Last night, Shi Wuyi was carried back by Lu Chengqi

Although Shi Buyan is strong, cooking, singing, and many aspects are very strong, but the amount of alcohol is unexpectedly very poor

It can be said that a glass is poured, even if you drink sparkling wine with almost no degree

In this respect, it is said that it is like a child.

Lu Chengqi had some difficulty in putting Shi Wuyi on the bed and gently covering the quilt

Then he gently removed his black blindfold

Look at the pair of white eyelashes that tremble slightly

Lu Chengqi suddenly had a bold idea in his heart

A crimson rose on his face

But after a moment’s hesitation, she still didn’t take action

Turning around, he quietly closed the door and left.

The next day, the time awoke without a word

It feels like the brain is a little swollen,

In fact, last night he could have passed the spell

Dissolve the liquor in the body

But there is a rare opportunity to relax and drink

The taste of sweet wine is not choking, either

So just let yourself get drunk

In the end, I don’t know how I got home.

Washed up and made a simple breakfast

After eating, Shi WuXian opened the system panel

Although it was only a day’s time,

But last night a quasi-first-level chaotic spirit was destroyed

It goes without saying that his degree of integration will definitely improve again.

Sure enough,

“The host was detected to have punished the sins of the world, the crime – lust! Reward host 8 points of fusion.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 30%.”

“Unlock Spell Operation: Reversal Technique, Primary.”

“Tip: First, after mastering the spell operation of the reversal style and the primary level, you can unlock the reversal “He”.

Second, the proficiency of the reversal technique cannot be improved by convicting the crime, but can only be improved by the host’s own exercise and use.”

Time is not to say anything, stunned

It’s not that he’s disappointed that he didn’t unlock new skills this time

On the contrary, at this moment, he felt a little overjoyed!

Reversal Technique,

Although not strictly speaking, it is a skill

It’s a delicate manipulation of spells

But it is extremely important for the improvement of strength

In the original world, even the Gojo Enlightenment became the core of the spell.

Skills after Gojo Goku, He-Yo Yo

All must be based on the premise of reversal surgery to be able to be used smoothly.

In the original world, the existence of mantras is derived from the negative emotions of human beings

It is a “negative” force that can be used to strengthen the flesh

This is also the reason why the Gojo Enlightenment Technique is so strong

But also because its property is “negative”, so if there is a physical injury,

Then the spell has no effect on this and cannot regenerate it.

And the emergence of the reversal style just makes up for this deficiency

It uses mantra power in the form of multiplication, so that the negative energy of the mantra itself becomes positive energy

That is, it is equivalent to multiplying -1 by -1, and the negative is positive, then you will get a +1 result.

The mantra force generated at this time will change from negative energy to positive energy

This can be used to make the physical body recover quickly from the damage.

When the mind moves, it is not a word

Activate the dark red spell in your body

Unlike the previous flow, this time it is a reverse flow according to some fixed trajectory

The next moment, his eyes lit up

My brain, which had been a little swollen from the hangover, became sober at this moment!

This is another effect of the reversal technique

In addition to being able to recover from injuries on the body

You can also restore your mental strength!

Actually, before that,

I’m a little worried

Although the power of the Six Eyes and Stop is extremely strong

It can be launched uninterrupted

Gives him a huge advantage in battle

But that’s why

His brain was constantly draining mental energy almost every moment

If you experience some sustained high-intensity fighting,

Then his blue bar will be consumed particularly quickly

The only way to supplement it is to regularly supplement sweets

Let your tired brain relax a little

But if in a pinch,

There are special cases of not being able to replenish their sweets

At that time, I had very little brain power left

The scene becomes extremely dangerous.

In this transcendent world of Reiki revival

It goes without saying that the biggest reliance now is its own power to stop

Can block all attacks on him

But in that case, once the mental strength is exhausted, it is exhausted

The brain enters a state of extreme exhaustion, and the six eyes can no longer perform detailed mantra operations

Then the stopping force that can be called absolute defense will automatically shut down

If you are hit head-on by the monster of the same rank as the black goat last night, then you will be hit head-on

It’s hard to imagine if I would be able to survive with that luck

But now it’s different

He unlocked the reversal technique, although it was only of the first order and could not be used all the time

But it can perfectly avoid the crisis situation mentioned above

If there is a situation where the mental strength is exhausted, then he can launch the reversal technique

As soon as you recover a little, the stopping force will be turned on again

Even if the situation was imminent at the time, it could not be recovered, resulting in itself being injured by the attack

Then as long as you don’t die instantly, you can also do it by launching the reversal technique

Turn negative spell energy into positive spell energy

to quickly treat their own injuries

That is, from now on

It is equivalent to obtaining a blue vial, plus a blood vial

He no longer had to worry about the fact that his spiritual power would be exhausted at any moment

Once empty, take a sip to recover

As long as he still has a breath to keep, then he can recover from the injury through the reversal technique!

And when he fully mastered this reversal technique and reached Dacheng

He can even combine the Infinite Limit Technique and the Reverse Technique

Non-stop, uninterrupted operation

Let your own Infinite Limit Technique open permanently, and reach the level of no spell power consumption

At that time, he can become the “strongest” in the true sense of the word without saying a word!

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