Gratt looked at the laughing man in front of him without saying a word

A frown

A heavy cold hum

“Arrogant! I don’t know if the sky is high! ”

“I’d like to see today how you can single-handedly block these dry attacks!”

The voice just dropped

His sunken eyes were in the air

A flash of red light flashed

A thick black gas rose from his body

Drifting towards the dome behind him

The next moment

Behind him, the cocoon mountain surrounded by flying white-edged butterflies

It’s like receiving some signal

Frenziedly pounce on them without saying a word!

The corners of Grat’s mouth showed a sneering smile

These white-rimmed butterflies are exactly what Houghtlis had said before

It is the “child” of Di who belongs to the Greedy Dream Sect Greek.

Greid gave an order inside the body of the white-edged butterfly

Let them be temporarily called by other priests of the old division.

And at the moment

The black gas emitted by Gratt was that command

This moment

Quiet underground nest within

Suddenly, it was filled with the sound of countless wings flapping

and the sharp hissing of the white-rimmed butterflies

It’s like the valve of a dam has been opened

Thousands of white-rimmed butterflies flapped their wings for more than two meters

Pounce on the Spirit Hunter Team’s Extraordinary

It’s like a raging flood!

“Moonlight Shine!”

“Flame Spin!”

“Retreat from the evil wind arrow!”

A beautiful voice sounds

Lu Chengqi and the three of them took the lead in attacking

The butterfly’s arm-sized mouthpiece was severed by the light of the sword

The wings covered with white dots on the gray were burned by the flames

The patterned body is pierced by wind arrows

Butterflies with white edges lost their lives in an instant

Fall from the sky

As a first- and second-level extraordinary

Naturally, it was easy to kill those white-edged butterflies that were only fourth-level


“Advise the drink, be careful!”

Lu Cheng’s eyes quickly pushed away He Persuasion

The next moment,

Countless white scales slowly drifted from the sky

It was wine falling from the wings of the white-rimmed butterfly

Strong corrosiveness attached to it

A member of the Spirit Hunting Team had already suffered before

The scale powder falls on the ground,

There was a slight whistling sound

He Xunjiu, who was dodging away, narrowed his eyes

They can even corrode the ground!

Lu Chengqi’s face was anxious

Look at the number of butterflies that are not missing at all

She put the blue incantation flute to her mouth

He was preparing to launch the Ten Thousand Charms Demon Array again

Although this move consumes a lot of extraordinary power

But it’s extremely wide-ranging.

It can protect everyone present.

Just as she raised her arm

Her wrist was grasped by a large hand

Lu Chengqi looked up

I saw that Shi WuXian was standing in front of her

Those eyes as deep as the sky were full of smiles

“Almost, just watch with peace of mind.”

Lu Cheng’s body trembled

Although she didn’t know what it meant when she didn’t say anything

But the temperature that came from the palm of the other person’s hand

But it made her feel like her heart had stopped at this moment.

Without saying a word, he turned and walked towards the front

While walking past Xiao Yueqing and He Shujiu’s side

A deep and soft voice sounded

“Back off, next, it could be dangerous.”

He persuaded the wine to be moved

I want to follow the unspoken pace of the times

But I found that the one never cared about what other people thought

Xiao Yueqing, who went his own way

At this moment, it is really what the time says

He obediently retreated to Lu Chengqi’s side

He persuaded the wine to move

I also retreated

She looked at Xiao Yueqing curiously

But I saw that the other party’s eyes had been falling forward

Above the white-haired teenager’s back.

Without saying a word, he had come to the front of the line and stopped

Raiki looked at his figure

There was a sense of cheerfulness and laughter in his eyes

“What, ready to concede?”

No matter how strong you are, you can’t save so many people at the same time

But if you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness, sister, I might consider letting it be

“Kids” go back and leave your friends with their lives.

A smile appeared on her face

Playfully looked at it without saying a word

Waiting for the man who once killed his own doppelganger,

The word concede defeat is spoken in the mouth.

“Why save?”

Lai Qi’s pupils narrowed

Staring dead at the faint opening of the mouth without saying a word

Is he going to give up

Running for your life alone?!

Then the next moment

The muffled voice that only listened to it sounded again

“Just kill them all.”

The voice just dropped

Without saying a word, he opened his arms

Then the spell power in his body surged

A very conspicuous dark red color appeared on the surface of his body,

Powerful breath fluctuations that emit unique to the power of the spell!

This moment

Throughout the underground space

The figures of all the white-rimmed butterflies were suddenly stagnant

Then it was as if I smelled something very delicious

Crazy convergence in the direction of the unspoken time!

