Everyone watched in amazement as he descended from the sky, his slender figure standing on top of the huge multi-eyed figure looking extremely small

But the impact he had on the crowd was enormous! They saw it very clearly

At the mouth of a multi-purpose goldfish

At this moment, the blood of tears is flowing from it

And the huge wound that had been cut open by Xiao Yueqing before was now bursting open again

Multi-eyed lying on the ground

Even the strength to howl was gone, and he could only breathe weakly

I can’t live anymore

And they didn’t even see the silent shot of the moment, whether it was simply by the force of the fall

Can it be so strong and terrifying?! It’s not a cat or a dog

It’s a first-level chaotic spirit! Without saying a word, he jumped off the goldfish

The action is flowing

He walked up to the crowd

Without a trace, he glanced at the unique breath of the white-haired figure that was gradually disappearing into the darkness, so that he could recognize it without saying a word

That’s the Erotic Priest who fought with him before! But the time is not to say that he does not care about the disappearance of Raiki

He could kill her once

Then you can kill her a second time! The corners of his mouth waved at the crowd with a smile

Lu Chengqi’s always tense heart was finally a relief at this moment, and she ignored the eyes of others

Directly pounced on Shi Wuyi’s body and couldn’t help but swallow

She was terrified when she saw the fake one just now

Scared when not saying whether something really happened and now

Smell the breath of the teenager in front of you

Although he was still in the dangerous situation surrounded by strong enemies, Lu Chengqi was extremely at ease.

Without saying a word, a smile appeared on his face

Gently stroked the blond hair of the girl in her arms.


And in front of them

Xia Lotte’s blood-colored eyes

It had turned into a strange vertical pupil as he stared dead at the silent back of his back and squeezed a few words out of between his teeth.

“Time is silent!”

In his life for more than twenty years, it has always been smooth sailing

But his life changed after the unspoken appearance of the time

Especially in that team entrance test, he was easily crushed in front of everyone without saying a word!

And now

Lu Chengqi, who had never given himself a good look, threw himself into his arms so closely, which made Xia Lotte not feel angry! A black breath rose from Xia Lotian’s body

Pedal with both feet

The sharp claws with a cold light came towards the time without saying a word!

“Be careful!”

Lu Chengqi exclaimed

Without saying a word, she wrapped her left hand

But he patted her on the back,

Let her not be nervous


His right hand reached behind him

In an instant,

Accurately grasped the incoming claws in the palm of his hand

Immediately an extremely strong repulsive force suddenly appeared between him and Xia Lotian! Just in an instant, Xia Lotte’s figure was blown out and even faster than when he came!

And the silent figure also appeared in front of the multi-eyed body with a movement

He took a step forward with his left foot and kicked out with his right foot

The next moment

The huge multi-eyed body took off directly to catch up with and hit Xia Lotian with great speed

Zero time

Together, they crashed into a wall in the distance,

The huge impact force even made the entire underground space faintly tremble! Xiao Yueqing’s expression showed a touch of shock

Look at the person standing in front of you without saying a word

“He seems to be stronger than before”) “The multi-eyed body that fell to the ground was pushed away by Xia Lotian and shook from under it as he stood up and smashed it to the ground

With a little blood

The churning qi and blood in his chest under the forced suppression looked at his side

Without a word, the pupils of the many eyes that were completely dead trembled

With a look of disbelief in his eyes, this only appeared in the table world

Let the first-level chaos spirit that he had no intention of fighting at that time just die?!

Even after swallowing Dong Chengzhou, he became more powerful! And he himself was not so long ago

He was forcibly taken to the nest, and then a very enchanting woman appeared

The seductive appearance made his soul almost ticked off and she exuded a terrifying aura

Even if Xia Lotian guessed that she was a chaotic spirit, he did not dare to have a single rebellious thought, “You can call me the Priest of Lust.” ”

Lai Qi giggled, and then spat out his tongue to smear a very strange bright red at the moment when the sheep’s head pattern appeared on it!

Xia Lotian only felt as if something inside him had attracted his golden eyes

It immediately turned bright red

At the same time, a strong black qi emitted from his body and was partially absorbed by Cai Qi

The other part is to melt into one’s own body and go towards the extraordinary power contained in it, at the moment when the two touch

Then a wisp of blue extraordinary power suddenly turned red and turned into spiritual power! With the influx of black gas

The amount of this conversion is becoming more and more numerous

Two different forces collide with each other in the body

The energy shock generated made Xia Lotian feel only a heart-wrenching pain! After a few moments the collision stopped,

The transcendent power fell silent

And his body was filled with countless spirits transformed by the erosion of black gas

“Welcome to the ranks of the Evolvers~”

Lai Qi chuckled

Xia Lotte’s pupils fluttered, and there was a strong joy in his eyes

He felt it clearly at the moment

The spiritual power surging in his body brought him a great increase in strength that he had never felt before

Even let him reach the ranks of first-level supernatural beings directly from the second level!

