Blood spilled

But it is blocked by the cessation force engraved around the time

He didn’t let his clothes get a single bit of blood

Shi WuXian looked at Xia Lotte’s corpse in front of him

The look is slightly moving

After the end of the battle on the North River

His strength progresses

The presence of energy that the six eyes can see is also clearer

When you come to the nest

He then noticed that the spiritual power fluctuations in the bodies of those white-edged butterflies seemed to be different

And on top of the platform

When you see the many eyes below you

Because of that huge body

Therefore, the flow of spiritual power in its body was even more clear under the six eyes that were not spoken at the time

Time for word discovery

In their bodies

Those flowing spiritual powers seemed to be a little jerky

It’s not as one-size-fits-all as an ordinary chaotic spirit

It’s like it doesn’t belong to you

It is generally poured in

And in the case of Xia Lotte

Then it is different

There are two forces in him at the same time

Extraordinary power and spiritual power

Blue and red have very different powers

Collisions kept happening inside him

Although Xia Lotte’s strength has been greatly improved as a result

But it is also because of this instability

Make Xia Lotte’s body feel like a bucket of dynamite

There is a possibility of explosion at any time

So Shi Wuzi tried to inject a third force into it

That is, the spell in his body that does not exist in this world

And then what happened next was exactly as he expected

After he injected

The moment the mantra comes into contact with the supernatural power and the spiritual power

It was originally just two forces that barely maintained a balance

Suddenly, an uncontrolled surge surged up

It’s like dropping a drop of water in hot oil

Three different forces exploded directly within Xia Lotte’s body

“Sleeper, that’s too strong!”

“Directly blasted into slag by Vice Captain Shi!”

“Xia Lotte, did this guy take any medicine, Captain Xiao couldn’t beat him!”

“What’s the use of that, it’s not that the vice captain of the time was crushed with one finger!”

The eyes of the crowd were filled with admiration and shock

In their opinion

If the previous Xia Lotte was a vicious tiger

Then the body at this moment is like a towering mountain!

The previous Xia Lotte who had forced them into a desperate situation

The Natsu Lotte who was invincible in front of them

After the entry without words

It just turned into a weak kitten!

Then be crushed again without saying a word!

In Xiao Yueqing’s beautiful eyes, the different colors flowed This was the first time that there was brilliance in her eyes

If only before when I was on the training ground

The feeling that the time is not spoken to him is

This man is very strong and can fight so now

Xiao Yueqing found out

I didn’t say anything when I thought I was running side by side with myself,

It turned out that I didn’t know how many laps I had run.

And this

It is also Xiao Yueqing since joining the Sixteenth Guard

First saved by a man!

Jiang Yi’er took three steps and made two steps

Run to the front of the silent body

Handed a candy without saying a word

“Now, restore the mental strength ~”

When he saw it, he took it without a smile and groaned

Jiang Yi’er took out another piece of sugar

“You see, I made it new, and it is also to restore qi and blood.”

Then put your hands behind your back

A cute look of “you praise me”

Shi Wuyi whispered

He saw that the extraordinary power in Jiang Yi’er’s body had increased

But I didn’t expect to be able to make something new


Without smiling, he touched Jiang Yi’er’s head

There was a hint of appreciation in the tone

“Yi’er has grown up.”

Lu Chengqi watched the actions of the two people in front of him

Suddenly there was some food in my heart

I can only keep secretly persuading myself

She was just his sister

Yes, just sister!

And He persuasion wine, who has always liked to nooyu Lu Chengqi

At the moment, it was unusually not speaking

Instead, he looked at it with a twinkle in his eye and didn’t say a word

Count today

This is the second time that I have been saved by the unspoken time


A picture suddenly flashed through her mind

Before cheating when drinking sparkling wine

The other person just took a sip,

A flush appeared on his face.

Come to think of it

He persuaded the wine’s eyebrows to bend unconsciously.

“What a touching picture.”


A man’s voice suddenly came from in front of the crowd


A thin man with glasses stepped out from behind a stone pillar in front of him


His eye sockets were sunken deeply

But the look in his eyes was unusually sharp

It reveals a deep lustful color

“I haven’t said a word, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

The man smiled at the time without saying a word

Lu Chengqi and Jiang Yi’er exclaimed at the same time

They recognized it

The man in front of him was the middle-aged owner of the convenience store downstairs


How could he be here?!

