Haiwon University, a circular staircase classroom that can accommodate 200 people.

“Students, the class is over, and today we are going to talk about the structure of the world.”

A young female teacher with glasses and professional clothes pushed her glasses and spoke seriously to the courseware.

“The world is divided into the world of the world and the world of the table, the place where we usually live is called the world of the table, and the world of our reflection is called the world of the table.”

“The Inner World has the same house building as the Table World, which means that in the Inner World, there is also the same Kaiwon University as us, the difference is that there is no me and you there at the moment.”

“There are many alien forms in the inner world that are beyond the control of the people of the surface world, and their forms and properties are diverse, and we call them collectively – “spirits”…”

A little fat man peeked at the teacher who was giving a serious lecture, and he patted the shoulder of the sleepy male classmate next to him.

“Hey, don’t sleep, I’ll tell you a special explosion!”


“I heard that last night there was an enlightened transcendent in our city!”

“Autonomous Awakening!”

The male classmate instantly woke up, and the tone was unconsciously raised by a few points.

Seeing that the students around him were curious to look over, he lowered the volume and asked

“How do you know?”

“Oh, my three aunts’ sons are working in the patrol guard of the Sixteenth Guard, and he said that he heard the road captain of the Spirit Hunting Team say it himself last night!” The little fat man was somewhat proud.

“Captain Road?” Just yesterday to find the beautiful girl who did not say a word when she came? ”

“Yes, I am really envious of ah ~ ~ ~ someone can let the beautiful girl take the initiative to come to the door, and some people can actually awaken on their own, how can these good things not be my turn!!!”

The little fat man complained a little deeply.

At the moment, the last row of the ladder classroom.

A girl with Qi Qi bangs and a shawl with long purple-black hair looked at the door of the classroom from time to time

She kept gently squeezing her delicate little hands, looking a little nervous

“He is never late, nothing will happen to him…”

Suddenly, she was tapped lightly on the shoulder, and then someone sat down beside her

“Yi’er, quick, give me something to eat, I was dizzy.”

Jiang Yi’er listened to the familiar voice and looked sideways, only to see a boy with white hair and blue pupils lying on the table, with an expression that was about to collapse.

“Time is silent! ……”

Shi Wuyi quickly covered Jiang Yi’er’s mouth with his hand, and then put his other hand out his finger to the side of his mouth

Signal not to make a sound, if it causes a riot or something, it is too much trouble.

Last night, the time was a little up, and he had been in that park familiar with the abilities he had just acquired

I worked out all night and didn’t react until I finished eating the sweets I had bought before.

Shi Buyan wanted to go to the store to buy something, but found that the time was too early, the store was not yet open, so he had to come to the school first to find Jiang Yi’er

After all, every time Jiang Yi’er has endless sweets here, just like the boss lady who is engaged in wholesale.

Jiang Yi’er originally didn’t say anything when he saw it, but he didn’t see it for a night, and he changed from black hair and black pupils to white hair and blue pupils

The change in appearance made Jiang Yi’er can’t help but wonder if he has become an extraordinary.

But looking at the way he was lying on the table, it seemed as if if he would really die if he didn’t give him any more food.

So she put her hands in the desk drawer, then covered her left hand above her right hand and whispered softly in her mouth

“Three virtues and six tastes, universal offering.” Eat and drink to get rid of hunger and thirst. ”

Then, a faint blue light appeared in her hand, and the faint aroma of food also emitted.

“Extraordinary power?” Is Yi’er an extraordinary? No wonder you can have food every time.”

Shi Wuyi’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“But since she is an extraordinary, then why has it been so long, and I have not seen her deal with disasters once?”

Doubts arose in his heart without saying a word, but he did not make a sound.

Jiang Yi’er first secretly glanced at it with some worry without saying a word, and saw that the other party was not different

As if not realizing his movements, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart

Then she took her hand out of the drawer and reached out to the silent front of the moment

Without saying a word, he shoved the freshly baked doughnut into his mouth.

After a moment, a satisfied expression appeared on his face

“Finally saved!” Next time be sure to prepare more sweets such as candy on your body! ”

“Don’t you know, do you, you, like to eat?”

“Okay.” Shi WuXian nodded.

As soon as the words fell, he saw Jiang Yi’er put his hands in the drawer again, and the blue light flashed.

“Enough, enough?”

Jiang Yi’er spread his hands out in front of Shi Wuyi, while he lowered his head and did not look directly at Shi Yi’er.

Shi WuXian looked at the candy that was so much that it was about to overflow her palm, raised an eyebrow, laughed softly, and then put all the candy into his pocket.

“Enough, you’re making sweets that are much better than I bought at the store.”

Shi Bu Yan patted Jiang Yi’er’s shoulder and said with a smile.

This is not a polite remark but a truth, before he was an ordinary person so he did not find out

But now that I opened my six eyes, I found that the food made by Jiang Yi’er contained a trace of extraordinary power

After eating it, it can not only replenish sugar

It also has a certain effect on the recovery of mental strength, which is simply double the effect on his recovery of mental strength.

It is reasonable to say that the ability to restore mental strength should be very popular in the Sixteenth Guard

After all, as long as it is to mobilize extraordinary power, it will consume more or less spiritual power.

“It seems that the interior of the Sixteen Guards is not so simple.”

Shi WuXian couldn’t help but rub Jiang Yi’er’s head and look at the somewhat shy girl in front of him

“It’s completely different from the cheerful Chengqi, and everything is hidden in the heart.”

Jiang Yi’er is a very kind and gentle girl, and she can’t help but think of the first time she saw Jiang Yi’er

The little girl was squatting on the ground, holding her legs and crying.

“Without a word, your hair…”

Jiang Yi’er still couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart, and reached out his hand to touch the hair that was silent when he didn’t say anything

“I woke up last night without knowing what was going on, and then that’s it.”

Shi Wuyi rested his head on the table and let Jiang Yi’er’s tender little hand caress his hair.

Jiang Yi’er’s beautiful eyes were big, and she suddenly remembered what she had just heard the little fat man in the front row say

“Don’t know what’s going on?” Autonomous awakening? The man who woke up on his own last night just didn’t say a word?!”

She didn’t expect Shi Wuyan to tell her such a powerful thing like this, just as easy and natural as saying that she had eaten omelette rice today.

Boom boom!

Three rhythmic knocks on the door rang out

The lecture was interrupted, and the people in the staircase classroom looked at each other

I saw two men in beige uniforms, standing at the door of the classroom

Sharp-eyed students in the front row found the print on the left arm of their uniform, SLW

I couldn’t help but cry out

“Sixteen guards!”

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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