them, you guys eat first."

Bai Yu and Wang Bin should still be doing research.

And in order to do research, they even forgot the holiday party.

Without saying anything more nonsense, Muchen flashed away.


On the other side.

In the research room of the All Living Beings Guild.

Here is the warehouse of the research room.

Countless professionals are moving things.

"Be careful! Be careful with this part! Don't touch it~!"

"Everyone hurry up! Let's go back and rest after we finish!"

"Be careful! Whoever dares to let me continue to work overtime, I will kill him!"

A group of people started working busily.

In the second-floor stand room, Bai Yu was wearing a white coat and was watching the data.

Just at this moment, a crack rose beside him.

Seeing this, Bai Yu turned his head and looked.

Only to see Muchen's figure slowly walking out of the crack.


Seeing him, Bai Yu went up to him.


Mu Chen nodded and asked, "Working..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze in his tracks.

Because from his perspective, outside the stand room, there were countless workers working.

And they were assembling a blue and white, 60-meter-high, high-tech mecha!

"Strike Freedom???"

Mu Chen was stunned.

Good guy!

I know you are researching new things, but how many days have passed?

You even made a Gundam mecha for me?

"President, you just came to see my recent research results."

Bai Yu laughed happily, his face full of pride.

This Gundam is his latest masterpiece!

"Too many elements."

Mu Chen complained.

There is a concept of Gundam mecha in the Galaxy Continent, but no one is willing to build it.

After all, the cost is too high.

Instead of getting a mecha, it is better to spend some money to buy equipment and level up.Muchen glanced at the other party.

This guy has money now, so he started messing around?

Noticing his gaze, Bai Yu thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"President, my situation is still good, Wang Bin's is outrageous." Bai Yu said.

"Wang Bin?"

Mu Chen was puzzled.

Is there anything more outrageous than the Gundam mecha? Could it be that the other party has already made a Pokémon beast?

For example, a certain "can't fly".

"This... I don't know how to explain it, President, come with me." Bai Yu suddenly didn't know how to start.

It's not that I can't describe it.

It's mainly because what Wang Bin did doesn't conform to common sense.

Muchen was puzzled, but still nodded.

He wanted to see how outrageous Wang Bin made things.

Seeing this, Bai Yu turned around and left, followed by Muchen.

The two left the stand room and walked in the corridor.

There are many scientific researchers wearing white coats here, all of whom were recruited from China by Bai Yu and Wang Bin.

Along the way, people passing by greeted Mu Chen and the others.

They responded one by one.

After a while, the two walked through the corridor and came to an elevator.

They opened the elevator and walked in.

This elevator does not have so-called floor numbers.

Some are just two symbols [up] and [down].

Bai Yu clicked the symbol representing [down].


The elevator began to move downward.

Mu Chen looked at the slowly descending elevator and was very curious.

After more than 20 seconds.


A crisp sound rang out, and the elevator door slowly opened.

"President, follow me."

After Bai Yu said this, he took the lead and walked out.


Mu Chen responded and followed closely.

The two left the elevator and walked into the corridor.

There were also many researchers here, but everyone was looking down at the documents and didn't notice Muchen and Baiyu.

They didn't care.

After walking for a while, Baiyu stopped at the door of a grandstand: "President, this is it, let's go in."

Before Muchen could speak, Baiyu opened the door and walked in.

Muchen followed him in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Wang Bin and two researchers standing there.

Before he could say hello, Muchen saw... outside the glass of the grandstand, a huge black, lizard-like figure in the warehouse, and then the whole person froze in place.

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