Why did this guy have a mouth?

Wei Gou and Li Sanjiao were very angry.

But it was obvious that the other party was right, after all, neither of them had kidneys.

Tap tap tap ~ ~

At the same time.

Footsteps were heard.

The three looked at the same time, and saw Xiao Cheng and Li Ang carrying a machine respectively.

In Xiao Cheng's hand was a fan with ten gears.

And in Li Ang's hand was a brand-new automatic meat grinder.

Seeing this, Gu Chuan couldn't help shuddering.

The Japanese fan was outrageous enough, and I didn't expect that even meat grinders came out now!

I'm already in pain!

Gu Chuan felt that his second brother couldn't get hard, he swallowed his saliva, and didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

Wei Gou and Li Sanjiao were puzzled.

I didn't understand what Xiao Cheng and the others were doing here.

Standing under the street light of Gu Chuan, Li Ang glanced at Wei Gou and Li Sanjiao and scolded: "What are you looking at?!"


Li Sanjiao snorted.

Wei Gou lowered his head.

Seeing this, Li Ang ignored them, but changed his expression, smiled, and looked up at Gu Chuan: "Chuan'er, choose one."

The meaning is very clear!

Is it a Japanese fan or a Japanese meat grinder? It all depends on Gu Chuan's choice.

If this guy doesn't want to remove his throne, he must be punished accordingly!

"Can I not choose?"

Gu Chuan looked melancholy.

Let's talk about the electric fan first. A normal electric fan has five gears, which is already against the sky. Now there are ten gears.

If this is a strong Japanese, won't it be reduced to ashes? !

Let's talk about the meat grinder!

This thing is even worse!

Because it feels very painful at a glance!

Its lethality is no less than eating an ant nest alive!

Gu Chuan's scalp numbs.

"Why are you being so polite? Choose now."

Xiao Cheng said with a smile.


Silence, silence for a long time.

Gu Chuan couldn't help crying. If he was asked to choose again, he would definitely not choose to keep the throne!

Under the warm sunshine, the picture of Gu Chuan crying was permanently frozen.

It was a painting full of artistic atmosphere.

Just one look would make people unforgettable for a lifetime.


After a while...

All Living Beings Tavern.

Mu Chen was drinking in his seat, chatting with Qing Ling, Ai Men and Xue Qianfeng.


A sudden scream came from outside.

The sound was very clear and deafening.

But no one reacted too much. After all, they knew it was Gu Chuan's scream even if they used their toes to guess.

"I don't know when the 90th floor BOSS will end. It has been a day and a night."

Xue Qianfeng sighed.

Before, he had no clear understanding of high-level BOSS.

The 90th floor BOSS began to be conquered, and he finally knew the difference between high-level and low-level.

"It's almost over~"

Aimen drank a sip of juice, and touched her red lips with her white fingers.

[All-server announcement! ]

The next second!

The sound of the all-server announcement sounded, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

Everyone shut up at the same time and focused their attention.

[The 90th floor BOSS "Eternal Guardian-Digger" of the Galaxy Continent has been conquered by the 200-person team of the All Living Beings Guild [Daisys], [Pannis]... and others! ]

[The 91st floor of the Galaxy Continent has been opened! ]

[[The Galaxy Continent] has opened the connection channel with the [Whispering Continent]! ]

[Open the cross-world chat group]

[Ding, it is detected that the Galaxy Continent has [Card Panel] and is connecting with the Whispering Continent! ]

[The connecting continent can only be connected to the floors above the 90th floor. 】


In the Galaxy Continent, countless professionals were stunned when they heard this information.

They looked stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

"Fuck! A new continent! Are we connected to a new continent? What's going on?"


"Hiss~ Can't professionals from the opposite continent come to the 90th floor and below? Fortunately, it's okay~"

"It feels a bit wrong. Isn't Lady Daisy a player of the Elf Guild? Why did it become the All Beings Guild?"

Countless professionals spoke up.

The emergence of the new continent represents another big step forward for the entire Galaxy Continent.

But everyone doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

After all, the Galaxy Continent has just reached the 91st floor, and they dare not guarantee whether the Galaxy Continent has an advantage in front of the new continent.

Not only ordinary professionals are worried, but even top professionals are the same!

After experiencing the evil god invasion event, everyone knows that the rules between different continents are different!

So when they don't know the specific situation, everyone is very nervous.Of course, some players also discovered that Daisy and others had joined the Guild of All Beings.

But compared to connecting to the new continent, everyone was obviously too lazy to take these trivial matters to heart.

Back to the Guild of All Beings.

The system prompt sounded, which stunned Muchen and others.

After a moment, they came back to their senses, their eyes full of surprise.

"Other continents? Continents like the Evil God Continent?"

Mu Chen thought about it.

According to his understanding during this period.

[Galaxy Continent] corresponds to the inland civilization of [Galaxy Star Field] in the universe! Blue Star is one of the civilizations in the galaxy under the Galaxy Star Field.

Whispering Continent, naturally corresponds to [Whispering Star Field] in the universe!

I didn't expect that the 91st level was just opened and it connected to an unknown continent!

"I didn't expect it to be Whispering Continent."

Aimen's beautiful eyes flashed with a different color, stroking her white chin.

Hearing this, Muchen and the other two looked at Aimen at the same time.

"Do you know this continent?"

Mu Chen asked.

"Of course!"

Aimen nodded and explained with a smile: "When we gods are not in the lower world, we have always been in the [Realm of Gods]!"

"[Realm of Gods] exists in a continent in the center of the original universe, and it is also the place where countless gods in the universe live!"

"This continent is divided into two parts, corresponding to gods and god kings respectively."

"Gods without a pantheon live together."

"God kings with pantheons live together."

"Because we gods are similar to players in the [Realm of Gods], we all represent our own star fields. We gods of the Milky Way Continent represent the entire Milky Way Continent, while the gods of the Whispering Continent represent the entire Whispering Continent."

"Because the gods of the two continents are very close in the Realm of Gods, I am very familiar with the gods of the opposite continent."

After listening to her explanation, Muchen and others suddenly realized.

So that's what happened.

Don't you know the Whispering Continent very well, but do you know the gods of the Whispering Continent?

"God Aimen, have you heard the gods on the other side talk about the Whispering Continent?"

Qing Ling couldn't help asking.

She didn't care about the realm of the gods, after all, it wasn't something she should be dealing with now.

But she wanted to know more about the Whispering Continent.

Aimen thought about it and shook his head: "I'm not very clear about this either."

Hearing this, the three were a little disappointed, but soon returned to normal.

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