Then she took out the communicator and pressed the button.

“Here it is…”

“Don’t tm nonsense! I am Ho Shu Sake on the North River, next to the Tokugawa Tunnel

Find a chaotic spirit suspected of being a quasi-first-level disaster, send someone quickly, otherwise the old lady will come to you when she dies! ”

He persuaded the wine to have a rare burst of foul mouth, and she was indeed a little flustered now

During the time she let the girl out and communicated with herself

The student on the other side never used his hands, and kept quietly watching himself finish all this

At this moment, seeing that He persuaded the wine to hang up the communication, he opened his mouth with a strange smile

“From the time the sixteen guards received the call to the time they arrived here, they used the “elevator” and the “button”

It will take at least ten minutes, do you think… Can you make it up? ”

He persuaded the wine to be shocked, and his heart suddenly set off a terrifying wave.

“How do you know “elevators” and “buttons”?!”

You know, this kind of title is only known to the personnel inside the Sixteen Guards, and not even all the members

Even the relationship between Shi Wuyan and Lu Chengqi could not tell him this news before Shi Wuyan did not enter the Sixteen Guards.

And this chaotic spirit in front of him, where did he get this news?!

“Can’t guess?”

A burst of unbridled laughter broke out in the student’s mouth, and he stepped towards He Persuasion.


A fiery flame flew out of the palm of Ho Woo Cho’s hand

It hit the male student’s body straight

This is the most commonly used move of Ho Persuasion Wine

With one blow, you can instantly burn a fourth-level Chaos Spirit!

The man’s footsteps stopped, and the flames of bloom rose above him

Wrap his whole being in flames

Suddenly, a smell of burning skin spread out

However, He persuaded the wine not to be at ease, but on the contrary, Xiumei became more and more nervous

Because, she didn’t hear any screams

The surrounding area was quiet at the moment, only the crackling sound of the flames burning!

Soon, the flames faded away

The man’s figure is revealed

He persuaded the wine’s pupils to shrink suddenly

She knew where the scorching smell she had just smelled was coming from!

At this moment, his clothes had been burned clean, revealing his skinny upper body

The skin on his body turned eerie black after being burned by the flames

A layer of short, thin black fuzz covered the surface of his skin

And from the neck of his neck, countless fine black hairs grew along the direction of the spine

A pair of stout horns appeared above his forehead, bent backwards and outwards, twisted

It’s like a bone sickle.

The black in the man’s pupils also completely faded and turned into a miserable white glow of moonlight.

At this moment, he is like a black goat standing on two feet in the moonlight!

“You… Is it a human or a chaotic spirit? ”

He persuaded the wine to tremble a little, she had never seen such a terrible scene

Among the disasters in which I have participated in the past,

The chaotic spirits she saw had always been directly in the form of monsters

Never before had it been in front of her like this

A living chaotic spirit that transforms from a human into a monster

It’s like an animal in the Otherworld!

“How’s it going, isn’t this body that Lord Laiqi gave me look great?”

The man looked at his fluffy body, and his face showed satisfaction.

“Raiki? What kind of person is ta, who made you look like this ghost?! ”

He persuaded the wine to stare at the man in front of him, and his heart fluttered.

A sigh suddenly came from the man’s mouth

“It’s just a pity, it’s not even close, just eat you and that girl… I can evolve more thoroughly. ”

He put his hand on his only unchanged face, rubbing with some regret

“Eight minutes left——!”

The next moment, his feet, already turned into sheep’s hooves, slammed on the ground

Countless fallen leaves were shaken, and the whole person rushed straight towards He Persuasion at great speed!


He persuaded the liquor to avoid the danger and danger

Look at the trees that were suddenly broken apart by the man’s horn as soon as they were stabbed

My heart was cold, rising into the air, and I squealed

“Flame Spin!”

The wings behind He Shujiu suddenly turned extremely red, and at the same time slammed forward

A huge whirlwind five meters high suddenly appeared in front of her

Wrapped in red flames, he ran straight to the man in front of him

In an instant, the whirlwind engulfed the man into it

Look at the flame spin that he unleashed that was enough to kill the third-level chaos spirit

He persuaded the wine but did not relax a little, his eyes were still staring at the whirlwind ahead

This strange chaotic spirit had put too much pressure on her, forcing her to concentrate on it.


Suddenly, a huge piece of earth with turf flew out of the whirlwind and shot towards He Shujiu!

He persuaded the wine to swing its wings lightly, and immediately a flash of body staggered the dirt block

However, before she could continue to make a move, the sound of the wind in her ears was a sound

The next moment,

The hungry yellow face with two horns appeared on her side

He persuaded the wine to shrink his eyes, and his arms instinctively crossed in front of him

Only to see the corner of the man’s mouth tear open a smile, and his right hand slammed out a fist.


He Shujiu’s body was interrupted from mid-air, crashed into the tree, and slowly slid down.

“I thought I was just sneaking out to eat a snack today, but I didn’t expect to have a big meal


I’ve heard that the taste of the supernatural is great.”

The man fell to the ground and walked toward He Persuasion with a smile and a groan.

“It’s six minutes left now.”


Yang Xiantao had already run to the North River

Her ankle had been injured in the woods before, and there was no way to run fast

After the phone call, she could only slowly move the railing step by step

The mouth kept shouting for help, but this place was really sparsely populated

Rao was a little hoarse in her throat at the moment, but no one answered her.

The trepidation and guilt in her heart, coupled with the pain coming from her ankles

She couldn’t help but kneel directly on the ground with a soft body, sobbing weakly in a low voice

“Help… Help me…… Who’s going to help me…”

Click, click, click.

Suddenly, she heard a steady footstep in front of her

Then a familiar voice sounded with doubt.

“Peaches? How are you here? ”

Yang Xiantao suddenly looked up, through the hazy tearful eyes

She saw a white-haired teenager with a black blindfold standing in front of her at the moment.

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