After a few moments, the crowd dispersed

The three men leaned against the railing and looked at the Field Service personnel who had come over to deal with the scene

Shi did not say a word to take the bag from the hand of He Persuasion

Get ready to take a doughnut out of it to replenish your brain power

After just a fight, and then crazy brain analysis of various clues

Shi Wuyan felt that his brain was a little uncomfortable

“Five doughnuts, you’re all done eating?!”

Shi WuXian looked at He persuasion wine with some speechlessness

Doesn’t it mean that girls rarely eat sweets and are afraid of gaining weight?!

“Isn’t it five doughnuts?”

He persuaded the wine to return immediately, but she was also a little embarrassed

Suddenly her eyes flickered, thinking of something

So she stepped aside

I took the bottle of Moscator sparkling wine that I had hidden before

Then passed it to the time without a word

“This is specially stored, I have not yet drunk it, just as compensation and thanks, it is sweet wine!”

“Oh sweet.”

The eyes lit up without saying a word

“Eh——! No, the time is silent…”

Lu Chengqi’s expression changed, and he quickly tried to stop it

But it was too late, just as she reacted and held out her hand

Shi WuXian had pulled out the plug and drank.

“What a drink! Look at the good things you’ve done! Don’t talk about him, he won’t drink! ”

Lu Chengqi looked at it just a mouthful

A flush has risen on his face without saying a word

Shouting at He Shujiu with some dissatisfaction

He persuaded the wine but there is no rare mouthful

Just giggles

Just lie on the railing and quietly look at the side face without saying a word.


It’s Night, Inside the World, Sixteen Guards Headquarters,

Lin Xinzhi listened to the report of his subordinates to him and signaled the other party to go out

He walked to the window and looked out at the blood-red moon hanging high outside.

“The time is not spoken, and the time is not spoken.”

From the moment of awakening without saying a word, strange things began to emerge endlessly

Now even the disaster of freely switching between human and spiritual forms has appeared

And think about the people who appear around you when you don’t say anything

Lu Chengqi, Jiang Yi’er, He Xunjiu, Xia Lotian, all four of them are extremely rare knockers

There is even a rarer self-awakened person, Xiao Yueqing

It is only a few days to step into the transcendent

There is a deep or shallow connection with these extremely gifted people

Even Wen Chengye, the second knocker

He was also saved by Shi Wuyan at Yanqiu Mountain

Lin Xinzhi felt that when he appeared without words, it was like a magnet

These people’s originally completely different lives have all been absorbed into the past

“Is this the luck of the mysterious lineage?”

Lin Xinzhi sighed, and before he was in a trance, he remembered the one from many years ago

At the beginning, it was also such an amazing talent, and it was sought after by thousands of people

Don’t say that Lin Xinzhi knew himself, even the general could not cover his sharp edge.

Then he went back to his desk and dialed the phone

“Notify the technology development team and wait until the quasi-first-level Chaos Spirit corpse is sent back.”

I must do everything I can to grasp the research, and I will consult with the General Adjustment Office

Give them the maximum privilege to report to me as soon as the results are available. ”

The phone hung up, Lin Xinzhi’s face darkened slightly

Two-headed bird, fly, sheep’s head,

These animal patterns made him feel a little uneasy in his heart

What are the believers of the old days plotting?


Table world, Kaiwon City, somewhere inside a huge underground building.

A group of men dressed in black were kneeling in front of a row of clay statues

Their hands were raised high and then gently fell

With incessant prostration and constant murmuring in the mouth

A faint wisp of black mist escaped from their bodies

Towards the seven statues gathered before the candle fire

The next moment,

As black gas enters the body,

The sculptural eyes unexpectedly bloomed with a red light

If it is not said at the time, it is present

He must be able to see from the perspective of six eyes

Seeing the dozens of men in black who were now creeping under their robes

All impressively engraved with different animal motifs!

At this moment, the patterns seem to have some special connection with the eyes of the sculpture

One light and one dark, like breathing, glowing faintly red.

“Thank you Lord my Lord! Eternal life of my Lord! ”

A force slowly grows from the body

The believers felt the changes coming from their bodies, and their excitement was abnormal

They shouted and bowed more reverently.


A clear sound,

There is a door open next to the high platform where the sculpture is located

Out of it came a young woman with a seductive figure and a middle-aged man with deep eye sockets



When the believers saw the two, they immediately saluted and shouted

There was an almost morbid madness and piety in his eyes.

The woman let out a cold hum, and a flash of red light flashed in her eyes

A black chain suddenly stretched out from behind her

Wrap a cultist in the crowd below and pull him to himself

Her enchanting purple lips opened, and a powerful suction force suddenly emanated from her mouth.

The next moment,

The disciples’ eyes rolled sharply, and their limbs twitched violently

It seems to be suffering unimaginable pain

Soon, his cheeks dried up, his skin pressed against the bone

The woman licked her lips, and the chain flickered

Throw the dry corpse in front of you into the crowd

Her gaze wandered over the crowd, as if she were choosing the next target

The rest of the disciples had horrified looks on their faces and trembled

But no one dared to flee without permission.

“This week’s old priesthood ceremony ends here, let’s roll!”

The man looked expressionlessly at the crowd creeping at his feet and opened his mouth coldly.

Seeing the black-clad believers in front of them leave in panic like amnesty

The man’s face became somewhat unkind

“Raiki, calm down!”

The woman turned her head violently, and shouted at the man with some uncontrollable emotions

“Calm? Grat, my “child” just died!

Died at the hands of that guy when it was not said! How do you calm me down?!! ”

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