At this point,

The space that was originally filled with butterflies in the whole underground has changed back to the emptiness and silence it was before.

The sound of butterflies flapping their wings disappears,

The flames in He Yueqing’s pupils gradually subsided, and the long sword in Xiao Yueqing’s hand was also released.

They looked at it without saying a word, and they felt a little stunned.

It seems a little hard to believe,

The butterflies that had just overwhelmed the earth were all dead at this moment!

But the deep ravine formed by the “Cang” in front of Shi Wuyan clearly expresses a fact,

The horrific sight they had just seen was not a senseless delusion,

It’s a real fact!

The endless swarm of butterflies was indeed wiped out in a single breath! A member of the Spirit Hunting Team,

At this moment, he looked at it stupidly without saying a word, and said with a frightened unconscious mouth,

“Captain… The dark red breath that appeared on his body just now… Isn’t it…”

But halfway through the conversation, he realized something and closed his mouth tightly.

The remaining second half of the sentence was forcibly swallowed back. But Rao is so,

All the people present were shaking in an instant, although they did not finish speaking,

But they all realized what this team member was trying to say, and all the energy emitted by the supernatural beings was blue.

Only the spiritual power possessed by the Chaos Spirit can manifest as a red glow. And when it comes to being a member of the Spirit Hunting Team,

Just emerging outside the body,

But it is dark red and not blue energy, isn’t it… Shi Bu Yan is not an extraordinary person, but like the priest of the old Japanese division, a chaotic spirit that looks like a human form?! As soon as this idea appeared in their minds, they immediately denied it, and everyone knew,

If the chaotic spirits did not say that they were real, then they would not be able to stand here intact now.

But this idea is like a gangrene attached to the bone, lingering.

Lu Chengqi’s face changed, and he wanted to explain,

But I haven’t opened my mouth yet.

But I felt a flicker in front of my eyes, and the blue light flashed,

“Shi Wei is the vice captain of my Spirit Hunting Team, and if anyone dares to say anything more, I will kill him.”

Xiao Yueqing’s body stood tall, and his tone was extremely cold and solemn!

The long black sword in her hand was facing the crowd straight, and it had turned ice blue again.

A little chill,

There was even a faint clanging sound! The hearts of the people were frozen, and they all knew,

That was a change that would only occur after injecting extraordinary power, Xiao Yueqing was not joking!

A faint murderous breath emanated from her body, making her waist-length ice-blue hair flutter softly,

Xiao Yueqing’s eyes looked indifferently at the members of the Spirit Hunting Team in front of her, even her own subordinates of the Spirit Hunting Team.

Determined and fearless,

That was the awe-inspiring momentum that would only come after killing countless Chaos Spirits! The mood of the crowd suddenly changed,

Xiao Yueqing, who is known as the beauty of the iceberg, has always only carried out tasks.

Never make a connection with anyone other than the task, and at the moment,

Why did he turn his sword at his teammates for the sake of being unspoken?! Xiao Yueqing herself did not know why there was such a reaction,

When she first heard those words, her heart tightened,

And then subconsciously made this reaction, and waited until she came back.

The words have been spoken, the sword has been sheathed,

But Xiao Yueqing did not have too much entanglement, since the words came out of her mouth, then she had to bear the corresponding consequences, she had always been so.

In the tense atmosphere, He persuaded the wine to roll his eyes, and then smiled and groaned at the opening,

“Little beauty, don’t be angry, everyone has never said anything, and no one has heard anything~”

As she spoke, she looked back behind her with a smile on her face, “Let’s talk about one or the other, right?” ”

The crowd reacted immediately,

Busy nodding his head, he echoed in unison,

“Right, right, nothing just happened!”

He persuaded the wine to nod satisfactorily,

Turning his head again, still with a smile on his face,

Fingers slowly placed on the tip of Xiao Yueqing’s sword, carefully pressing down,

“There are also two former teachers of the Division, and now we must work together and not cause trouble without saying anything, right?”

Xiao Yueqing’s expression relaxed, and he let out a breath of blue breath, and gave a sigh of grace,

Then put the sword into the sheath……… The crowd was finally relieved,


In the eyes of all the male players present without saying a word, at this moment there is more admiration than shock.

Actually allowing Xiao Yueqing to do such an out-of-the-ordinary thing, the charm of the unspoken words is really terrifying!

Shi Wuyan did not know what was behind him at the moment, and his mood was very happy now,

After the First World War on the North River,

His spell control became more and more skilled,

Originally, when he had just launched the maximum output of “Cang”, he was still a little worried that he would not control the strength and accuracy well, so he let Xiao Yueqing and He persuade them to retire in advance, afraid that they would hurt them by mistake.

As a result, I did not expect that after using it, it was unexpectedly smooth,

It’s like holding a remote control in your hand.

And “Cang” is like a sophisticated remote control aircraft, moving completely according to his own mind,

The feeling of being like an arm to a finger is really inexplicably cheerful! And in front of him,

Gratt and Lychee looked a little shocked, if it weren’t for the white-sided butterfly obeying their instructions,

Instead, turn to attack their words, under such numbers,

Enough to make the quantitative change into a qualitative change, the two people asked themselves,

Even if they have reached the special level,

It was also an extremely troublesome thing to remove so many fourth-level chaos spirits at once.


When I think about what just happened,

Gratt and Raich looked at each other, and the red light in their eyes swelled,

The skin of the face is constantly twitching,

It was an excitement that came from a very strong excitement! The look of amazement on their faces has disappeared,

In its place is a more intense emotion of greed and longing than before! After a few words of whispered discussion at a very fast pace,

He showed a satisfied look, and then,

Gratt then set his eyes on Shi Wuyi’s body, and walked forward with a sly smile!

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