Xia Lotte’s leg muscles exerted strength, and he jumped high in mid-air

He had turned into a faint blue glow on his right fist

That was the manifestation of his mobilization of the extraordinary power in his body to strengthen the flesh.

He looked at the one below him who was still talking with his fingers, and a sharp color appeared under his eyes


Xia Lotte’s fist struck the unsuspecting back with a cracking sound!

Suddenly, the center of the circle is the position where the time is not spoken

On the cement floor, cracks appeared one after another, and spread out at a very fast speed!

Looking at the smoke and dust in the venue, everyone couldn’t help but cover their mouths

Is this the strength of the second-level extraordinary, the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team?!

The first blow at the beginning of the battle directly cracked the ground!

The next moment, the smoke cleared

The eyes of the crowd widened sharply, and they couldn’t help but let out an exclamation

Only to see Xia Lotte’s fist embedded in the ground

But Shi WuXian sat on Xia Lotte’s half-bent back with a relaxed face!

“The weather is too hot, mung bean cake can be fired.”

Without saying a word, put your hands in your pockets

Smiling and squinting, Jiang Yi’er, whose heart was already about to jump to his throat, said.

Xia Lotte felt the weight coming from above his back

Listen without saying that relaxed and indifferent tone

A strong sense of humiliation burst from the bottom of my heart

His look became distorted, and the roar of a tiger came from his mouth

Suddenly, he pulled his palm out of the cement

With a flurry of rubble chips, he turned around and slashed at the head of the unspoken time.

However, this hand knife full of anger was empty


Xia Lotian quickly looked around, but found the silent figure at a distance of one meter.

“Time is silent!”

Xia Lotte’s feet exerted force, shaking the ground out of a crack

Then the whole person flew like a cannonball without saying a word.

Only this time, before he could get closer

Without saying a word, it disappeared into the same place again, and then appeared a meter away at the same moment.

This is – teleportation?

So fast!

Xia Lotian’s heart was extremely irritable at this moment, and the extraordinary department he had awakened was the animal department

It can transform into a golden giant tiger, and the tiger is a feline animal that is extremely flexible and fast.

He has always relied on this ability of his, and it is rare to meet an opponent in battle

Now, however, Shi Mu was surpassing him in the speed at which he was most proud

Originally wanted to teach the disobedient kitten a lesson

But at the moment, he seemed to be the kitten who had been tricked by the tiger.

“Are you just hiding?!”

Xia Lotian was unwilling in his heart, and he roared and rushed to the time without saying a word.


This time he didn’t hide!

Hit it!

Xia Lotian’s heart was overjoyed, and the power in his body immediately surged

Frenziedly pouring into his right fist, he wanted to take this opportunity to punch the winner or loser.

Just, the next moment,

He was horrified to find that his fist could not go half an inch further

His fist was wrapped around the silent palm, and a greater force passed from the other side.

“You’re too anxious, and interrupting people is not a good habit.”

Shi did not smile slightly, palm forward a bag,

He squeezed Xia Lotian’s fist like this, and then pulled hard behind him

At the same time, his body turned backwards, with the force generated by the momentum of the rotation

The right arm turned into an elbow strike at a very fast speed and smashed towards Xia Lotte’s neck!


Xia Lotian did not react quickly, and his body that had been carried by Shi Wuyi was a bit toe-toe.

Now he was hit by a sharp elbow blow that did not say a word, and suddenly his body lost its balance and staggered forward.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Xia Lotian propped himself on the ground with one hand, and one turned over and stood up again

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a violent cracking sound coming from behind him

He instinctively looked back, only to see that without saying a word, he had jumped sideways into the air

Shi Wuyi’s right hand clenched into a fist, raised high, and the mantra in his body converged into the fist

The next second, a clasp like Tarzan’s crushing blow slammed into Xia Lotte!

Not good!


The slam hit was raised above the arms in front of him in Xia Lotte’s panic

An invisible wave of air shook abruptly from the place where the two men touched

The ground beneath Xia Lotte’s feet cracked, and his legs sank directly into the concrete!

Such a powerful force!

Xia Lotian was shocked

Only when he had just had this thought

Then he felt an irresistible force coming from his right fist again

The next moment, he bounced straight away as if he had been hit by a high-speed moving train

His body was constantly tumbling on the ground, knocking the ground out of a deep ravine

With the sound of continuous collisions with the thudding sound, the railing was directly broken and fell into the stands!

“Xia Lotte was beaten——?!”

The crowd is frozen at this moment!

ps. Thanks for the data~

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