As soon as the screams came out, there was an uproar, and the whole classroom became chaotic.

“Is it here that the students are taking classes here?”

One of the men spoke quietly, not in a loud voice, but it reached the ears of each of his classmates.

Hearing this, the crowd was first frightened, and then began to look around and look around.

“Without saying a word, there are sixteen guards at the door looking for you.”

Jiang Yi’er pulled the corner of the unspoken clothes lying in the corpse


Shi Buyan looked up sleepily, but saw Jiang Yi’er looking at him with some concern

“They are members of the Inspectorate, their rights are great and severe, you must not clash with them, this time is different from before…”

Without saying a faint smile, he gently patted Jiang Yi’er’s head, then stood up and walked toward the door.


The chair retracted and made a crashing sound, and the crowd instinctively looked back to the source of the sound.

The next moment,

The noise in the classroom suddenly stopped, and the crowd seemed to be choked by an invisible hand.

All the students, including the teacher, looked stunned and did not say a word

Beneath the short silver-white hair are two dreamy white eyelashes

The pale blue pupils seemed to be filled with an impenetrable mist

A shallow tiredness appeared on his handsome face like a knife

Let his flowing face add a little unique charm.

At this time, the time is silent, in the eyes of everyone, it seems to be a man who came out of a comic.

He walked silently through the long staircase, and all the eyes of the people moved with his steps

No one made the slightest noise, as if afraid that if they made a sound, the person in front of them burst like a bubble.

Until the time was not to say anything and followed the two sixteen guards out of the classroom

Only then did the silent classroom suddenly erupt into sound again, as violently as the water that opened the embankment.

“Sleeper! What a handsome !!! ”

“I was just dreaming, and if it was, then I’d like to be in this dream forever!”

“Special! If I hadn’t stuck to my Daoist heart, I would have almost been bent! ”

“Hey, hey, the classmate in front, don’t you stop me from looking at my husband’s back!!!”

“Black hair turned white, Sixteen Wei personally came to find him, he must be the one who woke up on his own last night!” In particular, these two good things are his own !!! ”

The little fat man’s resentment deepened.

“Don’t you clash with them.”

Jiang Yi’er thought silently in her heart, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.


The three of them came to a classroom where no one was, and a sixteen-eyed guard with glasses walked over and closed the door, then said,

“Classmate, let’s just come here and investigate briefly, don’t be nervous.”

However, when he turned back, he saw that he had found a place to sit down

Then lie down on the table in a very comfortable position, as if you still have a piece of sugar in your mouth?

The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he glanced at his colleagues

I took out a camera from my bag and adjusted the camera position, opened it, and then took out a small book and read it

“Name: Time is silent. Status: Sophomore at Haiwon University. Family: Both parents died, and he currently lives alone at 17 Xingwen Road. Resume: Since elementary school, I have maintained the highest score in the whole school… There are no bad records. ”

Without saying a word, he signaled that there was no problem.

“Hey! You have a correct attitude and ask you a question! ”

Another short-haired man slapped the table and shouted, he was very dissatisfied with his attitude of not saying anything.

However, the spectacled man stopped him, shook his head slightly, and continued to chant

“At 8:05 p.m. yesterday, you spontaneously awakened at No. 17 Xingwen Road, and the awakening of the supernatural ability system was not an auxiliary system, because the energy resonance just opened the passage of the surface world

And encountered a fourth-level disaster – the Blood Pupil Crow. The disaster was eliminated at 8:12 by Lu Chengqi, the leader of the second team of the hunting spirits who arrived in the city. Is the above fact? ”

Shi WuXian finally raised his head, somewhat surprised

“When did this guy become so powerful?”

“Time is silent!”

The short-haired man frowned and drank again.

The Ombudsman has a very high status in the Sixteen Guards

Their main responsibility is to supervise and inspect the entire internal personnel of the Sixteen Guards

If it is found that there is a problem with the members of the Sixteen Guards themselves, it has broken the prescribed guidelines

They have the right to punish them directly, including confinement, detention, and even execution!

Therefore, men with short hair in previous work experience,

The people he faced were all polite to him, and he had never encountered such cynicism as Shi Buyan.

The next moment, however,

He found that a hint of tiredness in those ice-crystal-like eyes suddenly disappeared without saying a word

His eyes were sharp like a sharp dagger, looking straight at himself!

He was stared dead by the silent eyes, the kind of cold gaze without any emotion

Let him feel that everything he has is seen through by the teenager in front of him

For a moment, the short-haired man had an illusion

I felt that I was not facing an extraordinary person, but a terrifying chaotic spirit!

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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