A few minutes later, Wen Chengye and Lu Chengqi and their party rushed to Yanqiu Mountain.

Pulling through the thick branches of the trees, the crowd suddenly opened their eyes – they entered an extremely wide clearing.

Then their pupils shrank suddenly, and even some of their subordinates exclaimed uncontrollably.

“Sleeper! Has this been bombed by planes?! ”

Where you look, it’s all over the place.

The mountain that was originally densely vegetated has now been cleared of a vacant lot larger than several football fields.

There were potholes and smashed tree trunks everywhere, and blood that was almost soaking the ground.

At the very edge of this clearing, there stood a huge goldfish corpse like a small mountain.

Wen Chengye cautiously leaned forward and observed for a moment before he breathed a sigh of relief.

“It is indeed multi-eyed, confirmed to be dead.”

In the second team of the Spirit Hunter, there was a young black-haired man who couldn’t help but complain

“Captain Wen, you are also too careful, this chaotic spirit has become like this, if it can still live, it is simply unreasonable!”

Lu Chengyi glanced back at him, and then smiled at Wen Chengye with embarrassment.

Wen Chengye did not pay attention to it, he did not blame the child for talking nonsense

Because the many eyes in front of him, as he said, were really miserable.

The multi-purpose mouth opened lifelessly, and streams of blood flowed out of its mouth

The drip fell to the ground because its body was so huge

As a result, the very small amount of blood that caused it to be had already gathered into a pool of water.

Both of its eyeballs were blasted, and the sarcoma on the tip of its nose was also collapsed and rolled to the side.

The multi-purpose dorsal fin seems to have been torn off by someone hard

Its wound was still slowly oozing blood

It flowed down the body like a red stream.

The black scales on and off his body had fallen off most of them at this moment, revealing its slightly white fish.

And in what should have been a flat abdomen, there was now a large area that remained recessed into it

It was as if it had been suddenly hit by an unparalleled majestic force, so that it had been impossible to restore flatness.

“Crush! Absolute crushed! Who did it?”

This multi-purpose look was simply unexpected by Wen Chengye

Originally, when he first heard that Tatsumi was dead, he was already shocked

On the way he did half a day of psychological construction, thinking that the new man was just lucky, and just happened to kill Tadame reluctantly.

He never imagined that the scene now presented in front of his eyes would be so frightening!

He couldn’t help but wonder if there were other powerful people present just now, and directly attacked and destroyed this multi-eyed.

“Captain! You’re here! ”

A cry sounded, interrupting Wen Chengye’s thoughts

Only to see a middle-aged man stumbling towards him with tears in his eyes.

Wen Chengye knew him, and that was a group leader under his team.

Looking at the group leader’s tattered uniform and the blood stains on his body, Wen Chengye’s gaze became slightly softer

He took a bottle of mineral water from his subordinates and handed it to the group leader.

“Take a sip, don’t worry, speak slowly.”

Regardless of the fact that the spirit hunters who were already curiously surrounding and watching the corpses of the multi-eyed corpses at this moment gave two more orders.

“The medical rescue team, searching the scene, found the remaining four Sixteen Guards for treatment.”

“Notify the field team and ask them to come to Yanqiu Mountain to deal with the scene.”

At this moment, the group leader had already drunk the whole bottle of mineral water in one breath, and his mood was slightly calmer, but he was still a little excited

“Captain! When did our sixteenth guard enter a new person in the gymnastics department? ”

Smell into the industry stunned,

Isn’t it just this group leader on the scene, and the time of the auxiliary department?

How come there is one more gymnastic department? Are there really other transcendents present?

“Leave this alone and tell me exactly what happened to you from start to finish.”

The group leader answered, with a complicated look on his face after the end of his life, and told the whole process of the matter one by one.

At the end, the group leader sighed, and there was joy in his eyes after he was reborn.

“He saved me twice, and if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have seen you in my life!” Captain, you tell me who he is, and I must thank him well when I go back! ”

After Wen Chengye listened, the expression on his face maintained the appearance of serious thinking.

But in his heart, he had already set off terrifying waves.

This disciple of Lu Chengqi can accurately judge the trajectory of multi-purpose actions without a field of vision

This is indeed the most common perceptual ability in the auxiliary system

However, in battle, he has always used physical melee attacks, and he is extremely fast and powerful

And judging by the descriptions of his subordinates and the battle traces at the scene, Shi Buyan did not use any abilities such as instruments or spells at all

The whole process is a real close combat, not only one shot than a fierce one

And it seems to be in a comfortable state of being at ease the whole time!

Others may not know it very well, but he smells that Chengye himself is a quasi-first-level physical art transcendent, and he knows very well what this means

This means that Shi Buyan has a strong control over his own physical functions, and the control of his strength is also extremely fine.

And this is an extremely obvious characteristic of the Transcendent Beings of the Physical Technique!

Originally, Wen Chengye was going to make up his mind about this matter

But then he heard something extremely outrageous

The subordinates said not to say anything when they hit the multi-eyed eyeballs

The blood that poured out of the eyes in an instant was very strange, and not a single drop of it touched his body

Instead, it was blocked by something similar to a transparent film, and then it all slipped down.

That is to say, in that instant, Shi Mu must have unfolded a kind of ability similar to the Enchantment to wrap himself up.

Then this means that he is a supernatural person of the spell system or the spiritual system.

“It seems that this time this self-awakened newcomer is not simple!”

Wen Chengye did not know when he did not say anything in the Battle of Yanqiu Mountain

Is there anything else that has not been used

But at the moment, he was a little incredibly convinced

This teenager is definitely not an auxiliary department so simple

He most likely belongs to the “mysterious department”!

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