At this time,

Before the building, only Xia Lotian and Dong Cheng Tuesday people remained

Xia Lotian was extremely shocked in his heart

The appearance of the chaotic spirit in front of him had changed drastically

The body emitted endless and powerful spiritual power fluctuations

It’s as thick as if it’s going to explode!

Level 1 Chaos Spirit!

Xia Lotian was horrified

Turn around and start fleeing

But the monsters are extremely fast

In a blink of an eye, they chased after the two of them

Xia Lotian’s mind changed rapidly, and his posture changed

In an instant, it entered the state of complete body

But he didn’t want to turn around and fight

Instead, use his tiger tail

Dong Chengzhou on his side hit the monster!

Dong Chengzhou was completely defenseless against him

With one blow, it flew straight to the rear

Xia Lotte still remembers,

Dong Chengzhou looked at him for the last time

It was like the teammate he had just swallowed up when he looked at him.

Doubt, unwillingness, disbelief and resentment!

A moment later,

Xia Lotte returned to the scene

But found that the monster died strangely

It’s like dying from a body explosion

The severed arm of the stump is scattered on the ground

And Dong Chengzhou’s body has not been found

Only on the ground was found his silver ring representing the Sixteenth Guard.

Soon after, the matter caused a sensation throughout the Sixteen Guards

It was designated as the deadliest disaster event in a decade.

And the truth of the matter

Xia Lotte never dared to tell anyone

But after the self-evident entry test,

The words that Elder Lin said to him

“Don’t think I’m old, I don’t know what happened to the Sixteenth Guard.”

Let Xia Lotian’s heart rise cold, and he did not dare to have the slightest rebuttal.

“It seems you remembered.”

Dong Chengzhou sneered, and then his momentum grew

It seemed that it was faintly heading towards the level of the first-level chaos spirit!

Xia Lotte was horrified,

At this moment his mind had been lost

Golden yellow fluff instantly appeared on the body and entered the complete body

Then flee in the opposite direction!


The next moment,

He suddenly heard a strange noise


The sky suddenly darkened

It seems that something appears to obscure the sun


A loud noise appeared at Xia Lotte’s side

He moved his stiff head and turned his head to look

Only to see a huge eyeball larger than the house appear at his side!


Inside the world, Sixteen Guards headquarters.

Look at the monitoring screen

The red dots that have begun to stop growing

Wen Chengye was a little relieved

After sending all the personnel out,

Although the disaster has not been completely controlled for the time being

But the signs of their increase have been contained

This is for the current situation

That’s pretty good news.


Mo Jingming hung up the communicator and looked anxiously at Wen Chengye

“Captain Wen, Xia Lotte’s fifth group is missing!”


“Yes, the members of the fourth group found that a huge black mist suddenly appeared over them nearby

Then it eerily disappeared in less than a minute

So I went to investigate, and after arriving at the scene, I found no survivors or bodies

However, traces of the battle with the Chaos Spirit were found, as well as the Sixteen Guardian Rings of Xia Lotte. ”

Wen Chengye was shocked and immediately ordered


Xia Lotian is also the vice captain of the original hunting spirit team

Although the character is not very good, the strength is still there

Before the time did not come, it can be said that he was the strongest man in the entire combat team.

But at this moment, it just disappeared silently?

Soon, Mo Jingming’s report came again

“Captain! According to the monitoring display,

At that time, there were spiritual fluctuations of high-level chaotic spirits on the scene, one quasi-level and one first-level! ”

“Two?! Quasi-level one and level one?! ”

Wen Chengye is now a bit anxious,

Countless crime events and fourth-level butterfly chaos spirits

It has taken up a huge amount of sixteen guard combat resources

Now suddenly there were also high-level chaos spirits

And it was two at once!

Wen Chengye just loosened his heart

Raised again.


He felt a hand resting lightly on his shoulder

Wen Chengye turned his head to look at it and immediately saluted.

“Elder Lin!”

Lin Lao waved his hand,

“You keep busy, I’ve heard the situation just now

Don’t worry, I’ve arranged for the Spirit Hunters to come and investigate

You know their abilities

We can definitely find the source of this major disaster and uproot their nests! ”

Wen Chengye did not know why

When Elder Lin mentioned the Spirit Hunting Team

What came to his mind was not the captain of the first team, Xiao Yueqing

Nor is it Lu Chengqi, the captain of the second team

It’s the one who just entered the Spirit Hunting Team

But the white-haired teenager who has never followed the rules!


Table world,

“Captain Xiao, I still can’t contact the vice captain…”

A member of the Spirit Hunting Team trotted behind Xiao Yueqing

His expression was somewhat helpless

From receiving the order to come out to the present

I’ve been making several phone calls to Shimoji in a row

However, it is still unanswered.

I’ve been hearing people say that

This new vice-captain is my own character

He finally saw it now

As a member of the Spirit Hunting Team,

He had only met once when he was in the team test

Then he was never seen in person again

Even now, the entire city of Kaiwon has been plunged into a catastrophe that has never been seen before

The vice captain’s phone still couldn’t get through

He couldn’t help but feel very anxious.

“Then don’t contact him.”

Xiao Yue opened her mouth lightly

Talk room,

A huge white-rimmed butterfly swooped toward her

Xiao Yueqing’s face did not change

Not even the sword was drawn,

Just in the instant it pounced

Gently slap away with the sword scabbard

The butterfly is as if it were hit by a cannonball

Instantly bounce off the ground and fall to death!

Then, Xiao Yueqing took another step

Follow the direction of the butterflies as they came and head into the distance.


Haiyuan City, No. 17 Xingwen Road,

Open the door without saying a word


Finding Yang Xiantao standing at his doorstep with a grin

He skillfully took the sweet box from Yang Xiantao’s hand

“Without saying a word, let’s go for a ride.”


Yang Xiantao was first a shyness

It seems that I did not expect that Shi Wuyan would agree so easily

Casually her face showed joy

“Then let’s go to the place where you saved me last time—on the North River~.”

“It’s messy outside, aren’t you afraid?”

“Don’t be afraid, because you’re here.”

After saying that, Yang Xiantao seemed to be very happy, turned around and walked outside.

Shi WuXian glanced at the missed phone on his phone

Instead of dialing it back, it was muted and put in your pocket.

He looked at the carambola peach not far in front of him

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a slight smile

In his six-eyed perspective,

At this moment, the girl in front of her was wrapped with a faint red light

It was a spiritual power fluctuation that belonged exclusively to the Chaos Spirit!

When the door was closed without a word, inside his house,

Several sweet boxes sent earlier

It is quietly stacked in the corner of the room

None of them have been unsealed!

ps. Unconsciously to 12w words, at eleven o’clock in the evening will be on the shelves. Thank you for your support during this time, selling misery is not sold, the small author thinks that writing a novel is a happy thing, everyone reading the novel is also a happy thing, if the story written by the small author, so that everyone can have a little happiness, see a little comfortable, then I hope you can help me order a subscription, is a great help, thank you ~

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