Xia Lotte had a hard time waking up from his dizzy state

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was that I saw several figures around me.

He instinctively wanted to get up, but the moment he raised his hand, he did

A strong pain of tearing came from all over his body

There is no place in the whole body that does not hurt!

“Don’t move!”

A member of the medical aid team in a white uniform came to Xia Lotte’s side

He took a needle and gave a needle to Xia Lotte’s arm.

The pain gradually faded, and Xia Lotte looked at his hand

I found myself unaware of when I had been moved out of the “complete body” state, and my hands returned to normal human form.

Then he saw not far in front of him

The incomparably conspicuous white-haired teenager was talking to Wen Chengye of the patrol guard

Next to them stood all the members of the Spirit Hunting Team

Even their captain, Xiao Yueqing, who had long ice blue hair, was there.

“Congratulations, without saying a word, you have now officially become a member of the Sixteenth Guard Third Guard, the Spirit Hunting First Team!”

Wen Chengye had a smile on his face, he was very happy for a strong newcomer to join the Sixteenth Guard

Moreover, this new man had previously saved the lives of his subordinates at Yanqiu Mountain.

“Uncle, I’ve heard that there is a rule in the Sixteen Guards that if a non-member of the Spirit Hunting Team defeats the members of the Spirit Hunting Team in the presence of the Inspector and the Captain, then the former can take the place of the latter, right?”

Shi did not smile and squinted at Wen Chengye, his blindfold was already on at the moment, and he couldn’t see what kind of eyes it was.


Wen Chengye didn’t expect Shi Wuyan to call him like this, the corners of his mouth twitched a little, and then subconsciously replied.

“Yes, there is such a rule.”

“So that means I won the battle against that guy, and now I’m the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team?”


Wen Chengye was delayed, although the regulations were so stipulated

But a newcomer who had just passed the combat team test went straight to the vice-captain

He was also the vice captain of the strongest spirit hunting team in the combat team, and he always felt that he could not accept it for a while.


When Xia Lotte heard this, the whole person finally woke up

He struggled to get up from the ground, staggering and pointing without saying a word.

“The vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team is me, Xia Lotte!”

Who says you can replace me? Who has the qualifications, stand up and let me see?! ”

After all, Xia Lotian had been in the Spirit Hunting Team long enough, and his strength was very heavy.

As soon as the words came out, the crowd instinctively did not choose to answer the call.

Pride reappeared in Xia Lotian’s heart, he put his hands on his chest and looked at everyone with his eyes wide open.

Oh, it’s all a bunch of garbage-like bugs!

But right now,

An old and calm voice sounded from behind the crowd

“I said it.”

As soon as the words stopped, the crowd in front of them automatically dispersed a passage


“Team Forest!”

“Elder Lin!”

The crowd kept saying hello and saluting.

Not long after, a somewhat scruffy man dressed in ancient costumes walked up to everyone.

“Elder Lin, how did you come in person?”

Wen Chengye was shocked in his heart, and hurried forward to personally try to help the guys

Elder Lin waved his hand and walked directly to Xia Lotian, smiling and opening his mouth

“Xia Lotte, do you think I am qualified to say this?”

Xia Lotian gritted his teeth deadly, and there was a look of reluctance in his eyes, but he did not answer

“No hurry, you look behind you first.”

Elder Lin’s voice sounded slowly again

Xia Lotian had some doubts, not knowing what Elder Lin meant, but still obeyed and looked back

The next moment, he was shocked, and the whole person stood directly in place as if he had been struck by lightning

Only in front of him was a circular notch with a diameter of more than ten meters!

Almost half of the stands on his side had disappeared

Through this gigantic gap,

He could even see the “red box” of the herders driving not far outside.

And on the wall just a meter away next to this huge gap

Cracks of varying shades split like cobwebs

There was the place where he had been thrown off the wall without saying a word.

Xia Lotian’s mind now arose with a guess that made him feel very terrible

He turned his head back to Elder Lin with great difficulty and asked in disbelief

“This… Could it be…”

“Oh, just as you think, it’s time to do it.”

Xia Lotte’s pupils narrowed in the affirmative, and he finally remembered

A few minutes earlier, he had been slammed against the wall without a word

The enormous force of the impact, coupled with the load brought to him by the “complete body” state

It made his whole consciousness become extremely trance

And at the moment when “Cang” appeared,

His mind was captured by the terrible might

He just passed out!

I was actually frightened?!

Xia Lotte’s teeth clenched, and he couldn’t accept the result at all

It was worse than killing him directly!

Xia Lotian clenched his fists in anger and opened his mouth

He wanted to have another duel with Shi Wuxian

“Elder Lin, I don’t believe it, I want to…”

It’s just that the voice hasn’t fallen

He then saw that the cloudy gaze of Elder Lin in front of him suddenly changed, and his eyes became sharp

A mighty spiritual pressure descended on his head like Tarzan’s crushing peak

Xia Lotte – Eyes wide open!

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