Kaihara City, Table World.

A middle-aged man is leisurely watching TV at home

Look at the place of pleasure,

Pull the Coke in your hand and get ready to take a sip

Suddenly a snap was heard

It seemed that something had hit the glass

At the same time,

The light in the room also suddenly dimmed

The man turned back,

The next moment,

The Coke in his hand fell to the ground with a bang

Only to see the floor-to-ceiling window of his house,

At this time, there is a huge striped butterfly with wings spread for two meters!

The other side,

A group of teenage teenagers are playing on the basketball court


The ball slammed into the hoop and bounced out

“Well, can you be on time?”

The teammates looked at the teenager who was pitching the ball with some dissatisfaction

But the teenager did not answer

His mouth was wide open

The arm was raised somewhat hesitantly

Pointing behind them

The crowd followed the sight of the young man

As far as the eye can see,


Not far from the sky,

There is a huge group of butterflies flying towards them, covering the sky!


Inside the World, Sixteen Guards Headquarters,

Wen Chengye stood in the monitoring room of the patrol guard

Look at the constantly flashing red lights of the alarm in the room

Abnormal irritability

On the surveillance screen in front of him,

That represents the map of the Uehara City table world,

In just a few minutes,

It’s like a virus

Red dots representing the spirit of chaos kept popping up

It’s almost time to cover the entire map


The original face of Kaihara City is almost completely invisible.

The communicator rings,

Mo Jingming, a young patrol guard man who had taken him to the conference room without saying a word, connected the conversation

“This is the patrol guard…”

“Butterflies! Lots of butterflies!!! ”

“Is it the Chaos Spirit?!” Please report your location and number of enemies! ”

“I don’t know, they’re huge! The wingspan is two or three meters, and they will wrap people up

They then attack with their mouthpieces, and the scales and powder fall from their wings, once they are glued…”

Suddenly there was a sound of wings flapping in the wind

This was followed by a scream full of fear

“Captain, what to do?”

Mo Jingming put down the communicator in his hand that had stopped talking

Look sad,

Within a few minutes

He has received no less than ten consecutive communications from the table world

All indicate that they have encountered a huge butterfly-like chaos spirit.

“What level of disaster does the monitoring show?”

“They are all fourth-level, and no high-level chaos spirits have been found for the time being, but there are too many of them.”

Wen Chengye’s brow furrowed

“Do our people still have any free time?”

Mo Jingming shook his head

“All of them have been sent out, and even Xia Lotte has been released from the confinement room and gone to the table world.”

Wen Chengye let out a deep breath

Last night, the General Adjustment Room gave him great authority

Let all reserve members cooperate with the work of the patrol guard

He knew that the old Hiji’s movements could be very big

But I didn’t expect it to come so fast and so fiercely!

“The people who inform us that all the members of the team who are still ordinary people can only participate in stopping ordinary criminal incidents!”

Extraordinary team members of level 4 and above, team of three, go all out to deal with disaster events!

In addition, notify the reserve 1234 team, let the captains lead their respective team members to the table world, and destroy the Chaos Spirit! ”


The other side,

Xia Lotian gasped for breath

Looking at the black giant scorpion in front of him, his heart was a little shocked

At this moment, he has entered a semi-animalized state

But several confrontations came down

But he did not take advantage of the other party at all

And he had a vague feeling

The other party does not seem to be doing his best, but more like he is playing with himself.

“What’s wrong, my Vice Captain Xia, is my strength regerating a bit?”

Dong Chengzhou let out a strange laugh in his mouth

Playfully looked at Xia Lotte,

His scorpion claws opened and closed

An infiltrating metal crashing sound occurs

Xia Lotian adjusted his breathing and opened his mouth

“It’s just a chaotic spirit.”

Dong Chengzhou’s expression was stagnant, and then he couldn’t help but laugh.

“You are still the same as before, obviously very weak, but you still look down on everyone.”

Xia Le’s pupils revealed anger when he ascended

Just haven’t had time to speak yet

Then he listened to Dong Chengzhou’s leisurely opening again

“You know, when you pushed me over that night… How do I feel? ”

Xia Lotte’s slam stopped

The anger in my heart dissipated and was replaced by a bone-piercing coolness.

A week ago,

They were given a task to deal with quasi-first-level disaster incidents

At that time, Xiao Yueqing and two other teammates went out on a mission

Therefore, Xia Lotte, as a second-level supernatural, served as the team leader

Went out with Dong Chengzhou

Because this chaotic spirit did not appear in the database of the Sixteen Guards

So to make sure you can win

The General Investigation Office also arranged for the entourage of three combat groups of reserve troops

Exactly 19 extraordinary,

Deal with a quasi-first-level Chaos Spirit

Basically, it can be said that there is no pressure

And it is

They easily punched it into an abandoned building

But just as Xia Lotte was preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the Chaos Spirit

The intuition from the Animal Department suddenly gave him an extreme sense of threat

He immediately left the dark entrance to the building

The next moment,

A black bolt of lightning rushed out of the building

In just a few seconds,

All 17 people present were killed

No one even had time to scream!

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