Gratt and Lech,

as the priest of the old division,

Not only can it induce the corresponding evil thoughts in other people’s bodies, but also the evil thoughts they have can be called the most in the world! The gluttonous teaching Gratt thinks about eating all the time, no matter how much food he eats,

His stomach will never be filled, and he will still feel boundless hunger!

The Erotic Teacher Lai Qi is always full of affection, she longs for all about physical intercourse,

And there is a strong pursuit of all sensory stimulation!

And the strong fragrance emitted by the unique mantra power of Shi Buyan’s body was just at that moment,

Reached the pinnacle they had ever seen in their lives! Coupled with the fact that after taking off the blindfold without saying a word, the face that can be called the ceiling is against the sky,

Let Lai Qi burst out of a strong sense of excitement at that moment, even making her whole person almost faint!

At this moment, the two people could not even care about the white-sided butterflies who were destroyed, and there was only one thought in their minds,

Eat him, eat without saying a word!

As long as you can taste that wonderful delicacy, no matter how much you pay,

It’s all worth it!

The corners of Grat’s mouth flowed with saliva, and the dripping drops fell to the ground, and his mouth slowly opened, opening wider and wider,

Even the corners of his mouth were strangely torn apart, and the whole person’s body leaned back.

The mouth is facing the direction of the cave roof. The next moment, two pale hands suddenly reached out of his mouth, and then grabbed his upper and lower lips,

Break it hard, and then the crowd saw in horror,

An extremely thin young man emerged from that mouth! His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Gratt before.

It’s just that the appearance is much younger,

He looked even less than twenty years old, on his parched belly,

Inscribed with a red fly pattern representing gluttony, the skin of the whole person looks miserable,

The skin on the chest was tightly pressed against the bone, and the bones were as thin as wood,

It looks like you haven’t eaten for a long time. And the previous body,

At this moment, it had become like a fallen balloon and collapsed, and the newborn Gratt casually threw it aside,

And then slowly walk towards the time without saying a word,

And his momentum also increased step by step, after a few steps,

His footsteps stomped on the ground,

A powerful aura belonging to the special grade then burst out, violently shaking the dust under his feet into a layer of dust!

This is the true essence of the old priesthood! The next moment,

His figure flashed,

In an instant, he came to the top of Shi Wuyi’s head, and a fist broke open the air and slammed into Shi Wuyi! Without saying a word, he immediately held out his right hand,

Tightly clenched Grat’s fist, Grat’s fist was blocked,

His left leg was bent in an instant, and a red glow appeared on it.

Then a violent knee bump went extremely fast towards the unspoken abdomen! Bang!

Without saying a word, he was still one step faster, and his left foot kicked out a second first,

Kick straight at the opponent’s calf bone, blocking Gratt’s attack!


A strong wave of energy began with the contact point of the two legs, and suddenly spread out towards the surroundings!

Appeared like a fierce wind,

Dust and air waves blew the hair of everyone in the Spirit Hunting Team!

“Good value for money”

Gratt’s eyes lit up,

Staring sharply at the moment in front of him, he stopped in mid-air,

A more powerful force emerged, and then the body fell,

Crazy downward dead pressed to the time without a word! His current form,

That’s what he is.

It’s a whole double the strength of the previous look! The strong strength shown by the time without words,

I had to let him decide to use this form to make a quick decision! The unspoken eyes flashed with a different color,

The speed of the other party is indeed extremely fast,

If it weren’t for the blessing of the six eyes, he would be able to pass through the trajectory of spiritual power,

to predict the enemy’s moves,

Just your own leg out may not be faster than Gratt! suddenly

The force in Gratt’s hands increased again,

A resolute force erupted from his body,

Even the feet that did not say anything were pressed into the ground! Lu Chengqi’s face changed,

But he did not dare to open his mouth, afraid that he would not be distracted by the time, and could only bite his lip deadly,

This was the first time she had seen it, but she had the upper hand in strength, was the former priest really so terrible?!

Gratt had a sly smile on his face,

“What, are you starting to regret coming here?”


The next second,

But he saw a trace of doubt in the eyes of the other party, and then the unspoken voice sounded.

“Is this the power of the special class?”

There seemed to be a hint of undisguised disappointment in the tone. Gratt was furious,

His arms swelled sharply, and the green tendons on his thin arms sprang up,

Suddenly, the whole person flew out! meantime

His figure flashed,

The whole person instantly came to the sky without saying a word, and hugged with both fists,

Smash it down! Bang!

The silent body smashed directly into the ground, instantly smashing a big pit on the ground!

The people of the Spirit Hunting Team took a breath of cool air at this moment, and they couldn’t believe what they saw.

Time to say defeated?!

“Time is silent!”

Jiang Yi’er suddenly cried out, and tears came out of his eyes,

The one who had been standing in front of her to protect her did not say a word, but at the moment he was being attacked by the Chaos Spirit!

Jiang Yi’er ran towards the time without saying a word,

Even if you are invincible, you can’t let Shi Wuyan face this kind of crisis alone!

It’s just that she just took a step,

He was directly held by Lu Chengqi, and Xiao Yueqing also stood in front of her.

Blocked the way.

“Didn’t you say he was the strongest, then believe him… He’s not a man of this magnitude. ”

Jiang Yi’er’s crying suddenly stopped,

His eyes burned and he glanced at Xiao Yueqing’s back, and then wiped his tears,

Cast your eyes on that big pit. Gratt stood at the edge of the pit,

Looking at the dust in front of him with a mocking face,

“Without saying a word, you are really strong, the strongest of all the human beings I have ever seen.”

“Unfortunately, I’m stronger than you!” However, I can give you a chance to join us and become an evolutionary, with your strength, just join us, everything in the world, you can get at your fingertips!

Even, with your potential, you may become the teacher of the old division in the future, and become the top great being in the world! ”

Gratt had his arms outstretched, and there was a hint of madness in his look.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, that’s where the faint voice of the power of the special class sounds,”

It made everyone in the Spirit Hunting Team look happy, but it made Gratt’s expression stagnate! The silent figure emerges from the dust, repeating the words again,

The meaning of disappointment is even stronger, as if being told by others,

I have papaya you eat or not, and as a result happily open the box,

But I found that inside were two erasers.


Gratt looked horrified,

Looking at the relaxed posture of not even wearing the mouth of the clothes, for the first time a fear began to appear in his eyes.

He never put Shi Bu Yan in his eyes from beginning to end, that is, Shi Bu Yan killed Xia Lotte,

Even killed the first-level body of Lai Qi, but he still didn’t care.

Because of the first and special level,

It is basically two different beings, even the weakest special level,

Can easily crush the strongest level with one hand, and as far as Gratt knows,

In the entire sixteen guards, the existing super strong people will not exceed the number of five fingers.

And the time is not in this list,

So Gratt has not been in the eye for the strength before the time is not spoken,

Even if he had just wiped out tens of thousands of butterflies in front of them in an instant, Gratt was only shocked and valued.

There is no slightest fear, because,

He did not see Shi Buyan as a being of the same rank. But just now,

His attack under hatred, even if it is the same special rank of Lai Qi,

It can’t be as safe and unharmed as it is now! At this moment, he sighed softly,

Then the figure flashed and disappeared from the pit in an instant,

Appeared in front of Grat! Rumble!

Gratt hasn’t reacted yet.

He was directly grabbed by Shi Wuyi’s head, and then slammed into the soil,

Suddenly, the ground collapsed! The waves are rolling!

“Do you know that it is very impolite not to answer other people’s questions?”

When not to say a cold opening…

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