Inside the World, Sixteen Guards Headquarters,

Office of the Captain of the Monitoring Team.


Lin Xinzhi was sitting at his desk drinking morning tea

Seeing his subordinates standing in the doorway, nodding his head to signal him to come in

The subordinates trotted to Lin Xinzhi

He looked serious and placed a stack of documents in his hand on Lin Xinzhi’s desk

“Captain Lin, the research results of the Technology Development Bureau have come out, please take a look.”

Lin Xinzhi’s brow furrowed, and he immediately put down the teacup

Open the cowhide bag and start looking it up in earnest

As he saw more and more, the gully between his brows grew deeper and deeper

A faint pressure escaped from his body unconsciously.

The subordinates stood in front of him, somewhat breathless when they were pressed, but they did not dare to say a word.

After a moment, Lin Xin put down the file in his hand and let out a cold hum

Then his eyes became sharp and he looked at his subordinates in front of him

“Immediately inform all the captains and vice-captains of the Spirit Hunting Team, as well as Captain Wen of the patrol guard, to go to Conference Room I for a meeting.”


The men saluted again, then trotted away

Lin Xinzhi leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed

Then he straightened up again and dialed a phone number

The phone rang and a woman’s faint voice came.

“Captain Lin, what’s the matter?”

Lin Xinzhi looked solemn

“Admiral, the preliminary results have come out, and it is confirmed that it is the old Japanese division.”


Bang bang bang,

There was a soft knock at the door

When he opened the door without saying a word, he saw a young girl dressed in light pink standing in the doorway.

Yang Xiantao was originally a little embarrassed, but the moment when he saw it without saying a word, he was a little dazed

The eyes looked at each other in shock, and the confusion and amazement in the eyes were undisguised

It seemed as if the soul was about to be sucked away by the pale blue pupils that extended into the distance

For the first time in so long, this was the first time she had seen it without an eye patch.

“Peaches? Can I help you? ”

It wasn’t until the time was not spoken that Yang Xiantao reacted

Remembering the purpose of her coming, she handed the delicately wrapped dessert box in her hand to her hands without saying a word

“Now, you don’t like sweets, I bought it for you


Don’t say don’t take it, just take it as a thank you gift for saving me last night! ”

Seeing that the time was not spoken, Yang Xiantao smiled

“Then I’ll go first, and don’t disturb your rest.”

When not saying a word is also with a smile

See the girl leave, when not saying a word to put the dessert box on the table

Then I simply cleaned up and went out.

Sanjiang Road, on the North River.

The figure of a white-haired teenager flashed constantly in the woods

The speed of the forest even brought the fallen leaves of the forest to fly

From time to time he would stop and make a print on his left hand

Then came small explosions

Or two trees are abruptly uprooted from the ground and collide with each other in the air.

After a moment, the time did not stop

The spell power in the body surges, and the reversal technique is launched

Replenishes the loss of some of the mental strength

Feel the brain that has become slightly refreshed

Shi whispered to himself,

“The recovery effect is OK, but it is still not enough, although it can supplement some mental strength, but the brain will still be tired.”

And the speed of reply is also relatively slow

It seems that this reversal method is still mainly a relatively large effect on the injury of the body, and it cannot completely replace the effect of sweets. ”

Then, without saying a word, he continued to exercise his ability

It’s just that he didn’t cause widespread damage this time, just like he did in the park

Instead, focus on some small but precise mantra operations

In this way, his mental strength will be consumed faster

It is also more convenient for him to use the reversal technique for recovery

Because his main purpose now is to train and master the reversal technique and the beginner, so as to lay a solid foundation for the future.


When he was training, he suddenly felt the phone in his pocket ring

He felt out and saw that it was Lu Chengqi’s phone.

“Cheng Qi?”

“Without saying a word, where are you?”

“What about exercising, what’s wrong?”

“Come to the World Headquarters, Elder Lin held a meeting and asked all the captains and vice captains of the Spirit Hunting Team to attend.”

Lu Chengqi’s voice was a little hurried, as if this meeting was very important.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, but I haven’t had such a meeting for a long time, you come first, I won’t pick you up this time, can you find it?”

“Okay, find it, let’s talk about it.”

When I hung up the phone, I didn’t think about the reason

Anyway, I’ll know the answer right away, and it’s no use thinking about it now.

So he took out a coin with SLW on it from his hand

This is what he went to the interior team after he became the vice-captain,

It is time to unspeakably prepare to inject mantra power

Suddenly, I felt a faint wave of spiritual power coming from my left side.

There are Chaos Spirits?!

Shi WuXian was a little surprised, he had been training here for half a day

I never felt the reaction of the spirit power

So strong that six eyes can’t find it?

Shi WuXian was vigilant in his heart, slowly approaching the direction in which the fluctuations came

It was only after he had passed through a few trees that he lost his smile

It is true that the Chaos Spirit is right

In front of him was a cocoon about the size of a basketball

At this moment the top of the cocoon broke an opening

A butterfly-like thing is trying to drill out

At this moment, it was extremely weak, probably only entering the level four disaster level

Just when it was not said that it was not discovered, its existence was discovered

It was because the cocoon did not break open, covering up its breath

So Shi Wuyan did not find it.


A suction force with unparalleled precision is abruptly generated inside the cocoon

Suddenly, time kills it.

“Cut, the chaotic spirit system that is really too weak will not even give a little degree of fusion.”

Without a word, he let out a soft sigh, and then the spell was injected into the coin

The next moment, the channel opens

The silent figure disappeared.

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