The man is very satisfied with the performance of the second woman

“Reintroduce myself, my name is Grat, the gluttonous teacher of the old division”

The voice just dropped

The people who saw the Spirit Hunting Team couldn’t help but take a step back

Look at him with a look of disgust on his face

Gratt seemed to enjoy the feeling

He set his eyes on the body of the unspoken man

Looking forward to seeing the shock on his face

After all

The acquaintance who has always known each other is actually the former priest of the old division

Anyone would be surprised

But he was disappointed

Just listen to the white-haired teenager on the other side of the soft oh

“I know, on the day I woke up, you disappeared from the convenience store, for fear of being discovered by me?”

There is naturally conjecture in the absence of words

Previously, he had found a touch of mixed on the oden lattice of the convenience store

The remnants of the spiritual power of the chaotic spirit,

Combined with the events of the Yang Phantom Peach after that

Although it was not guessed that the owner was the gluttonous priest

But it also basically concludes that the shopkeeper is a chaotic spirit.

Gratt was immediately delayed and thought of denying it

But when the words come to the lips, they can’t be said

Because he only listened to the time in front of him without saying a word, he opened his mouth faintly again

“Since you have all come out, let the priest of lust who is hiding behind you also come out.”

Gratt’s pupils shrank suddenly

The unspoken perception is so sharp

Directly aware of Raiki behind him?!

Originally before Lai Qi came to find herself

Saying that her doppelganger went to look for it alone without saying a word,

It was to make him very unhappy

I think this will cause unnecessary trouble

But because he himself also wants to eat it without saying a word

So didn’t say much

But not long after

Lai Qi suddenly let out a scream

His face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood

Gratt was shocked,

After asking, he learned that Cai Qi’s first-level chaotic spirit body had actually been killed by Shi Wuyi

Not even the black smoke escaped

And Shi Yan also seemed to know their plan

It is highly likely that the nest will come to the ground.

Gratt was shocked

But he did not dare to report the matter to Hotlis

Because Raiki’s actions are private

If they told Holtholis

Then it is very likely that both of them will be punished unimaginably!

So after deliberation

The two decide to use Xia Lotte to dispose of the Spirit Hunters first.

Then Gratt was in the light, wrapped up without saying a word

Raiki was in the dark, looking for an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow

But at the moment

Their plan was seen through without words!

With the words of the moment

The crowd followed his gaze

Only to see behind the stone pillar on the side

Sure enough, a demonic woman in an off-the-shoulder suit came out

And Lu Chengqi’s gaze was a condensation

“It’s you!”

The person in front of her was the lady of the clothing store she used to go to

Even her own two cose outfits were custom-made at her home

I haven’t been there lately because I’ve been busy exercising

I didn’t expect that the familiar boss lady was actually the lust teacher of the old Japanese division!

The look on everyone’s face at this moment was extremely nervous

An instinctive fear appeared in his eyes

They felt an extremely terrifying wave of spiritual power in their bodies

Even stronger than before Xia Lotte’s body!

Xiao Yueqing pulled Jiang Yi’er behind him

Then put the sword in front of you

With a serious look in his eyes that he had never had before,

And the same is true of Lu Chengqi

The spell flute in his hand touched tightly

Always ready to attack

They are different from the members of the Spirit Hunting Team

As a participant in an emergency meeting,

Nature knows

The so-called priest of the old division

At least a first-level chaotic spirit

The previous Xia Lotte was already a first-class

Even the strength stabilized Xiao Yueqing’s head

Then as the priest of the old division

That must be the Chaos Spirit of the Special Grade!

And the two of them serve as captains of the Spirit Hunting Team

It’s only one level!


Cai Qi let out a smirk

Walk over the cat to Gratt’s side

Watching with a silky eye without saying a word,

“Without saying a word, I admit that you are so strong that you can kill my first-level body if one of us confronts you alone, maybe it’s really a bit of a trouble, but do you defeat two special rank by yourself?!”

Talking room,

An extremely strong momentum emanated from her

The pupils of the crowd fluttered

A Grade Chaos Spirit I’ve never seen before!

And with the breath emanating out

Above the cocoon mountain behind Caiqi

Suddenly there was a crackling sound

Countless cocoons burst open

Butterflies with white edges popped their heads out of it

As if summoned by something, they flew towards this side

From a distance, it looks like a fierce man who covers the sky and covers the old one!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gratt’s mouth

“Without saying a word, if you are outside, you are still a bit tied up in dealing with you, but you don’t know how to come here dead or alive and dare to take a bunch of waste that is dragging your legs, it’s really stupid enough!”

A wave of despair rose in the hearts of the people at this moment

Two legendary Super-Grade Chaos Spirits

Plus countless white-edged butterflies

Will they really survive?

And the time that has been quiet is silent

At this moment it is finally moving

He put his finger on his forehead

Gently pull down the black eye mask

Reveal those pale blue eyes

Laugh recklessly.

“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter 1 because 1 you are a good bully, aren’t you?”

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