Lu Chengqi didn’t care about those sudden gazes, and she smiled apologetically at Shi Shi

“I’m sorry, but according to the rules, members of the combat team can’t stay here

I’ll have to leave right away, and someone from the monitoring team will notify you to take the test. ”

“Well, it’s all right, I’ll handle it myself.”

Lu Chengqi nodded, walked to the door, and suddenly turned his head towards the nose of the unspoken Nunu

Make a cute gesture to cheer up, then turn around and run away.

Shi Wuyan was not accustomed to this, he had grown up together since he was a child, and he had become accustomed to Lu Chengqi’s behavior.

However, there was a whisper in the hall behind him.

“Oh, this girl is so cute!” What a foul! ”

“Is that blonde girl Lu Chengqi, the captain of the second hunting team?” Sure enough, it was as beautiful as the rumors! ”

“Who is the young man next to her, with white hair and a blindfold, who is not a blind man?”

“I don’t know, but it looks a bit like the white-haired teenager on the Internet these two days.”

“Don’t tease you, if he really wants to come with us to participate in the combat team test?” Are you kidding?! ”

The dozens of people in the hall were naturally the participants in the squad entry test

Some people come from the watch world, and some are from the other guards of the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters

But no matter what their identities are, they now have an inexplicable hatred for the unspoken time.

Shi Buyan was keenly aware of this hostility, but he didn’t care

Anyway, he probably won’t have any intersection with these people.

A moment later, a door on the left opened, and out of it came a member of the Sixteenth Guard, who looked expressionlessly at the people in the hall.

“All the participants have arrived, now start preparing for the test, please enter the test site.”

Then he went to the wall directly in front of the hall and printed his palm on it

Then the blue light rose, and there was a faint clicking sound behind the door.

The next moment, a crack suddenly appeared on the heavy wall

Then there was a loud noise in the wall, which slowly moved to the sides, revealing an entrance large enough for several people to pass in parallel.

The passage is not long, even if everyone is standing in the hall, they can faintly see the bright light in front of them.

Shi Wuyan followed the crowd into the passage, and after not walking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The entrance is a room as large as a football field, and the vast open space has been divided into four areas of general size.

Lu Chengqi sat on a stand on the east side, staring at the test takers who entered the field

After a while, her eyes lit up, and she stood up

The left hand makes the shape of a trumpet around the mouth, and the right hand waves vigorously.

“Time is not spoken, time is not said!”

Still looking at the environment without saying a word, I suddenly heard a familiar voice and looked up

He saw the familiar long blond hair, and he smiled and waved in response.

“Eh, my road captain, you are enough, there are so many people here watching, you don’t want face.”

He Xunjiu, who was sitting next to her, pulled Lu Chengqi’s hem and sat her down, and then turned to the side again.

“If you continue to be so enthusiastic, the sick cat next to you will trip your elementary school brother later.”

“What my elementary school brother, we’re just friends!”

Lu Chengqi denied it, but she also glanced sideways

I saw that a few seats away, the members of the Spirit Hunting Team were sitting

The leader was naturally Xiao Yueqing, who had never been expressionless, and behind her sat Xia Lotian, who was wearing a power suit and exposing a muscle.

At this moment, Xia Lotian was just looking at this side because of the noise that happened to Lu Chengqi

Seeing Lu Chengqi look over, he grinned and revealed a smile that he thought was very good-looking.

“Cheng Qi, you said that some people are not seriously ill, every time I see you and Leng Meiren, they are like a leper dog.”

He persuaded the wine to gulp a sip of wine into his mouth, and then laughed and said, his voice unscrupulous.

“What a drink! Who are you talking about?! ”

Xia Lotte’s pupils shrank, the smile on his face disappeared, and a tyrannical emotion emerged.

“I’ll just say you, what’s wrong, sick—cat——?!”

He persuaded the wine to show no weakness, and immediately pushed back with his eyes, and deliberately stretched the last two words long.

“I see you’re looking for death!”

Xia Lotte shouted angrily and suddenly got up

His pupils narrowed suddenly, and his fangs began to lengthen

Fine fluff also appeared on the arm

A low roar similar to a tiger’s roar emanated from deep in his throat!

“Sit down.”

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and Xia Lotian glanced at Xiao Yueqing’s back that made a sound in front of him, and a trace of reluctance appeared in his eyes.

He clenched his teeth and glared at the red-haired He Xunjiu

Then the body changed back to human form again, without any more threatening words

Just sit back in your seat as if nothing had happened.

“Cut! What a sick cat! ”

He persuaded the wine to skim his lips disdainfully, and then gently bumped Lu Chengqi

“Eh, Cheng Qi, your apprentice seems to be quite handsome, and he is also tall, much better looking than that sick cat.”

“Well, it’s pretty good-looking, but I think he looked better when he had black hair before.”

Lu Chengqi held his face with both hands, leaned forward slightly, and looked at the time in the field without saying a word

He persuaded the wine to roll his eyes, and secretly said in his heart, this child is simply not saved

Then she seemed to think of something funny, and a bad smile appeared on her face

Then close to Lu Chengqi’s ear, he leaned over and said softly

“You say… If only your elementary school brother knew the sick cat liked you… What will happen to him? ”

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