Haiwon University, in a classroom.

Jiang Yi’er looked out the window in a daze, her mood at the moment was somewhat complicated

Before in the staircase classroom, I saw that when I left without saying a word and the sixteen guards together

At first, she was a little worried, afraid that with her uninhibited personality, she would have a conflict with the inspection team, which was always known for its harshness.

Later, she sneaked out, but saw the members of the inspection team leave, and without saying a word, she walked easily to the east side of the school, as if there was nothing unusual

“It seems that the conversation is not bad, then it is not said that the next will be to join the sixteen guards, and then you can become a colleague, hee-hee.”

Jiang Yi’er’s mood was very happy, but the next moment, the corner of his bent mouth shrugged down again.

Jiang Yi’er lowered her head and looked at her hands, she was just an auxiliary supernatural who could make some food to replenish her spiritual power

It doesn’t have strong spells, it doesn’t use gorgeous sword skills, and it can’t transform into a strong animal.

Even if he was selected to join the combat team, he only became a member of the reserve team

And because her ability is too weak, she is disliked by her captain

She said that her abilities did not help in the battle to slay the Chaos Spirits, so she came to the school with nothing to do.

And the kind of man who is good at everything and perfect in everything

After awakening, his ability must also be perfect, then when he joins the Sixteenth Guard

It will definitely go straight into the battle team, and may soon be selected from the reserve to join the spirit hunting team.

But he is still here in class, in a daze.

After that, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have an intersection with him.

Jiang Yi’er’s mood was chaotic, on the one hand, he was happy that he could become an extraordinary person without saying it, and on the other hand, he felt powerless for his own weakness.

“Eh! Look, hey! ”

The sudden rise of a boy’s tone due to excitement interrupted Jiang Yi’er’s thoughts

She looked up and saw that she was still the same little fat man as before.

He took his mobile phone and rushed to the side of the same table with an excited face.

“It was just uploaded to the Internet, saying that a goldfish appeared in the sky over there on the Yanqiu Mountain!”

“I’ll see… Sleeper, there really are goldfish! This is the Chaos Spirit! ”

“Hey, yesterday I told you there were goldfish over there, and you still don’t believe me, but I tell you, my son of the three aunts, my cousin, he is patrolling the garrison…”

“Don’t bb, I can’t even hear what’s in the video… Wait a minute! How could there be a white-haired man jumping on the head of this goldfish… Sleeper! He punched the goldfish in the face!!! ”


Jiang Yi’er got up violently, grabbed the little fat man’s mobile phone, pulled the progress bar to play back the picture just now

Although the man’s picture only appears for one second, and the photographer is far away from the scene, the video is somewhat blurry

But Jiang Yi’er still recognized the man at a glance – it was time to say nothing!

Jiang Yi’er’s heart tightened, and he immediately pulled out the phone and pressed the speed dial

Looking at the size, the disaster level of that chaotic spirit was definitely not low, and it was only when he stepped into the transcendent!

The phone just rang, and Jiang Yi’er hung up again

The shyness and timidity that lurked deep in her heart made her dare not tell her worries in person

Jiang Yi’er bit his lip, ten fingers flew over, and quickly sent a message to the past.

“Without saying a word, you are not hurt!” Do you need me to come over?”


When I just arrived home, I found that my mobile phone was vibrating, and I felt that it was a message sent by Jiang Yi’er.

As a perennial school bully, Shi Wu’s IQ is extremely high, and he reacts immediately when he sees the content

Jiang Yi’er probably knew that he had just fought in the battle at Yanqiu Mountain

Either the people inside the Sixteen Guards had told her, after all, she was also a member of the Sixteen Guards, although she didn’t know which guard she was in.

Or it is something that has been photographed by ubiquitous netizens, and the world has entered the extraordinary era for too long

So long that the Sixteen Guards will not strictly control the discussion of extraordinary events on the Internet at all

Originally, I didn’t want to hide it, since I was exposed, so it was like this.

“Well, don’t worry, I’m fine, I’ll go and rest for a while.”

After replying to the message, I turned my phone on mute without saying a word, then took a shower, ate, and slept.

I didn’t sleep all night yesterday, and today I had a fight with Dome, and I couldn’t hold back when I didn’t say anything.

Jiang Yi’er looked at the message sent by Shi without saying a word, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Since Shi Bu said that it was okay, it was really okay, and over the years, Shi Wu had never lied to her.

The little fat man looked back at Jiang Yi’er’s reaction, and looked at her suspiciously

Jiang Yi’er seemed to have some careful thinking to be discovered, pushed the little fat man’s mobile phone forward, and then ran out of the classroom with a red face.

The little fat man froze for a moment, then pulled the video back to the scene where the man had just appeared, and then froze and carefully studied for a moment.


“What’s going on?”

The same table was a little surprised by the little fat man’s look, staring at his face and wondering whether to give him a punch.

“Time is silent! Time for word!! Time !!! ”

The little fat man pointed to the freeze-frame picture in the video, and his excited fingers kept trembling.

The same table looked at it carefully for a moment, although it was impossible to see the specific details of the appearance

But the extremely rare white hair, the black long-sleeved trousers, the slender and straight figure

This is exactly the same as the appearance of the morning when the audience shocked the audience in the ladder classroom!


The same table couldn’t help but start to be shocked.

The little fat man continued to use his crazy trembling hand to point in the direction of Jiang Yi’er, who had just run out, and was very excited

“Jiang Yi’er, she, she, she!”

The same table had some doubts, tilting their heads to recall Jiang Yi’er’s performance just now.

“Grab your phone excitedly when you hear gray hair”, “call”, “send a message”, “Anxious tears”, “Blush”

These pictures were superimposed together, and the eyes of the same table became brighter and brighter, and he finally understood what the little fat man meant

It is not said that in addition to the beautiful sister, that guy actually captured a cute girl!


The two of them cried out!

“Time is silent! Can you leave us a way to live!!! ”

The same table and the little fat man hugged together in despair, and tears of pain flowed from the corners of their eyes.

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