“Chengqi, these are…”

Shi WuXian turned his head and looked at Lu Chengqi

“Well, since you are so curious, this girl will tell you with compassion.”

“You know, the corresponding thing in the world to the transcendent is the “spirit,” and all the ‘spirits’ originally arose in the inner world, and the cause of the occurrence is unknown.”

“Spirits” are divided into two kinds, one is because they are polluted by negative emotions of human beings, and the “spirits” that produce vicious mutations are produced, and we call them “chaotic spirits”

“Chaos spirits are aggressive towards humans, and they will always try to attack humans, devouring human flesh and blood, souls, and negative emotions.

Very few spirits can even pass through the passage of the surface world and go to the surface world, such as the blood-eyed crow and multi-eyed crow you see. ”

And the ‘spirits’ that you just saw, called “spirit of order,” are not aggressive to human beings, are gentle by nature, and many spirits are of great benefit to human life.”

Lu Chengqi stretched out his slender fingers, breaking them one by one

“For example, they can generate electricity, they can produce metals, they can grow herbs that can be used in medicine… By the way, the “elevator” we took before

Its positioning and teleportation functions are stripped from a “spirit of order” called the “flower trough”

The train we are riding on now is also the same, in fact, they are a combination of countless “order spirits” called “red boxes”, and the steam you see is actually the mist vapor it exhales. ”

Without saying a word, he hammered his palm, then pointed to the group of humans in protective suits and asked

“So what are they doing?”

They were “herders” and belonged to the Sixteenth Guard, the Interior Guard.

The job is to graze and manage these “spirit of order”, and the train we are riding on is actually a means of transportation for them to commute to work on weekdays. ”

“Aren’t they supposed to be extraordinary?”

Lu Chengqi looked at the blurted out time without saying a word with some surprise, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart

“This guy is really smart, he can guess it directly the first time he sees it?!”

“Because the number of “spirit of order” is so great that it has completely penetrated into the life and work of the inner world

Therefore, a very large number of personnel are needed to “graze”, but the supernatural is limited, so the Sixteen Guards can only recruit ordinary people to do this work. ”

“Then why are they dressed like astronauts?”

All “spirits” have more or less “spiritual power” in their bodies, even if they are not used as attacks

This kind of “spiritual power” is also a certain harmful toxin for ordinary people, and wearing protective clothing can effectively isolate the “spiritual power” they inadvertently leak. ”

“Then it’s still a bit of a dangerous job.”

“Well, so when the Sixteen Guards recruit people, they will explain this nature clearly to them and let them choose voluntarily


They will also be given excellent salaries and benefits, such as once they become “herders”

You can immediately get a free house in the inner world, and get a salary of about thirty thousand yuan every month. ”

“Ordinary people are treated so high?”

I can’t help but be a little surprised.

“Of course, after all, the world is much more dangerous than the watch world, but the treatment of our combat team is better.”

Shi WuXian wanted to continue to ask questions, but he felt that the “red box” of the train was slowly slowing down, and then he stopped.


Lu Cheng jumped out of the car and did not say anything to keep up.


The “red box” once again spewed steam and slowly left.

Shi Wuyi’s face was once again showing surprise

In front of his eyes was a huge castle-like building

If he only relied on his naked eyes, he couldn’t even see how big this building really was!

Shi WuXian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart

The underpinnings of the Sixteen Guards are truly unfathomable, and this building alone can be glimpsed by.

And if nothing else, just the old man I met that day when I was exercising my abilities in the park

Although to the naked eye, it really looks like an ordinary old man

Rickety back, gray hair, old face.

But when Shi Wuyan looked at it with six eyes, he felt a faint palpitation in his body!

Shi Yan felt that even if he used the “Heaven”, he was not completely sure that he could defeat the guy

The world is too big!

What I just saw and heard on the “red box” made Shi Wuyan deeply aware of it

The world was so big that he could not imagine that there were too many unknowns that he did not know

Get stronger!

Only by constantly getting stronger

He can be fearless when those unknowns come!


The two men walked to the gate of the castle, and a guard in a beige uniform made a salute to the landing.

“Captain Road!”

Lu Chengqi smiled and nodded in response, but listened to the side’s silent quipping

“Yo, I can’t see that Cheng Qi is so majestic.”

One of the guards heard the words and was immediately displeased

This guy with white hair and an eye patch was so rude to Captain Lu!

Captain Lu is not only a man with strong vocal ability, but also a kind person

For these subordinates, they never put on a face, and can be described as a goddess-level figure in their hearts.

He immediately yelled,

“How do you talk! Who are you, which department, where are you from, do you know what place this is? What are you doing here?! ”

Shi did not smile lightly, and was about to open his mouth, but he was preemptively said by Lu Chengqi

“He’s my friend.”

The guard heard the words for a moment, and then saw the two continue to laugh and enter the gate.

“You don’t seem stupid!”

The other guard saw the two men walking away and came over and gave the previous guard a brain break.

“Your house doesn’t have access to the Internet?” Don’t you know that the man just now is the autonomously awakened person who has recently exploded all over the Internet? ”

“Besides, although the Captain of the Landing is kind and kind in her daily life, when did you see her take the initiative to hold a man’s hand?” Don’t have any eyesight? ”

When the guard finished listening, he suddenly collapsed and leaned against the corner

He whimpered like a child who had just lost love.


Lu Chengqi walked away for a few minutes without saying a word

Finally, a door with a knife and sword carved on it was pushed open.

I saw that behind the door was a hall of two or three hundred square meters, and the sound of the door pushing was made

The eyes of dozens of people inside it all gathered instantly!

ps. Thank you for your collection and various data, let the little author be very happy, thank you.

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