Even Gratt and Raichel, who were standing not far away,

At this moment, the pupils are also trembling

A deep lust of covetousness appeared in his eyes

They gulped and salivated as if they were looking at the most extreme delicacies in the world

Staring dead without saying a word

I want to swallow him in the stomach immediately!

The corners of his mouth fluttered slightly

“That’s true!”

Until then

When the butterflies just swarmed

Without saying a word, the verification of his idea began

That’s what he contains

A spell that does not exist in this world

For the Chaos Spirits

Is there a unique and extremely deadly attraction?

For the time is not said in all the chaotic spirits he has ever encountered,

All found this similar emotion

The blood-pupild crow of Xingwen Road

The many eyes of Yanqiu Mountain

Tin rhinoceros at the testing ground

Even the lustful priest who met on the North River

They all escaped from the surface of their bodies without saying a word

Instinctively, it showed a very strong desire for dreams

I don’t know why

But he wanted to do an experiment

Was it that the spell breath that escaped from his body became stronger?

The more attractive he was to these chaotic spirits

In fact, he had this idea before

I just haven’t found the right opportunity

But here it is today

The number of Chaos Spirits is extremely large

And it’s only the fourth level

The danger is not strong

It’s just right for this experiment

So just when the white butterfly began to attack

Without saying a word, he tried to emit a faint breath of mantra from his fingertips

As a result, the breath just came out

At his side was a white-sided butterfly that had been attacking other members of the Spirit Hunting Team

In that instant, he turned around

Rushed at him

Time is not to say after easily extinguishing it

Slightly changed the degree of release of his own mantra breath

The experiment continued several more times

The result was indeed as he thought


He stopped Lu Chengqi’s move

Then the retreating crowd came to the front of the line

Then the mantra breath in the body was released to the fullest

This moment

All the white-rimmed butterflies are like crazy devils

Abandon their original goals

All of them flew madly towards the time without saying a word!

“Time is silent!”

Xiao Yueqing was in a hurry

For the first time, the cold eyes unconsciously showed a look of worry

He persuaded the wine to change his look

Prepare to enter the state of complete body again

Once the time goes without saying a word, it is in danger

Immediately go ahead and rescue him

In their opinion

Even if it is not said that it is strong

But at this moment, countless white-edged butterflies are gathered together

Then the scales they drink will become an impermeable wall

Block all the space that can be dodged at any time!

That’s a terrible corrosive nature that even the ground can melt!

How could the flesh and blood of the unspoken people catch it?!


Without saying a word, it looks like a thousand rivers returning to the sea

The white-rimmed butterflies whose eyes were red and fluttered towards him

There was no panic in his expression

Instead, a smile appeared on his face

It was exactly the effect he wanted!

The fourth-level Chaos Spirit was not strong

But the number is too much

If one by one go to kill

Not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive

And there may be other unexpected troubles

After all

Not far in front of you

There are also two old priests who are looking at each other with tiger eyes

Chaos spirits of the special level were present

Once you have something flawed in yourself

Believe it when you don’t say yes

They will certainly attack themselves mercilessly

Therefore, he deliberately released the spell power in his body without saying a word

Attract all the white-rimmed butterflies to your side


in order to use the smallest consumption and the fastest speed

Kill them all!

The next moment,

Only to see the right leg retreat a step backwards without saying a word

At the same time, the left hand and the right hand are extended forward

The elbows are slightly curved, and the palms are spread out as if grasping an invisible spherical object

His eyes, obscured by flowing white hair

A flash of sharpness

“Surgical rotation, maximum output Cang!”

With the words of the cold case echoing in the space

In front of the silent moment, a circular space suddenly appeared that was invisible to the naked eye

It is centered on the “Cang”

In the instant of appearance

Suddenly, a very strong attraction force erupted

It’s like a small black hole

It’s just less than a second

All the white-rimmed butterflies in that range will be inhaled

Mill into animal powder!

They didn’t react at all

There wasn’t even a hissing sound before it could exit!

The hands that did not say anything swung gently again

The circular space in which the “Cang” was located also moved

Hundreds of white-rimmed butterflies on the other side were also inhaled


Without saying a word, I froze

Hands slammed down

A circle was drawn around himself


The moment before was still crowded in front of the time

The dense swarms of butterflies seemed to evaporate

All of them were sucked into the gravitational space created by the “Cang”

There was not a single scream

Nor did a single drop of blood come out

Thousands of Chaos Spirits

Just between breaths

Wiped out by the time without saying a word!

Completely disappeared into this space!

Everyone, stay like a wooden chicken B!

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