Cold sweat seeped out of his forehead and his body trembled slightly

The irrepressible fear in his heart made the short-haired man stop talking

“Auxiliary Department! Yes, he must have unleashed some strange ability of the auxiliary department!”

Although he comforted himself in his heart, he no longer dared to look at the silent eyes.

The glasses man looked at his colleague’s performance and flashed a trace of surprise in his heart

He didn’t think that Shi Wuyan was just an awakened auxiliary superhuman

The momentum that had just been emitted was actually able to calm down his usual arrogant colleague.

Even he himself was taken aback

“Fortunately, I heard from my friend in the garrison yesterday that he and Lu Chengqi had a good relationship, and he didn’t show that he was very strong, otherwise…”

He was secretly glad in his heart, and then he opened his mouth again

“The Captain Landing is indeed the captain of the Fourth Guard of the Sixteenth Guard, but we usually call the Fourth Guard the Spirit Hunting Team.”

“Captain Road, she didn’t mention it to you, because this kind of thing can’t be mentioned to ordinary people, this is the rule.”

Shi WuXian nodded, indicating understanding, and then he continued to ask

“However, if there is a fourth-level disaster, you generally don’t need a captain-level figure to move, I remember that the patrol guard can solve it.”

It is not unspeakable to know what the fourth-level disaster is, in this world that has entered the transcendent era for many years

Some knowledge has long been written into textbooks and popularized to ordinary people, and Shi Wuyan, as the first scholar of the year, certainly knows this.

For example, in the table world, there are sometimes some “chaos spirits” from the inner world

It is a spirit polluted by negative emotions, aggressive, and harmful to humans or other living things.

Once they are spotted by the Sixteen Guards, the alarm is sounded to keep ordinary people out of danger.

And according to their degree of harm from low to high

It is divided into four disasters, three levels of disasters, quasi-secondary disasters, secondary disasters, quasi-primary disasters, primary disasters and special disasters.

The strength of the fourth-level disaster is probably that an ordinary person who has had experience shooting and holds a gun to defend himself is probably required.

Therefore, when a fourth-level disaster occurs, it is handled by the patrol guard team itself

If it is a disaster of level 3 or above, the combat team will be notified to deal with it.

So Shi WuXian was a little curious as to why the Blood Pupil Raven was a level four disaster

He actually let Lu Chengqi personally dispatch the captain of a combat team, before he thought that Lu Chengqi was just an ordinary combat team member.

“Captain Lu didn’t mention it in the report.”

The spectacled man replied solemnly.

When he didn’t say anything, he didn’t know, and he didn’t continue to ask, anyway, he asked casually.

“Wouldn’t you have come to me today just to say that?”

“Haha, of course not, there are two things that came here today

One is to take a sample of your blood and incorporate the extraordinary power in it into the database of the Sixteen Guards

Make no mistake, this is a job that all those who have just become transcendent need to do. ”

The spectacled man took a clean syringe from his bag and, after obtaining his unspoken consent, took a blood sample

“Thank you for your cooperation, the only thing left is–you have become a superhuman, are you willing to join the Sixteen Guards?”

He carefully placed the needle into a box in the bag, and then looked seriously without saying a word.

“Can I choose myself? So what if I say no? ”

Without saying a word, he suddenly came to be interested, squinting his eyes and looking at the glasses man.

The glasses man did not expect that Shi Wuyan would actually answer like this, which is completely out of the way!

He swallowed involuntarily, then took a silver ring from his bag and handed it to him without saying a word

“Yes, but you need to carry this ring with you, plus you don’t need to add it.”

Shi Wuxian took a look at it, and the ring was engraved with SLW on the front and a string of numbers – Z-7 – on the back.

“The ability of the Extraordinary Man is too dangerous for ordinary people, and in order to ensure the safety of ordinary people, it is necessary to bring it.”

As if worried about what dissatisfaction he was not saying, he continued

“Don’t worry, he won’t monitor your daily life, but will only activate when you use your extraordinary power, giving our regulatory authorities a position so that if something happens, we can respond quickly.”

“Moreover, each supernatural person has a different number, which can also help us confirm our identity.”

Shi Buyan did not have any dissatisfaction with this, but on the contrary, he was very supportive, if it was not regulated

It’s like some people have guns and can use them at any time, and the result is that ordinary people are afraid to go out for a walk at night.

“So if I join, what department will I go into?”

Shi WuXian put away the ring, and the latter breathed a sigh of relief

If you don’t want to join in, the whole thing will become a lot more troublesome

If you don’t know if you will be disciplined, this is an extremely rare “self-awakened person”!

“In the case of the auxiliary department, the test will be carried out first, and then the decision will be based on the test results, but it will generally go to the internal affairs team and the field team.”

“Isn’t that “miscellaneous”?”

There is some dissatisfaction at the time.

“Miscellaneous …”

The corner of the glasses man’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t imagine what the consequences of the trouble would be if this sentence was heard by the captain of the field team…

I don’t want to be a miscellaneous person last night, I worked out all night

The progress of the fusion template has only risen to 1%, which is simply too slow.

Originally, he planned to go to the Chaos Spirit alone to punish and speed up the fusion process.

Just now he suddenly realized that if he joined the combat team, cooperate with the energy monitoring system of the sixteenth guard

Wouldn’t that be possible for the Chaos Spirit to reach the scene as quickly as possible, as soon as it appeared


Eliminate disasters and complete the disciplinary conditions of the system, so that you can efficiently accelerate your integration progress?!

“Well, after careful consideration, I have decided to join you, and you can go back and report back and arrange for me to join the combat team as soon as possible.”

Shi did not say a dry cough twice, and looked at the glasses man with a serious face.

“Agree to join?” Okay, I’ll go back… Wait…… You want to join the battle team??!!! ”

“Why can you say such outrageous things so naturally?”

The glasses man felt that things were getting more troublesome!

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