Asleep when not saying that I don’t know,

He was inexplicably regarded as the biggest enemy on the road to love in this life.

He also didn’t know that the video that recorded him and the multi-eye battle,

In a very short period of time, it has spread rapidly on the Internet

“Shocked! Yan Qiushan surprised the flying goldfish, and the reason for appearing was for a white-haired teenager!”

“Explode!” The huge goldfish is inferior to the white-haired teenager, and the power of one punch is terrifying!”

“The young man sneered: Can you stop my twenty years of skill with this punch?”

All sorts of titles and clips are popping up on the web

Although everyone has always known about the existence of supernatural beings, they also know that there are chaotic spirits in the world

But because the vast majority of Chaos Spirits only appear in the Inner World, it is very rare for them to appear directly in the Table World like Dome

Once or twice, it usually appears in places with more humans, wreaking havoc and killing humans.

In that case, ordinary people can’t escape too late, let alone have the leisure to shoot videos.

As a result, videos of the Transcendent and the Chaos Spirit left on the Internet are extremely rare

Therefore, today’s video that was filmed is very precious

Even if only the opening punch was recorded

But it also exploded the curiosity and blood of netizens in an instant!

Countless people liked, commented, followed, favorited and retweeted.

In just one hour, the video has rushed to the top of the list of major video websites.

And the number of views and likes is still skyrocketing in a terrifying trend!

In fact, several platforms with a keen sense of smell have directly found the unspoken information through visiting surveys and touching melons.

Although they would love to come to No. 17 Xingwen Road immediately, knock on the door of the house that was silent at the time, and directly interview them face-to-face

But they hesitated again and again, but they still dismissed this idea

Not because they have extremely strict professional ethics, but because they dare not.

At this point, the Sixteen Guards have very strict rules

No one may, by virtue of his status as an extraordinary person, interfere with his normal life without his consent

Violators are subject to hefty fines and forced detention.

And in exceptional cases, the transcendent person may “dispose of” the person who harasses him.

This is why they do not dare to go to the time without saying it, it is more important than the benefits they may get, or their own lives are more important.

Fortunately, there are these regulations, otherwise, it is estimated that countless people will sneak up and secretly shoot now.

However, they chose a roundabout way – to interview acquaintances who did not say anything.

So, not long after, several interview videos appeared under the unspoken topic on the Internet.

“He walked into the store that day, bought sweets and oden, and smiled at me, and although he wore a black blindfold, I knew he must be looking at me, he was such a gentle and handsome man.”

This is the interview video of the new clerk girl of the convenience store.

“Without saying a word, he did awaken on his own, this is what my cousin who worked in the Sixteenth Guard told me, but I don’t like him, he robbed me of both goddesses!”

This is the interview video of the little fat man at Haiyuan University.

“Don’t say anything about this classmate, since he was a child, he has been smart, he will listen to the things the teacher says, including the physical education class, the painting class, the music class, the courses are full of points, I am very proud as his teacher!”

This is a video of the interview with the high school class teacher at the time of the self-explanatory.

Gentle, handsome, self-awakened, genius.

These interview videos reveal the labels

The heat of the event was raised a step up again

For a time, the hot topic of the unspoken time was like a spark

In less than a day, it was completely detonated on the Internet, and the momentum of the fire was unstoppable!


Ha ~

Shi Wuyan was awakened by hunger, he yawned, took a look at the time with his mobile phone, and found that it was already nine o’clock in the evening

He got up lazily, washed up briefly, and then took a piece of bread in his mouth, carried the rest of the food and went out the door.

When I came to the abandoned park before, I stretched my waist, moved my muscles and bones, and then opened the system panel

In fact, just after killing multiple eyes, the system issued a prompt – unlocked a new skill.

“The host was detected to have punished the sins of the world, the crime – gluttony! Reward host 8 points of fusion.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 20%.”

“Unlock a new skill: Unlimited Spell – Spell “Cang”.”

“Tip: “Cang” is a parametric technique, and after proficiency there are a variety of derivative uses, which can be unlocked by exercising on their own, or by punishing worldly crimes.”

“Currently mastered skills: 1. Six eyes. 2. Unlimited Technique – “Stop Force”. 3. Divine Gymnastics. 4。 Infinite Limit Technique – Spell “Cang”.”

Shi Wuyi’s eyes lit up suddenly, and his mood was very good!

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with choosing to join the battle team yourself

He had been exercising for so long, although he was much more proficient in the use of skills

However, the progress of integration has been relatively slow, and it has always been an increase of one percentage point and one percentage point

Today, he just killed a “third-level disaster”, and he increased the integration degree by eight points

So much so that it directly unlocked one of the most commonly used attack methods in the original world!

Touching the power of space, it can be called a small black hole spell skill – “Cang”!

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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