He clenched his fists

Its sense of power comes from it

Let him feel that even if he is against Xiao Yueqing, he can not let go of more! And so it is

In the battle just now, not only in human form

One punch flew into the full body of He Shujiu and only entered the semi-beast

Xiao Yueqing, a first-level extraordinary person in the ability to suppress the body

Even her sharp sword couldn’t handle herself. Xia Lotte was extremely happy at that time

There was even some chagrin

Why not join the Chaos Spirit earlier? This way you will become stronger earlier! But!

Xia Lotte’s teeth clenched

The strength growth is so huge that he is still the same as before

I can’t even pick up a trick without saying a word!!!

The endless reluctance and anger that sprung up in Xia Lotian’s heart once again emanated

The extraordinary power was eroded into spiritual force Under the intense pain of his body, his teeth began to become sharp and his arms swelled

A stout tail with markings appeared behind him.

Complete body!

Only this time after entering the complete body

Xia Lotte’s tiger body was no longer just yellow and black stripes but above the entire body

They were all covered with a faint layer of black and red spiritual power that had been transformed again

Make his power stronger! Roar!

Xia Lotian roared angrily, accompanied by a strong fishy wind

His body turned into a bolt of lightning and slammed into the moment without a word!

He didn’t believe it

Now I will still be the same as last time, I can’t keep up with the speed of the time!

It’s just that

He found that Shi Wushu did not disappear as he had done the last time, but stood in place and smiled

Then he punched Xia Lotian directly in the face and laughed in his heart

The tiger’s mouth slammed open to reveal extremely sharp teeth

Don’t speak without saying anything about the human body

Even reinforced concrete is crushed by bites! But then Xia Lotian’s expression suddenly changed, and he heard a crackling sound of his hard teeth

It was directly interrupted by a punch without saying a word! Severe pain had just occurred

The moment the silent fist hit him directly on the head

Xia Lotian only felt that his mind was immediately stopped when his head was struck by a giant hammer

The whole brain went blank, and yet, that’s not all

Shi Wuyan punched his footsteps after hitting

The figure is close to the beaten Xia Lotte


His fists were extremely fast and constantly attacking Xia Lotte’s body

It’s fast

Even the fist has turned into a shadow and can only hear countless wind whistling! Xia Lotian was hit hard

Suddenly he recovered from the blank state of his current state

I only felt an extremely strong pain coming from my body than when the black qi turned into spiritual power

That kind of soul pain is even more intense! But even after evolution, he was born

But he still couldn’t keep up with the speed of the time and couldn’t see his attack clearly!

Can’t avoid it!

Xia Lotian could only be attacked in despair for a moment after a moment without stopping

Don’t say a word

Xia Lotte fell from mid-air

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and all the bones of his body were shattered without saying a word, and at this moment, he could only weakly fall to the ground

Can’t get up at all

Sharp pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow came from every part of his body, and the tension in his eyes had long disappeared

Only a piece of horror and despair remained, and he finally understood

The gap between him and Shi Unspoken is like a bottomless chasm

It was not something that could be filled by those spiritual powers, and he slowly walked to Xia Lotian’s body without saying a word

Looking down at him from above,

Looking at this giant tiger in front of him who was like mud, and couldn’t stop spitting blood,

There was a hint of disdain and pity in his eyes.

“Has anyone ever said that you look like a bug now?”

Xia Lotian was distraught at the moment,

Despite the pain coming from his body,

Pulling at the twisted face, the panicked and difficult opening, “Don’t ask you to let go.” ”

However, Shi Wuyi calmly stretched out his slender index finger and lightly pointed at the top of Xia Lotian’s head.

The spell power in his body slammed into the vicious tiger’s head along his fingers, and the surface of Xia Lotian’s body suddenly appeared strangely undulating.

It was as if there were countless things running around in his body, “No! ”

Xia Lotian roared in despair with the last strength of his body

The next moment,

Just listen to the sound of shattering,

Xia Lotte’s body exploded into countless pieces like an inflated balloon!

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