The person in front of you is not so long ago

Xia Lotte, who disappeared in the watch world

Originally, He persuaded Jiu to think that with his second-level extraordinary strength, he would definitely die against both the previous quasi-first-level and first-level chaotic spirits

As a result, I didn’t expect him to actually appear in the nest at this moment!

“What a great show!”

Xia Lotte let out a voice of admiration

Then he sprinkled a glance at the wine that entered the complete body

“He persuaded the wine, do you know that you look like an ugly worm at this moment?”

A sudden burst of anger rose in He Xunjiu’s heart

The next moment

A ball of hot fire hit Xia Lotian straight ahead!

He persuaded the wine’s pupils to shrink suddenly

She looked at Xia Lotte in some disbelief

That fireball

It was actually grasped by Xia Lotian directly with his hand and then it was so hard to be clawed! No way!

He is still in human form and has not even entered the semi-beast,

How can it be possible to take the same level two with bare hands

But into the full body of their own attack?!

“There is a problem.”

Xiao Yueqing’s expression froze

Only to see a faint red glow appear on Xia Lotte’s outstretched right hand at this moment

That was the red spiritual power that represented this chaotic spirit! Then Xia Lotte touched his hand on the body of the multi-purpose

A red spiritual force passed from his body to Dome’s body. The multi-purpose roar immediately stopped

The blood at that wound also stopped flowing and floves flapping

The whole body slowly rose again!

“No, it won’t!”

The team members were stunned

The many eyes that had just been clearly on the verge of death appeared after Xia Lotte

It was back again! The next moment.

Xia Lotian’s figure instantly disappeared in place and appeared directly in front of He Xunjiu’s body

He persuaded the wine to instinctively spit out a fiery flame and head towards Xia Lotian’s face

However, Xia Lotte’s figure penetrated directly through the flames

A punch came at Ho Persuasion

He persuaded the wine to hurriedly cross his arms in front of him

However, he still couldn’t resist the huge force coming from the other party’s hand and the whole person’s body was directly knocked out!

“Persuade the drink!”

Lu Chengqi’s eyes flickered

You must know that He Xunjiu is now in a full physical state and the strength and speed of his body have been greatly improved, but he still can’t withstand Xia Lotian’s blow

“Spell Thirty-Three, Retreat Evil Wind Arrow!”

Lu Chengqi’s lips and teeth moved slightly

Blow the spell

The next moment,

A fiery red beam of light suddenly appeared in front of her and flew towards Xia Lotian with great speed

The distance between the two of them now was less than ten meters, and Lu Chengqi was sure of it

At the speed of Charlotte

There is no way to avoid this speeding wind arrow! It was just that Xia Lotte’s figure once again disappeared into the same place as the fiery red wind arrow passed through the air

Hitting a wall not far away instantly blasted out a huge crater, but Lu Chengqi’s pupils shrank

Only to see Xia Lotte’s scarred face appear in front of her eyes at this moment

Those were golden eyes

It had now turned bright red like a chaotic spirit!

The fine fluffy nails that had grown on Xia Lotte’s right hand also became long and sharp

He entered the semi-animalized state of the next moment,

A wicked smile appeared on his face

“Lu Chengqi, I am stronger than you now!”

As he spoke, his right claw slammed into the landing and grabbed it with such power that it even brought a whistling wind sound!


The sound of the sword sounded

Xiao Yueqing blocked in front of Lu Chengqi’s body

The long sword in her hand could easily cut through the blade of the multi-eyed body before it was dead against Xia Lotte’s claws

Now it collided with Xia Lotte’s tiger claws but it could not be broken

Instead, a clanging sound like the intersection of swords and halves occurred! “He’s already at the level of a level!”

Xiao Yueqing’s face changed

Her arms trembled slightly with force

“Captain Xiao, didn’t you always look down on me before?”

Xia Lotian had a smile on his face

“So now, so what?”

Xiao Yueqing’s eyebrows were slightly raised

A color of undisguised disgust appeared under her eyes, “Still the same.” ”

The smile on Xia Lotian’s face suddenly froze

A wave of anger emerged

“Xiao Yueqing, where the hell am I?!” Are you like this? Don’t even want to say a few more words?! ”

The voice just dropped

Xiao Yueqing saw that above the surface of the opposite body, a blue extraordinary force suddenly appeared

But then it immediately turned into a red spiritual power very strangely

The next moment

She felt an extremely strong force coming from the sword in front of her, and she was a first-level physical art superhuman

She had never been afraid of Xia Lotte before

At this moment, I couldn’t resist this force at all! The air wave bounced off Xiao Yueqing’s body in the next second

It was directly hit by the huge force and flew out! He persuaded the wine to return to a semi-animalistic state at this moment, and she flapped her wings rapidly

Caught Xiao Yueqing in the inverted flight

But he was still carried by that powerful force to repel ten meters of hard-hitting force!


