Although I drank a lot of wine,

But He persuaded the wine to be sure that his consciousness was clear

Otherwise it would not have been possible to fly in the sky for so long without falling

Just now she was sure she heard a strange noise in the woods ahead

She carefully placed the bottle on the edge of the railing

Then he slowly moved his body closer to the dark woods.

The extraordinary power flowed through the body, dispelling the remaining trace of wine in the body.

At the same time, a light red flame rose in the body of He Xunjiu

Through the surface of her body, it gently beats between the ends of her hair and her eyes.

With the initiation of her powers, her figure also became lighter

Footsteps landed on the ground and hardly made any noise.

In the previous self-evident test,

He persuaded Jiu to clash with Xia Lotte in person, angrily scolding the other party as a sick cat

On the one hand, it was because she really couldn’t get used to Xia Lotte’s style

Another reason is because she is also an extraordinary person of the animal department

She can transform into a fire phoenix, so she and Xia Lotte, who can transform into a giant tiger, have always had an instinctive sense of repulsion.

In addition, her own strength is not weak, as the vice captain of the second team of the Spirit Hunt

It also possesses the strength of a second-level extraordinary, so it is not afraid of Xia Lotte at all

This was also the reason why she dared to go alone to investigate at this moment after hearing the strange movement in the woods.

Soon, He persuaded the wine to go into the woods

The next moment,

Then she saw the bright moonlight shining into the forest

A girl in a pink coat slumped on the ground

His face was full of tears, his hands were on the ground, and he kept moving backwards.

In front of him was a young man who looked like a college student

I am approaching the girl step by step.

He persuaded the wine to feel that this girl had some familiar faces

It was as if I had seen her somewhere before

Then she suddenly thought of the latest news

Suddenly, he realized what was happening in front of him at the moment.

The crimson flame in her eyes kept beating, and she immediately screamed.

“What are you doing?!”

The two people in front of them were all stagnant, and they looked in their own direction in unison.

A glimmer of hope appeared in the girl’s eyes, and she struggled to get up from the ground

Stumbling in the direction of He persuasion wine,

The student looked at himself expressionlessly

The hungry yellow face was a little emaciated, like a malnourished patient.

“Are you okay?”

He persuaded the wine to ask with concern

The girl whimpered and shook her head, then then suddenly remembered something

Her face suddenly became frightened, and she hugged He Shujiu desperately trying to go in the direction of the outside of the woods

“This man, he, he’s the devil!”

“It’s all right, don’t worry, I’m a sixteenth guard, and you’re safe now.”

With that, He persuaded the wine to take out the credentials of the sixteen guards from his body and show them to the girl.

However, the strange thing is that although the girl looked a little relieved after seeing the certificate, she still stared dead in the direction of the student.

He persuaded the wine to have some doubts, and looked sideways

The next moment, her heart followed with a sharp tightening

Only to see the student’s originally expressionless face

After hearing Ho persuade the wine to say that he is the Sixteen Guards

A strange smile began to appear

Godless eyes also burst out with a kind of catching light

It is like a person who has walked in the desert for three days and three nights and suddenly sees a clear water source.

“Ho ho, the Sixteenth Guard… So are you an extraordinary? ”

The student let out a strange laugh in his mouth, and his voice was dry and hoarse.

I don’t know why, He persuaded the wine to suddenly rise in his heart a feeling of distraction

The flame in her eyes suddenly shone brightly


In the midst of the delicacies, a flame immediately rose from the ground and appeared at the student’s feet

The dead branches and leaves on the ground were suddenly burned and crackled, turning into ashes.

However, the student disappeared!

Where did it go?!

He persuaded the wine to react yet

A face with deep eye sockets suddenly appeared in front of her

The pair of dark eyes were almost on her face.


A pair of fiery red wings flared violently from behind Ho Persuasion Wine

With her and the girl in her arms instantly retreated a few meters

“Ha ~ it seems that there is no need to answer, you have already told me.”

The student let out a strange laugh again, and his eyes kept turning back and forth between He Shujiu and the girl.

He persuaded the wine to look at this moment and became incomparably solemn

Her eyes stayed on the student’s body, not daring to move the slightest

Because at that moment, her senses, which had been strengthened by the animal system, were strengthened

Conveyed to her a message that was difficult for her to accept

This guy in front of him has the breath of a chaotic spirit on his body!

And at least level two, maybe even quasi-level one!

However, this thing is now clearly the appearance of a human student!

He persuaded the wine to think too much, she said urgently to the girl next to her

“Go fast, call as soon as you get out and report your location and the situation here to the Sixteenth Guard!”

No matter what, she is the Sixteenth Guard, the Sixteen Guards, the Guardian of the Nation, the Defender

You must not let this ordinary girl next to you have an accident under your own eyes!

The girl nodded, and the instinct to survive made her start running outwards, after running a few steps

He couldn’t help but look back at He Persuasion and shout with his last strength

“Hold on, I’ll find someone from you to save you!”

After saying that, he staggered toward the river

She knew that she was not extraordinary, and that staying here had no effect other than to add to the burden.

He persuaded the wine to skim his lips and mutter, quietly

“Che, you ordinary man, who can you find to save me?”

At this moment, she suddenly remembered why she felt that the girl’s face was familiar

It was the cashier who used to say in the interview video that he was very gentle when he said it – Yang Xiantao!

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