The giant tiger’s eyes glowed with a red light

It opened its mouth and roared

The extraordinary power emanating from his body actually stirred up a circle of qi waves around him

Flew out as many debris chips that were scattered around it!

“Complete Body”! What does this guy want to do? Was he trying to kill this new man?! ”

“After entering the “complete body” form, the whole person’s body will become an animal form, but the power will also become two to ten times that of the semi-animal form!”

“I heard that Xia Lotte has now increased by four times after exercising to enter the “full body”!”

“This guy is crazy, after entering the full body, not only the body will bear a huge burden at all times

And their own sanity will also be eroded, once it lasts too long, it will produce irreversible damage, or even direct collapse! ”

“It’s just a test for a newcomer, is it necessary for Xia Lotte to do this level?!”

“Aaaah! Husband in danger! Speed !!! ”

The golden giant tiger let out another roar

A fishy smell then emanated

Immediately, its figure disappeared directly into the same place.


Does he teleport too?


In the six-eye perspective under the blessing of the spell, the unspoken vision becomes clearer

He could clearly see that at this moment, the giant tiger was not disappearing in place like teleportation

Instead, he was rushing towards his own front at great speed.

Above its paws, covered with a thin layer of extraordinary power

This makes its body lighter and its movements faster!

Judgments are made without a word, and at the same time, his body disappears in place.


Almost at the same time as he disappeared

A tiger’s paw, which was much larger than an adult’s head, slammed into the ground where he had stood without saying a word before.

The cement could not withstand such a force, and it collapsed into pieces in an instant

The next moment, a large circular pit with a diameter of one meter appeared in place!


Xia Lotian saw that the blow was not hit, and a roar came out of his mouth again

The attack was not far away, and the figure of Shi Wuxian disappeared in place again.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the ground being bombarded by tiger paws continued to sound, and rubble was scattered throughout the field

There were even some small pieces that were directly blown up to the stands by the huge force.

The people watching looked at each other at this moment

They felt that their eyes could not keep up with the speed of the two people on the field

Among them, the strength is slightly lower,

Like the fourth-level transcendents who have just left ordinary people, and even some third-level transcendents

At this time, even the figures of the two could not be captured

All that could be seen was the smoke rising in the field, and the roar of the tiger full of anger.

After a moment, Shi WuXian watched the golden giant tiger pounce on himself again, without using teleportation again

Instead, he stood directly in place, without the slightest intention of dodging.


Xia Lotte’s eyes showed a hint of joy

He’s been in his “fully body” state for a bit longer now

The brain has begun to appear in a somewhat chaotic state, if you don’t say it or fight with him head-on

Then he estimated that he might first withdraw from the “full body” state due to physical weakness.

He looked at the close at hand without saying a word, and a fierce and fierce light appeared in his eyes

Open the bloody mouth and bite into the neck of the silent one!

However, at the moment when Xia Lotian came to Shi Wuyi’s body, a smile appeared on the corner of Shi Wutian’s mouth.

His footsteps tapped, his body raised

With both hands propped down, they actually stepped directly over the top of the golden tiger’s head

Xia Lotian took a bite out of the air, and a tingling bite sound came from his mouth.

At this time, Shi Wuyan stood behind the giant tiger

As soon as his right hand reached forward, the stout tiger’s tail was directly grasped by him!

Xia Lotian’s heart was shocked, and an extremely bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart

He let out a roar in his mouth and was about to turn back

He felt a strong force coming from his tail, and then his entire body took off into the air.

He immediately gathered all the power in his body on his tiger tail and tried to break free

However, he was horrified to find that no matter how hard he tried

His own tiger’s tail, which had been cut off with a thick metal plate of ten centimeters, was as powerful as a steel whip

At this moment, it was firmly grasped by the hand that looked like an iron tong!


The huge tiger body is centered on the time without saying a word

Being dragged around in mid-air round and round

The strong force swept away the dust and sand and gravel from this circle

After never hearing the roar from Xia Lotian again

Without saying a word, he stepped forward, stopped the figure, and threw the giant tiger to the side of the wall with both hands.


The huge tiger’s body slammed into the wall, making a dull crashing sound.

Suddenly, countless deep cracks like spider webs appeared on the walls.

Shi WuXian narrowed the smile on his face

“Almost, it’s time to eat mung bean cake.”

He put the forearm of his left hand upright, placed on his chest, the middle finger of the index finger was erected side by side, and the other three fingers were interlocked

Looking at Xia Lotian, who was constantly vomiting blood in his mouth, he lowered his eyelids and murmured softly.


This moment,

Everyone in the room jerked to their feet!

In the moment when it is not open at the moment,

They felt a palpitation from the depths of their hearts!

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