Lu Chengqi repeatedly confirmed He Persuasion Wine, and the Yang Xiantao who followed them

There is no time to say after the physical condition of the three people

Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief and dispelled the idea of calling the medical rescue team over

Except for some sprains on the ankles of the carambola peach, several of them were unscathed

As for the injuries on He Shujiu’s arms, with the strong physique of the Animal Superhuman, he was also good at this moment.

And Shi Bu Yan after listening to He Shu Jiu and Yang Xiantao’s narration of the whole incident

He walked slowly to Zhu Feiwen’s corpse

He was ready to check to see if there was anything he had just missed

Although Zhu Feiwen did not pose any threat to himself

But as a chaotic spirit all the time, it is indeed extremely strange

Just like He persuaded the wine to say before, the evil door is very evil.

First of all,

Judging by the red spiritual power flowing through its body

It is indeed a chaotic spirit, there is no doubt about that

But as a chaotic spirit who should not be psychic,

It is possible to communicate with humans without any obstacles

Or in the case of not reaching the special level

This is the first time this situation has been encountered


Although Zhu Feiwen did not know him very well

But after all, there is also a two-year classmate relationship

Although the time goes without saying that there was no awakening of the supernatural power before

But judging by his excellent memory

He was also almost unaware of what kind of strange performance Zhu Feiwen had had in college before.


All chaotic spirits are spirits in the beginning, coming from the inner world

It is formed after absorbing the negative emotions of human beings

And now this chaotic spirit, according to He Xunjiu and Yang Xiantao

It doesn’t always look like this

Instead, it is possible to switch back and forth freely between humans and now the sheep-horned monsters

At the moment when Yang Xiantao was taken away, what he saw was this black goat form

After arriving in the grove, it changed back to human form.


He persuaded the wine to mention,

This chaotic spirit not only knew about the “twisting buckle” and “elevator” that only the sixteen guards knew

It is also known from the sixteen guards who received the rescue request to rush to the scene

It will take at least ten minutes or so

Knowing this kind of information clearly shows that it knows the Sixteenth Guard very well.


In this battle, Zhu Feiwen did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional

Two key words are mentioned, “Raiki” and “Evolution”

The former should be pressed as a person or spirit that makes it look like this

The latter is that it calls its state “evolution.”

Without saying a word, he touched his chin

Start thinking seriously about these questions

Suddenly, a picture flashed through his mind

After the Battle of Yanqiushan, when he went to a convenience store to buy sweets

I found that the owner who had been in the store all year round suddenly disappeared

And stumbled upon it on that oden lattice,

There was actually a trace of red spiritual power possessed by the Chaos Spirit that was strangely attached

After that, although it is not said from time to time, I often go to the convenience store downstairs to buy things

But every time it was only Yang Xiantao or her colleague Xiao Yin who was there

The middle-aged boss had never been seen again.

Immediately after,

Without saying a word, I remembered another detail

It was on the night he woke up

In the news broadcast of the convenience store

It is said that in Yanqiu Mountain, a zombie-like humanoid creature appeared

He didn’t know at the time that it was what ordinary humans looked like after being sucked into the soul by the many eyes

But the boss directly denied the title of zombie

There was a thick disdain in the tone

“Do you mean… That middle-aged shopkeeper is also a lurking Chaos Spirit?”

The face of the unspoken was somewhat solemn

Things seem to be getting a little more complicated.


In the perspective of the Six Eyes,

He saw a faint wave of spiritual power appear somewhere under his feet.

He looked down sharply

Only to see at their feet,

Zhu Feiwen’s ripped head,

Something seemed to be flashing

Without saying a word, he leaned over and reached out to brush the black hair from its neck

The next moment,

He felt an extremely strong desire rise in the depths of his heart

As if whispering in his ear as if a demon were whispering

Call on him to go to Lu Chengqi’s side, to He Persuasion’s side…

Without saying a word, his brow frowned, and the dark red spell power surged to guard his heart

Then, the eerie whisper disappeared in an instant

Shi WuXian took a deep breath and stared at it

I saw that above Zhu Feiwen’s neck and under the black hair, there was a sheep’s head pattern with red light.

But in just a moment, the red light on the sheep’s head dimmed, as if it had never appeared.

Animal patterns!

Animal motifs again!

Xingwen Road, a two-headed bird on the tongue of a blood-pupild crow,

Wild geese autumn mountain, a fly at the stem of the multi-eyed nose,

On the north river, the sheep’s head on Zhu Feiwen’s neck.

And every time you see an animal motif, you see it

The endless desire that will suddenly arise

Shi WuXian felt as if he had stepped into an endless whirlpool

A wave of fear arising from the unknown suddenly appeared!

Standing silently in the same place

There is no action

Just a moment later, he suddenly laughed

Not laughing at others, but laughing at yourself

Laugh at yourself before that moment of instinctive fear

Laugh at the confidence you have built up and shake it

Laugh at yourself as a crosser but afraid of this ghost god!

When not to say a word, the face is frozen

At this moment, the body exudes an indescribable momentum

“Only then will things get interesting——!”

“Without saying a word, what are you suddenly laughing at?”

Lu Chengqi and He persuaded the wine to walk by, looking at it with some doubts without saying a word.

“Nothing, just suddenly remembering something happy.”


ps. The little author once again thanks everyone for their support ~

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