
Xia Lotte spat out a mouthful of blood

Look at the deformed iron railing in front of you that has been hit by yourself

“Why is this guy’s power so terrifying?!” Isn’t he a newcomer who has just awakened?! ”

His face showed a hint of fierceness, and his hands grasped the already crooked railing

With a sharp force, the railing was directly torn down.

Then, he turned into the legs of the tiger’s paw with force, and the whole person bounced in the direction of the unspoken moment.

His heart began to beat violently, compressing the blood in his body to flow all over his body

The green tendons on his arms rose up one by one, twisting and twisting very terrifyingly, as if they were about to explode.

The blue light on it, which symbolized the extraordinary power, was as if it were about to drip out at the moment.

This time, Xia Lotte was really angry

If before he just wanted to teach Shi a little lesson

Let him understand that his majesty cannot be challenged

Let him know that a new person should abide by the rules of the new person

So now, Xia Lotte’s mind had only one thought for the time

Kill him!


Xia Lotte’s body smashed into Shi without saying a word like a meteorite falling in the sky

Suddenly, a deafening boom suddenly sounded

A huge pothole suddenly appeared in place

A wave of energy generated by the bombardment shot out violently

Directly blast the entire cement floor around Shi Wuxian into pieces

However, the majestic power still has no end, and has been continuously extending backwards and spreading

Until the back of the ten meters away from the grandstand was cracked out of a huge opening several meters wide!

“Time is silent!”

“Time is silent!”

There was a cry of surprise in the field

Is this the true strength of the vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, the second-level superhuman?!

The people watching the battle were shocked at this moment

Watch this enough to destroy a small half of the field with a violent blow

A feeling of regret for the early death of a genius quietly arose in my heart

It was hard for them to believe that under such a blow, Shi Wuyan could survive unharmed

Even if you are gifted and resist this blow head-on, even if you don’t die, you will have to fall half-crippled.

“Time is silent!”

Jiang Yi’er, despite the dissuasion of his teammates, staggered to run to the battle center in the field.

“Xia Lotte, I want you to die!”

Lu Cheng’s face was like frost, and he felt the blue spell flute like a fire bolt from behind him.

Xia Lotian looked at his hands because he was infused with too much power

At this moment, it was turning into an iron railing scattered with powder, and the corners of his mouth grinned a big hole.

“I thought you would be stronger, and it turned out to be — that’s all.”


Xiao Yueqing’s eyes, which had been a little disappointed, suddenly lit up and looked into the battle field.

Only to see the dust disperse, and the figure of a white-haired teenager gradually appeared

Then a voice with a smile faintly sounded.

“Vice Captain Xia, is this your full strength?”

“Time is not clear, you’re all right!”

Jiang Yi’er stopped at the sidelines and jumped happily.

Lu Chengqi also put down the spell flute that had been placed on his mouth, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

Xia Lotte’s smile suddenly disappeared

The face was full of horror when he looked at it without saying a word

He was very sure that the blow he had just hit was not deflected

Shi Buyan did not use his teleportation ability to dodge his own attack at that moment

And judging by the feeling of the hand, his attack really fell.

This blow gathered all the strength in his body

Even if the quasi-first-level Chaos Spirit had eaten this blow of its own, it would have been absolutely impossible for it to still jump around!

And now, the other party can stand in front of him so intact, even unstained!

This – absolutely impossible!!!

Xia Lotian walked slowly toward himself without saying a word

For some reason a sudden emotion called fear arose in my heart

Instinctively, he couldn’t help but slap at the time without a word.

The next second, his eyes widened

He felt as if his palm was in a quagmire, moving slower and slower

In the end, even stopped directly in front of Shi Wuyi’s body, and could no longer get close to the slightest!

“Isn’t that interesting?”

Shi Wuyi said as he placed his palm in front of Xia Lotian’s palm

“It’s called the Infinite Limit Technique—the ‘Stop Force.'”

As a result, Xia Lotte saw it more clearly

Between the palms of their hands, there was an air-like barrier.

“As long as there is this technique, your attack will never touch my body.”

Without saying a word, his fingers suddenly snapped, directly grasping Xia Lotian’s palm, which was trembling with horror.

“But — I can.”

Shi Wuyi’s right arm pulled Xia Lotte’s body towards himself

At the same time, his body leaned forward, and his left leg was raised and bent extremely quickly

Then a powerful knee hit Xia Lotte’s abdomen!

Xia Lotian spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out in an instant.


His body slammed into the wall of the stands, and then slid down weakly.


It hurts!

A sharp pain came from the stomach of the overturned river

The intense stimulation made just because of extreme horror

And Xia Lotte, whose brain was stuck in a brief blank, woke up.

“His strength, agility, and control over his body are not at all the same level as I am now!”

Xia Lotian finally realized this sad point, but he was not willing!

It’s just a bug!

Just a kitten that has just grown its teeth!

And I, am the strongest man in the battle team!

The extraordinary power kept surging in the body, and the pale blue light seeped into the muscles of the body

His teeth became sharper, and golden fuzz began to grow on his face

A stout tail grew out of the position of his tail vertebrae.


A thunderous roar of the tiger resounded through the clouds

Xia Lotte disappeared,

And at the moment it appears in the same place,

It was a golden giant tiger with a body of five meters long!

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