The group leader was suddenly pushed and fell to the ground fiercely

And Shi Yan was prepared early, his six eyes were 360’s long-range vision

Not only can you see from a very long distance, but you can also see what is behind you.

Shi WuXian only stepped back slightly, and then immediately stopped his backward figure with his feet.

He looked at the protruding eyeball that appeared in front of him, staring at himself with hatred, and smiled softly.

“Being angry can make you look uglier.”

The silent left foot steps forward

The dark red spell power surged wildly in the body

In an instant, they all converged on his left foot

At the same time his right foot is quickly lifted, and his left foot rotates forward and exerts force

Leaning over, the muscles on the thighs and calves are instantly tensed

The huge force wrapped around the spell force and went up along his left foot

Through the waist, it all finally converged in his right leg and calf.

It’s a long story, but this set of actions is only a second to complete

The next moment,

Without saying a word, he kicked out and hit the huge naked eyeball of the multi-eyed man.

The power was so great that within this extremely short distance, it actually brought out a faint sound of breaking the air!


It’s like a needle stuck in a balloon.

The multi-purpose eyeballs exploded in an instant, and the blood flowing from the eyes poured out of the eyes like a waterfall on the body that was silent.

And its own entire body was knocked backwards and flew out by the huge force of the time

Bang Bang Bang!

Countless trees were smashed in an instant, and the mouths of many people constantly let out painful roars!

After less pouring, the dust and smoke dissipated

The group leader looked at a huge long ravine dragged out of the ground by the multi-eyed body, and the horror in his heart was incomparable.

“Is this still a power that man can achieve?”

“If I were punched by this force, I guess the whole corpse wouldn’t be able to catch it!”

“That’s a Chaos Spirit the size of three floors!” I couldn’t even break through the bullets infused with extraordinary power in my whole body! ”

“As a result, this teenager kicked out tens of meters away like a leather ball!” The clown is actually me!!! ”

Standing where he was, the blood of many eyes slipped from his body, but the clothes were unstained.

Under the action of the “power of stopping”, as long as he wants, then nothing can touch him, and he will stop very close to him.

Of course, this also includes the huge amount of blood that multi-eye spewed out in an instant.

“Well, it’s really convenient.”

Without saying a word, he immediately turned his gaze to the body of Duomu, who had been knocked hundreds of meters away, and his eyes flowed.

He remembered when he first appeared

There were 4 members of the Sixteen Guards at the scene of the discovery, who were not dead, but their eyes were dull.

Although there are still extraordinary forces in the body, the trajectory of the operation is chaotic.

This makes Shi Mu very concerned, this looks like a multi-eyed ghost

After all, in his field of vision, in addition to them, there was only the multi-eyed chaotic spirit.

However, in the battle just now, although he had always been vigilant, Duomu had never activated that ability.

This made Shi Buyan very curious, and at the thought of this, he flashed to the open space not far from Duomu.

Dome had stopped struggling and screaming at this moment, and his eyes rolled upwards, revealing a huge white of his eyes.

Looking at Duomu with a dead look, he slowly approached it step by step without saying a word.

Five meters!

Four meters!

Three meters!

Suddenly, the only remaining eyeball of the multi-eyed rolled down violently, staring dead without saying a word

There was a hint of mockery, as if looking at the food that came into his mouth!

Above its two sarcomas, a red glow suddenly burst out, and it struck the head of the unspoken man with great speed!

However, a smile appeared on Shi Buyan’s originally calm face at this time.

Then, Dome was horrified to find that the spiritual power it cast was becoming slower and slower

Finally uncontrollably stagnant in front of the unspoken eyes!

Spell – “Stop Power”!

This force can stop not only the object, but also the spell force!

In this otherworld, where there is no spell power, it is replaced by the system with extraordinary power and spiritual power!

“It turned out that the spiritual power in the body merged into those two sarcomas

A peculiar force is then derived from the sarcoma’s lines, which then prey on this way. ”

When the corners of the mouth are raised, revealing the color of the truth

“Well, there’s no use in leaving you down.”

Without saying a word, a kick kicked out, and the spell force frantically poured into the body of the multi-purpose along the tip of the toe

In an instant, the internal organs of many eyes were destroyed as if they were invaded by a fierce storm!

Shi Wuyi looked at the many eyes in his body whose spiritual power was no longer flowing

After confirming that this time it was a complete death, he clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Then he came to the group leader and gently reached out to help him close his big open mouth.

“You have a communicator, notify the sixteen guards and let them deal with things over here.”

“The communicator is broken.”

The group leader still hadn’t looked back, and he pointed to his side a little sluggishly

That communicator had been damaged by the impact of the timeless and multi-purpose battles.

“All right.”

Without saying a word, he pulled out his mobile phone and dialed a number

Still the same way, the phone only rang once, and it was connected

“Captain Lu, you arranged for someone to come to Yanqiu Mountain to deal with it, I just killed a multi-eyed, as if I heard that it was a third-level disaster.”

Lu Cheng on the other end of the phone was stunned and stopped, she did not care about the unspoken ridicule, and her look was full of disbelief.

“You said you killed that multi-eyed?!!”

Wen Chengye, who was close to him, also followed with a shyness, and his heart turned upside down

“Kill the second-level disaster alone, you tell me he’s an auxiliary ???”

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