Xia Lotian burst into a wild laugh as he looked at the pile that had gathered in front of him

He was looking at his people with a hint of shock, and he only felt extremely happy in his heart

Especially Xiao Yueqing and Lu Chengqi, these two people who had never looked at themselves squarely

Now they finally saw on their faces a kind of attention to themselves and even a faint hint of fear.

“I am indeed the strongest man in the Spirit Hunting Team!”

He felt that at this moment he was back to the respect and fear of everyone as before.

“You’re not, it’s the strongest when you don’t say anything!”

Suddenly, Xia Lotte heard a name that he hated so much

His eyes froze and he looked away

Only to see that Jiang Yi’er, who was very timid in his memory,

At this moment, I am walking out of the crowd, looking at myself with my head held high

There was no fear in his eyes, and Xia Lotte was furious

Sharp teeth clenched “What are you talking about?!” ”

Jiang Yi’er was not afraid at all or even took another step forward,

“You’re not the strongest man in the Spirit Hunting Team, but you don’t have to say anything!”

At this moment, Xia Lotian only felt as if a fire in his heart had been ignited in an instant, and his anger had suddenly risen!

He stomped on the ground

The whole person went towards Jiang Yi’er and squeezed his right hand into a fist

Smash into the girl in front of you!


A sword sound

Xiao Yueqing once again blocked in front of Jiang Yi’er’s body, but this time

She only resisted for a moment before being knocked out

His feet slipped a long trail on the ground.

“Give up, you can’t escape.”

“Xia Lotte with his arms in front of him”

He looked at the people of the Spirit Hunting Team with cold eyes.


At this moment, the many eyes came to the top of his head and hovered, without movement,

It’s like a pet waiting to eat in front of its owner

“Sister Xue, Jiang Yi’er, you are here, and it is so hard to find you.”


A voice with surprise sounded behind them

The crowd was first shocked and then delighted

Only to see a familiar figure emerge from the darkness behind them

Conspicuous head of white hair

And that special black blindfold.

“Vice Captain!”

The team members immediately exhaled

It was the vice captain of their Spirit Hunting Team who was walking in front of them who did not say a word for a moment. The faces of the team members showed joy

That was when he beat Xia Lotte! He was about to go forward

But he heard a voice with Ti coming from the side, “Come back!” ”

He looked sideways

It was Lu Chengqi who spoke

Only to see Lu Chengqi at this moment with a trace of extremely thick color on his face at this moment, looking at the white-haired man who was smiling and walking towards them

The team members were a little puzzled

Isn’t Lu Chengqi the best relationship with Shi Wuyan? Why see it now

But it was like seeing an enemy?

“He is not silent”

Lu Chengqi opened his mouth in a low voice

“Shi Wuyan would never call me Xuejie, and he would never call out Yi’er’s surname!”

Forget it

She screamed at the man who was walking ahead

“Who the hell are you, and what did you do when you didn’t say anything?!”

The man in front of them was still smiling and walking toward them

“Sister, what do you say, I just don’t say anything.” Lu Chengqi looked solemnly and retreated.”

However, after taking a few steps back, she forcibly stopped, and she suddenly realized

Except for the strange man in front of them, behind them

There was also Xia Lotte, who had already turned into a chaotic spirit, and that mature body multi-eyed!

Other words

They are now in the realm of trapped beasts caught between two sides! One of the team members had a sharp look in his eyes

“Otherwise, we’ll fight with them!”

“But the captain can’t seem to defeat the enemy…”

In the eyes of the people


It’s a deadly game!

“Captain Xiao, Captain Road, get out of the swarm of bugs and come with me!”

Xia Lotian had a triumphant smile on his face

Slowly walking toward the desperate crowd he felt at the moment

It was the most powerful moment of his life! But it was when he had just taken two steps that his ears moved

It seemed that a strange sound suddenly came from overhead and a bad premonition arose in Xia Lotte’s heart

He climbed up and looked up but above the sky

Only the huge goldfish Xia Lotte relaxed his heart and took another step.


A loud roar sounded

The goldfish that had been above the sky for the last second suddenly fell to the ground and caused a violent shaking of the ground

A wave of forced dust and earth air instantly spread out from under the body of the multi-purpose! Xia Lotian couldn’t help but raise his arm to cover the dust

The next moment.

He looked ahead

I saw a huge black multi-eyed body, and there was a figure standing impressively

The white-haired teenager with the blindfold is tall and exposing his white teeth

He looked at him with a grin

“Yo, meet again~”

Xia Lotte’s eyes were tearing up at this moment!

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